And most “natural medicines” that have a proven effect on cancer cells are usually unable to eradicate said cancer completely.
I think combining both is what is showing to have the most promise in research now from what I've read.
I.e fasting can radically improve chemotherapy success
For example, multiple cycles of fasting combined with chemotherapy cured 20 percent of mice with a highly aggressive type of children’s neuroendocrine cancer that had spread throughout the organism and 40 percent of mice with a more limited spread of the same cancer. No mice survived in either case if treated only with chemotherapy.
I find that really fascinating personally, 0% compared to say 20% or 40%....also slows progression of tumors like chemo does.
That marijuana lung cancer article was pretty eye opening, I've heard claims that there was no statistically significant increase in cancer risk which it clearly refutes.
Smoking in general isn't something you should do, regardless of what you actually smoke.
And I agree that natural remedies can be used alongside traditional treatment, as long as the doctor knows about it. Wouldn't want any bad side effects.