Ultimate Wrestling Season 2 - Ch. 10: Friday Night Clash 16! Part - 1

in #fiction4 years ago (edited)



New Orleans: 96 hours until FNC-16

Victor Vendredi, the Baron of Earth, rowed a small boat toward an old wooden dock about fifty yards away. Across from him sat Monica Vastrix, Jeremiah's mother. Monica had spent a great deal of time with Victor since he had decided to work for Hammer Industries. Victor felt that joining forces with Jeremiah and his mother gave him his best chance to use his gifts as Baron of Earth to better humankind. Monica found Victor fascinating. Together, she hoped they could undo some of the damage her deranged husband caused before his death.

Victor docked the small rowboat and anchored it before stepping up onto the dock. He then helped Monica up out of the boat before turning around and letting out a loud sigh. It had been over two years since Victor had left home to try and sway Sato to his cause of saving the world. Two years since he had last seen the woman who had given birth to him in that very swamp. Two years since his mother, Adwowa Vendredi, had passed on the responsibility of Baroness of Earth over to him. Since failing to stop the North Korean missile strike, Victor had felt like a failure. He had been avoiding going back home and was dreading the thought of having to see the disappointment in her eyes.

The two of them made their way off the dock and into a large wooded forested area. It was late into the witching hour, and the forest was black as death, save for a roaring fire emanating a glow some two hundred yards away from them. Monica could not help feeling her anxiety rising as they pushed ahead into what felt like a very haunted woodland. Monica sparked up a conversation with Victor to try and ease her nerves.

Monica: I hope your mother will not be too angry with you. I know you seemed a little hesitant about me tagging along.

Victor: My mother enjoys having guests. I think she will be interested in meeting you since I have given up a life as an athlete to come work for you and Jeremiah.

Monica: Any proper mother would want to know what her son is doing with his life. Considering the title she bestowed upon you, I think she will have more than a vested interest in everything you have been working with us.

Victor: Yes, I gather she will if she is not already aware... Fair warning, my mother is... well, she's a strange woman. Wise and knowledgeable as she is eccentric. Do not be deceived by her looks. My mother is older than both of us put together and has seen a great deal.

Monica: Bloody fantastic if you ask me. Any chance I can get some advice on how to reverse the wrinkles on this old bat's face?

Victor: Hah! Perhaps.

The two soon arrived at Adwowa's old wooden cabin. The front door swung open almost immediately upon their arrival. Out stepped a beautiful black woman dressed in African robes with a turban wrapped around her head. Around her neck sat a golden amulet that rested upon her chest on an old-looking tweed necklace with lion's teeth strung through it. She also wore large golden hooped earrings on both of her ears. She had very long fingernails painted and manicured to perfection.

Adwowa: Ahhh! Hah ha! Finally, after all this time, my prodigal son returns to my swamp! Hehee, haha, hooo!

Victor: Hello, mother. It is good to see you.

Adwowa: I see you've brought a friend. The wife of that mass murdering white devil Michael Vastrix! You're a brave woman stepping foot on this hallowed ground before me, woman!

Monica: I assure you, Mrs. Vendredi, I am working night and day tirelessly with my son Jeremiah and Victor to fix things. I know I was his wife, but I was a very foolish lass when I married Michael.

Adwowa: Ha! Hooo! Far be it I, woman, to criticize your taste in men! I've been on this planet for a very long time and have still yet to find a truly good man. Michael Vastrix is a saint compared to the thing that calls himself Victor's father.

Monica: Oooh. I believe I smell a long story there...

Victor: For another time! Mother, we are here on business. We need guidance from you. I failed to form a friendship with Sato. I could not neutralize the North Korean missile strike in time to save Los Angeles and Seattle. Mother, I have failed at every turn, and the fires do not speak to me as they once did!

Adwowa: Hah! The fires speak just fine! It is you that is the problem, my son! Your third eye is clouded, your mind burdened by depression and guilt.

Victor: Then help me to see!

Victor dramatically dropped to his knees and began to weep quietly in front of his mother and Monica Vastrix. The solemn tearful look on his face filled Adwowa with great emotion and sadness deep within her heart. Adwowa slowly reached into a small bag and threw a white powder on the campfire next to them. A robust purple smoke erupted, and an iridescent glow engulfed the group and the campfire ground.

Adwowa: Look into the fire, my son. See what this world would be like if not for you and your strange friends.

Monica stared into the flames, astounded as she looked upon another world as if she were watching it unfold on an old television. Victor opened his eyes wide as he stood audience to a "World War 3" that never happened in their world. The horror of watching life on Earth vaporized in a matter of minutes was difficult for both of them to handle. Once the violence had stopped, Monica and Vendredi bore witness to a world devoid of almost all life. That was a world in which the Ultimate Wrestling roster never escaped the Emperors Death Sport tournament. A world where Michael Vastrix's full arsenal was released upon the United States by North Korea, kicking off a full-scale nuclear world war.

Adwowa: You see! The fires do not lie, my son! You and your allies prevented a great cataclysm! You should be proud, not guilt-ridden!

Victor: But mother, all those millions... gone in a literal flash...

Adwowa: Yes, it was not a total victory, but in life, most things rarely are. Take solace that it could have been much worse and move on. Your alliance with this woman and her cyborg son has proved fruitful, has it not?

Victor: Yes, we are bringing in food from a parallel universe using a device Hammer Industries calls the "Augur" to help with the food shortages.

Monica: Yes, and the companies' funds are going towards Los Angeles and Seattle's rebuilding. Our autonomous robots have almost finished clearing out the destruction. Soon will be heading into the design phase. We want to make Neo Los Angeles and Neo Seattle an example of what a 21st-century city can be.

Adwowa: Adwowa is pleased to hear this. You honor the title of Baron of Earth, my Victor. Yet, danger still lurks at every corner, and you must stay vigilant.

Victor: Yes, mother...

Adwowa: When was the last time you met with the League of Barons?

Monica: The League of Barons?

Victor: Not since I left... although one Baron from the Earth closest to ours has become interested in me. Another Victor Vendredi... He even possed my body while I was a prisoner in North Korea. He helped me convince Sato that the future I spoke of was real, and we had to find a way to escape if we wanted to save the world.

Adwowa shook her head, not happy with the answer. Barons were supposed to help each other, but she'd never heard of a Baron from another world taking possession of another. It was dangerous, reckless, and frowned upon by the League. Adwowa wondered, "what on Earth could have possessed this Baron to do such a thing?"

Adwowa: Whoever this Baron is, he must have some vested interest to go to such lengths to help you... I cannot speak for him, but I believe there has to be a powerful reason for him to risk so much. Regardless it is past time that you meet with the League. I will prepare the room for your travel.

Monica: Excuse me... I don't follow. Where are we going?

Adwowa: Hah! Haha! Hooo! Where Victor goes, you cannot follow! Come, Adwowa will explain all!

Adwowa led them into the old cabin. Monica noticed a kettle was already boiling water when they stepped inside. Adwowa placed various special herbs in a cup and then poured in the boiling water to release their powerful attributes. She then had Victor go to his old bedroom and drink the tea. Monica Vastrix looked on as Victor's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he fell into a deep sleep. Adwowa assured Monica that they could speak and that nothing would wake Victor now until he returned.

Monica: Exactly what is happening? I understand the idea of there being an astral plane, but where is his consciousness traveling?

Adwowa: Victor's soul transcends his body and will soon be navigating his consciousness to the center point of all that is, was, and will be.

Monica: Yes... you called it "the axis of space and time," I believe?

Adwowa: Indeed. It is where all Barons of Earth from the entire Multiverse come together to share knowledge, power, and ideas for the benefit of all creation throughout infinity. When a Baron needs help or guidance, the collective will always guide them to many possible solutions.

Monica: Oh, my stars and garters... that's fascinating. It sounds almost like a collective consciousness the way you describe it.

Adwowa: Come, Victor will be a while. I'd like for us to get to know each other since it seems my son will be spending so much time with you for the foreseeable future.

Monica: I could go for a cup of tea. None of that psychedelic stuff, though!

Adwowa: Haha, hehe, hoo! Good one! Come, let us sit and chat.

The two older women walked into the old wooden cabin's kitchen. Adwowa filled the kettle with well water from the faucet and placed it on her wood stove's burner. Monica sat down at a small dining table that only had two chairs and waited for Adowowa to sit down across from her before speaking.

Monica: I have to be honest. I felt more nervous about meeting you than my upcoming meeting with the President of the United States. Your reputation in these parts is widespread and transcends all age groups. It seemed no matter who I spoke to in downtown New Orleans they knew the legend of Adwowa, the Voodoo Queen.

Adwowa: Haha, yes. I'm afraid I've been in these parts since before this country was formed. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation. It seems every fifty years or so, the stories get wilder and wilder.

Monica: Hmmm, yes, legend has a way of taking a life of its own after time.

Adwowa: So you're going to meet with that racist orange fool in the White House, are you?

Monica: Indeed. . . The meeting was set to discuss the rebuilding plans for Neo Los Angeles and Neo Seattle. However, I plan to tear him a new asshole. He sent an assassin to Mexico to kill my Jeremiah after all we've done to help him and the American people.

Adwowa: Yes, I have seen this in the fires... It Twas because of the video your son released. The one that showed where and how those giant robotic monstrosities are being built.

Monica: More than likely, that's what angered him. Now the world knows he's been using forced slave labor.

Adwowa: I'm sure he will find a way to claim it was fake. A word of warning, confronting him will not go well. The fires have shown you locked in a cell held against your will. I must advise against it...

Monica: I see... Well, I don't care! It's long past time someone gave that big baby a proper talking to. Plus, I'd love to see what the British media will say about the President locking up a woman of Britain's High Society for no reason!

Adwowa: Hah! Hoho! Now Adwowa sees why my son likes you so much. You've got a fighting spirit! Adwowa likes that!

Adwowa slid her chair out from the small dining table and went to her special medicine cupboard. From it, she pulled out a small bag of white powder. She turned around with a wicked smile on her face before walking to Monica Vastrix and handing her the little bag of powder.

Adwowa: When the time is right, throw this powerful substance in his face.

Monica: What does it do?

Adwowa: It will force his third eye open for the first time and allow the spirit world to commune with him. The dead Presidents of the past are not happy with him, and they wish to make their feelings known. Think of it as a parting gift to leave him with when security comes to escort you out of the oval office.

Monica: Fascinating...


On the astral plane, Victor now found himself making his way through the superflow of space and time. A highway pipeline that allowed his soul to travel through time, space, and the Multiverse. Unlike Jeremiah, who needed science, math, and the Augur's power to open a portal to a neighboring dimension. Vendredi had the power of voodoo and years of training from Adwowa to do things the Augur could and never would be able to do. The superflow was a tubular Collidascope of color, energy, and sound. It wasn't easy to find the center point of everything without immense concentration. Visions of the past, the future, and infinite other worlds flashed before Victor driving him almost mad. Yet, the Baron of Earth 313 persevered on. After multiple hours, Victor finally saw the opening in the superflow he was looking for. Victor's consciousness was sucked out and into the realm known axis of time and space. Inexplicably the Baron of Earth 313 stood before the impressive infinite temple of the League of Barrons.

Vendredi stepped forward and entered the eternal temple until he reached the communion room that seemed to run on forever into eternity. For most people, this would be disorienting, but this wasn't Victor's first rodeo. Suddenly the eldest Barron alive throughout the Multiverse stood from his great seat and greeted Victory with open arms and salutations.

Eldest Baron of Earth 999: Welcome young Victor Vendredi! Welcome home to the League of Barons! Congratulations on stopping your first mass extinction event on Earth 313! We all salute you and your effort!

The entire infinite League stood up and saluted Victor for his fine effort. Their clapping and applause shook the very foundation that the temple stood on, which unsettled Victor tremendously.

Victor: I uh... thank you. Thank you, great Baron, of all Barons!

Eldest Baron: You have earned a rightful seat among us young man and will serve as an adequate replacement for your mother, Adwowa.

Suddenly a stairway opened almost magically in front of Victor, and an empty seat appeared amongst his new peers. Victor quickly made his way up the stairs and sat down, wanting to get out of the limelight as fast as possible. It wasn't until he sat down that he noticed that the Baron of Earth 312, who had first motivated him to befriend Takuma Sato and had helped him save his world, was sitting next to him. Victor was thankful that life on his Earth was not wiped out, but this particular Baron annoyed him. He had his mother's sense of humor, and every time he looked at him, it was like looking into a mirror of what he would like in 25 years. To say that it was unsettling would be the understatement of the year. The discussion of the day went on as the Eldest Baron continued his lecture on doomsday scenario prevention.

Vendredi E-312: Ha! Ha! Hoo! Welcome aboard, fellow Baron!

Victor V E-313: Ahh... thanks... look, man... I appreciate the help you gave me, but taking over my body the way you did when I was in North Korea... it was not cool, man.

Vendredi E-312: Hah! Hahaha! Hoo! Do you know what is "cool" young Victor?

Victor V E-313: Keep your voice down, man... I've attracted enough attention as it is coming in late to the temple.

Vendredi E-312: Hahaha! There is no early, and there is no late here! Victor Vendredi of Earth 312 thinks it's pretty cool that you have a world that's not a nuclear wasteland. Hoo! hah! Ha! I only wish I had this kind of help from an elder version of myself when I was your age.

Victor V E-313: This shit is so wierd man.

Victor V E-312: Still, my words are valid. Now listen, young one. You must find Sato and stop this Rebel of Society movement. In my world, it only led to chaos and the eventual death of all my friends and allies.

Victor V E-313: Yeah gramps, well, your world isn't run by a racist jackass hellbent on bending America to his will.

Victor V E-312: Hah! This is true, but many believed John McCain was attempting to do the same in my world.

Victor V E-313: John McCain! Hah! That sounds like a dream compared to Ronald McStrump! Hilarious... John McCain, what I wouldn't give.

Victor V E-312: Yes... well, your John McCain was a good and honorable man. Ours was a corporate sell-out who did everything he could to make sure the wealthy got wealthier and the poor got poorer. However, when we rose up and tried to fight it, we only made things worse. I fear that the same may happen in your world.

Victor V E-313: Dude? I'm not sure how much you see of my world, but there are riots already every day in almost every major city. We may have stopped Michael Vastrix from completing his full strike on the west coast of America, but Los Angeles and Seattle are gone! Millions are dead, and others are now displaced, unemployed, or starving. There are even rumors that the Russian government is controlling our President... I mean, I could go on all day. If you ask me? I think the R.O.S. is right to fight back, and it's the least of my worries.

Victor V E-312: Mmmmm Yes... Perhaps you are right. However, taking the fight to him with violence, like the Rebel's plan, will only provoke him more to shoehorn himself into a dictatorship to protect himself. What do you think he will do when they come for him in the Whitehouse? Hmmm? Hah! He will fight back like a caged animal, uncaring of who dies and who suffers. The only way for your world to be rid of this man is to vote him out unequivocally by a landslide.

The young Victor let out a long sigh of frustration.

Victor V E-313: Maybe your right... his poll numbers are dismal. The only people supporting him still are white supremacists, fringe militia groups, and the weakwilled ass-kissing members of his political party. His new plan seems to be to discredit the entire voting process. I think he plans to dispute the validity of the democratic process as a whole by claiming widespread fraud.

Victor V E-312: That seems unfeasible young one. There are too many checks and balances in the U.S. voting process for him to be able to pull something so ludicrous off. I do not believe your America to be that corrupt. Trust me, violence sometimes can bring about democracy, but sometimes it can destroy it. Revolution is a good thing in certain situations, but it comes at a price. Sometimes the revolutions are lost, and the price is even greater. Right now, it feels like your world has gone through enough trials and tribulations for one decade. Find Takuma Sato, talk some sense into him. I have seen it in the fires that he is flying to New York right now to be on a television News show. His actions will have a significant impact on the trajectory your Earth takes.

Victor V E-313: How do you know all this? Don't you have an Earth of your own to look out for?

The elder Vendredi of Earth 312's usual happy expression changed to an overly somber one. A tear rolled down his cheek before he turned away from his younger counterpart. It was clear that Victor had touched a nerve.

Victor V E-312: No. I do not... Now go, you don't have time to waste.


New York City: 48 hours until FNC-16

Sato felt the wheels of the M.O.X. owned Boeing 777 touch down at J.F.K. international airport. Taku had been invited to New York City to be on M.O.X. News number one rated opinion news show Parker Karlsson Tonight personally by political commentator Mr. Karlsson himself. M.O.X. Media Mogul and owner of Ultimate Wrestling Rupert Mudcock had insisted that Sato attend the guest spot on the show. Taku was unsure if Mr. Mudcock was high on the painkillers that the doctors had put him on or if he had some hidden agenda behind it. Takuma was not new to being a famous athlete who supported the Rebels of Society, Antifa, and the B.L.M. movement publicly with his platform. However, he couldn't shake the feeling this was a trap. That maybe M.O.X. news had uncovered that he was the third person involved in the I.C.E. facility prison break.

Once he'd picked up his luggage from baggage claim, went through customs, and passed through the final security checkpoint, Sato made his way out the exit of the airport. A privately owned M.O.X. limousine that had been arranged by Rupert was waiting for him. At the front of the limousine sat two hired guards on motorcycles who seemed to be there to keep the rabble away. The limousine driver helped Sato put his backpack in the car's trunk and then opened the door for him. Taku got into the limousine and instantly felt uncomfortable. He wasn't accustomed to such luxurious methods of travel.

As the limousine pulled out of J.F.K. airport and onto the freeway, Taku noticed smoke coming from multiple New York City spots. The last time Taku was in New York was for the big meeting with the other heads of the new coalition of social justice groups. The group had been formed in the wake of multiple tragedies that had befallen the United States. Sato was now the de facto leader of the Rebels of Society since Ares's capture. Senator Ernie Flanders had tried to persuade Sato to calm the other group leaders down. To convince them violence would not solve their problems, and that change through democracy was the only path forward.

Unfortunately for the Senator, just before the meeting was to occur, riots broke out in Minneapolis, Detroit, and Atlanta. The people already at their breaking had revolted over the death of a defenseless black man named Boyd Loyd at a police officer's hands. With emotions running high, Taku and the other leaders ignored Flanders and agreed it was time to trigger "Project Insurrection." A plan Ares Metaxas had conceived where radical liberal cells in every major city would be tapped to start riots. Chaos in the streets in all fifty states with the end goal of removing President Ronald McStrump from office.

Project Insurrection was now in full swing. Every city in America had a protest taking place or massive riots where buildings were being burned to the ground, and businesses were being looted. Fourteen straight days of violent clashes with police and chaos reigning in the streets had been the only thing on every major news network. Sato knew that it would likely be the meat of the subject matter Parker wanted to debate him on. As the limousine pulled off the freeway into downtown Manhatten, Sato was taken back at the mayhem taking place. He began to second-guess the choice they had all made at the meeting. Perhaps Ernie Flanders was right...

The limousine came to a dead stop due to a massive traffic jam being caused by a police force roadblock due to demonstrations taking place. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the limousine was engulfed by a thick cloud of smoke. The grey cloud blinded the guards on the motorcycles and the driver of the limousine as well. Sato began to panic as the smoke started to leak into the cabin of the automobile. Sato heard his passenger side door open, and he felt the grasp of a large man rip him out of the limousine. His abductor dragged him into an alleyway and threw him violently onto the alleyway's cold, damp concrete. Sato looked up and was shocked to see Victor Vendredi, self-proclaimed "Baron of Earth," standing before him with his arms crossed. Sato got up off the ground, cleaning himself off before walking straight up to Victor and shoving him with both his arms.

Sato: What's the big idea? Huh? You kidnaping me now? I told you on the flight home from China to stay the hell away from me!

Victor:I needed to speak with you, and I knew this would be the only way to get you to agree to it.

Sato: You can't just rip people out of their fucking car like that and expect them to hear you out. You weird-ass! What the fuck do you want? I got important things to do today!

Victor: I've come because I know I have fifty, fifty shot and talking out of what your about to do. If you go on that opinion news show and rile up the masses even more than they already are, this country will spiral out of control!

Sato: Look around you, Victor! This country is already out of fucking control! Our President is an insane liar! Seattle and Los Angeles were wiped off the map by North Korea under his watch! Millions are homeless, hungry, and unemployed! This country and this world is a mess!

Victor: We're all doing our best to help the people, brother, but going on national television and pouring gasoline on the fire is going to help. If you come with me, I could show you all the good things Hammer Industries and I are doing to fix it.

Sato: Fix what? The damage they caused in the first place? I'm glad that they're trying to clean up their mess. Imagine if we weren't there to stop them from launching every one of those damn missiles. As far as I'm concerned, Hammer Industries should be dropping billions of dollars in helicopter money all over the United States.

Victor: You might be right; however, the companies funds, while massive, are not unlimited. Were providing food for the shelters, we've done the hard work of clean up the destruction and want to be part of the rebuilding effort.

Sato: That's great. I'm sure it will ease Jeremiah's consciousness and allow that egomaniac cyborg to plaster his name all over his Neo Los Angeles and Seattle. Aren't you a little concerned that two of America's most prominent cities will be practically owned by the largest corporation in the world? A corporation that, until last year, only manufactured weapons of mass destruction!

Victor: I... I...

Sato: Look, Victor. You were right about the growing danger in North Korea. I don't know how you knew what you learned about their plans and War Hammer. I don't even try to begin to understand how y*our hocus pocus visions of the future even work. All I know is that your dead wrong this time. Standing idly by and letting McStrump turn this democracy into a dictatorship is a mistake!

Victor: You haven't seen what I've seen in the fires! Your backing that monster into a corner, and you don't know what he's capable of!

Sato: I refuse to live in fear! I refuse to believe that our destiny is predetermined and that you can see the outcome! Life is a delicate balance of fate and free will! Destiny brings us all opportunities, and those opportunities are what we make of them.

Victor: All you will make from this is chaos, and you know it!

Sato: Listen, Victor, it's excellent all the things that you're doing with Jeremiah. If it eases the pain of our failure in North Korea, then I'm happy for you both. I'm a realist, and the reality is that this country is circling the drain! The problems that the Rebels of Society are fighting for can't be fixed with money! These are problems that have been festering long before McStrump, War Hammer, or America, for that matter. America was an experiment in democracy. It was formed to create a society that could be egalitarian and equal, but it was flawed from the very start.

Victor: I don't need you to tell me that, Takuma!

Sato: I know! So why are you trying to stop me! Stop us! This system of government was cutting edge in 1776! When it was birthed, there was nothing like it! Not since ancient Greece or Rome, but like those before, it's grown obsolete! The time has come for it all to be burned down and for humanity to try again!

Victor: And what if what comes next is far worse than what we have now? What then?

Sato: Open your eyes, Victor; you can't possibly believe that McStrump will vacate the office peacefully. He's already sowing doubt in the democratic process, making claims of rampant voter fraud because poll numbers are so bad! The only way will be rid of him is through a revolution, and you know it!

Victor: You should listen to Flanders... Let the democratic process unfold! There are checks and balances in place to prevent McStrump from turning into a dictator!

Sato: He's corrupted all our institutions, and you knew it! The supreme court is now full of judges he's appointed! He's fired the head of the C.I.A., F.B.I., and the Defense Secretary and placed loyalists in their place. If that's not the move a man planning to undermine our democracy, then I don't know what is! Now out of my way!

Vendredi had let his guard down while the two had been shouting at each other. Victor had relaxed his body language in an attempt to try to get Sato to calm down. Unfortunately for Victor, it opened him up to attack, and the martial arts savant clobbered him with a spinning heel kicked that knocked him off balance. The blow sent Victor headfirst into a stainless steel dumpster knocking the Baron of Earth unconscious. Victor's body collapsed onto the cold, wet concrete with a surprising thud. Sato stared down at his abductor with an angry expression on his face just as the gloomy sky lit up with lightning. A crack of thunder echoed throughout the alleyway, and rain began to cascade down on them. Sato collected himself and then walked away from Vendredi and back toward the limousine from which he'd been pulled.


Sato sat in the guest chair while the M.O.X. makeup crew dusted him with some sort of makeup powder. The newsroom's chaos made Sato nervous, and Parker Karlsson was staring at him like he was his mortal enemy wasn't making things any less stressful. The M.O.X. News opinion personality was dressed to the nine and sporting a fancy pink bowtie with polka dots. He looked ready for a fight, and Sato knew as soon they locked eyes when he first sat down that this man had invited him onto his show to destroy him publicly in the court of public opinion. Sato felt his heart begin to race as the countdown for live air time began.

Producer: 3...2...1... we're live!

Parker: Well, good evening! For months now, I've discussed the topic of the dangers of the mob mentality. With protests and riots taking place in almost every major city in America, my greatest fears have seemingly become a reality. The indiscriminate use of violence by mobs is a danger to all Americans of all colors, backgrounds, and beliefs. Democracy can simply not exist when people are rioting. Rioting is a form of tyranny, and it can be used to strip away your civil liberties as Americans.

With every word uttered by Karlsson, Sato grew more infuriated. To him, the only tyranny hurting people was coming from the Whitehouse and not from the people he was fighting for. Parker could tell he was getting under his guest's skin even before introducing him to his audience and began to pour gasoline on the fire that was growing inside Takuma.

Parker: The Rebels of Society, Black Lives Matter, and all the others that make up this crazy coalition of social justice warriors would have you believe that there on the right side of history. That "this moment" that we are all living through right now is about social justice and helping the disenfranchised. Well, I think that this moment may be about a lot of things, but it's definitely not about black lives, and you better remember that. Remember that when they come for you, and at this rate, they will. Anyone who's ever been subjected to the rage of a mob knows precisely what I'm talking about. It's like being swarmed by locusts, and the temptation is for all of us to panic, but we can't panic. We've all got to keep our heads and fight for the truth. That's why I've invited celebrity athlete and professional wrestler Takuma Sato to my show today. He's a proud high ranking member of Rebels of Society and has been a constant critic of the President since his first days in office. Takuma, welcome to the Parker Karlsson show.

The camera cut away from Parker to Sato, who was flabbergasted by the television host's racist statements.

Sato: You can't be serious?

Parker: I'm one hundred percent serious, Mr. Sato.

Sato: A white police officer held his knee on a man's neck for eight minutes, and forty-six seconds suffocating him to death. The whole world saw it for what it was and freaked out, and you don't think this is about black lives or disenfranchised minorities? You don't believe that this about how they're treated in this country?

Parker: Perhaps it is to some people on the streets right now protesting, but not your group, not the "The Rebels of Society." No, not for you, Rebel's, for you, it's about taking down capitalism! It's about turning America into some kind of communist Russia! It's about class warfare and wealth redistribution!

Sato: Hey, it's no secret that the R.O.S. has been fighting for higher pay for low-income workers, higher taxes on 1%, and corporations, but that's not everything we're about, and you know it. We've been on the front lines fighting against white nationalism and Nazi groups who've felt empowered since this racist President was elected. To make us out to be some sort of communist revolutionaries is an absurd idea and a flat out lie.

Parker: President McStrump is not a racist. He just tells the uncomfortable truth about reality and then gets attacked for it. You can't use violence against people who march in the streets no matter what is there chanting. This is America, and the constitution protects your freedom of speech no matter if your Nazi or not. Those people had permits for their march. You rebels had no right to fight with them in Brandenburg, Kentucky, or Charlottesville, for that matter. Your little war on the streets caused countless damage to businesses and put dozens upon dozens of innocent people in the hospital. Sometimes it is best to turn a deaf ear to these small Nazi groups rather than confront them head-on.

Sato: Your President didn't turn a deaf ear. Parker, he told America that there were good people on both sides! He's on the record stating that. The man is a racist, and this whole thing with him abducting illegal migrants in I.C.E detention centers for forced slave labor is another example.

Parker: Those people are prisoners of the United States government. They broke the law and snuck into this country. Many of them were arrested for crimes they committed while being here illegally. I don't see a problem putting them to work when we have to pay for their care while they're waiting for their case to be heard in court. We put plenty of prisoners to work all over this country.

Takuma slammed his fist on the desk, startling Parker.

Sato: You can't be serious! These people came to America looking for work so they could feed their families. Most of those men were dragged away from their wives and children to build weapons for the military. Robots that our "Tyrant in Cheif" probably plans to use against those of us who are protesting the first chance he gets!

Parker: Well, I, for one, hope that he does use them on you. The violence, the looting, and destruction, I'm sorry it has to stop. People's livelihoods are being burned to the ground. What the Rebels are doing doesn't change anything! You want "change" in this country, then change it at the voting booth! Burning down mom and pop shops isn't going to stop racist police officers from killing people like Boyd Floyd, and you know it! Every one of you Red Vest wearing radical leftist needs to be locked up! Locked up just like that piece of garbage Ares Metaxas you all worshipped like some modern-day American Che Guevara!

Sato: Ares Metaxas was a good man who fought to free women and children from President McStrumps concentration camps! He and Valora Salinas will one day be looked upon by historians as civil rights leaders who dared to go against our government!

Parker: Hah! Well, I wasn't going to bring this up, but since you mentioned it, the prison break on the I.C.E facility. I think you were the third man! We all know you're tight with Valora Salinas! I have photo's of you with Ares Metaxas that were taken in multiple States by investigators. I know you were close with him as well. I've seen the security video footage, the third man's movements, well... they look a lot like some of the moves I've seen from you in the wrestling ring. Admit it! Admit you were the third man!

Panic took hold of Sato, followed by a rage he'd not felt since his father's suicide. Without thinking his actions out thoroughly, he flipped Parker Karlsson's desk over onto the floor. The entire studio staff froze, entirely caught by surprise by Sato's actions. Never in the history of opinion news shows had any special guest ever done anything remotely like this. Karlsson believing himself untouchable due to his standing with their mutual boss Rupert Mudcock pressed Sato further, figuring he would not retaliate for fear of being fired from Ultimate Wrestling.

Parker: You see! He's guilty! He was the third man! You radical leftest scumbag!

Sato cocked back his fist and hit Karlsson square in the nose with his mighty fist, breaking it instantly. Blood exploded out of his nostrils as the blow sent him hurtling backward in his chair onto the floor. Everyone involved with the show began to freak out as the producer screamed for security. A sizeable rotund security guard rushed into the studio and attempted to tackle Sato, but the Martial artist easily avoided him. Sato tripped him as he passed him by, causing him to fall on top of Parker Karlsson, crushing him under his weight. At this point, the producer of the show cut the live feed and went to commercial. Seconds later, another security guard entered with a gun and pointed it at Sato, who raised his hands in the air giving up.

Three hours later, Sato was brought up from the security holding room to the top floor where Rupert Mudcock's office was located. The security guards escorted him into the palatial office where Allen Anderson was sitting in the old man's chair. Across from Allen with two tampons shoved up his nose was Parker Karlsson with a sour look on his face. The office was full of expensive furniture, and furnishing's made of gold and silver. Behind Allen were the numerous awards Rupert Mudcock had won during his long career in the broadcasting industry.

Allen: Ah, Mr. Sato, I hope our security team wasn't too rough on you while they waited for me to arrive from Mexico. That was quite the show you put on earlier today. Ratings are through the roof, and the clips of you punching Parker here... well, they are going viral on every media platform.

Parker: I want this piece of garbage fired! You'll be hearing from my lawyer, you rebel scum! When he's done with you, you'll be homeless and living on the street! Every penny you've ever earned and will earn is going to be mine!

Sato: Fuck you, Karlsson! You fucking racist asshole! You're lucky security stopped me because if they hadn't, you'd be on a liquid diet for the rest of your life!

Parker: That's it. I'm calling the police and pressing charges! I hope you enjoy spending time in prison for assault!

Allen:* I'm afraid, Mr. Karlsson, that's not in Mr. Mudcock's interest.

Parker: I'm sorry, who the fuck are you? Last time I checked, you were in charge of the barbarians who beat themselves silly to keep the dimwitted masses quelled and entertained. Since when do you call the shot's here in the News division?

Allen pulled out a remote and pressed a button on it. Suddenly a panel in the ceiling above him opened, and a large OLED screen lowered down just above his head. The screen then lit up, and the obese M.O.X Media Mogul Rupert Murdock appeared via face time. Rupert was still in the hospital in Mexico City and was sporting a neck brace from the attack he'd suffered at the hands of Evolution.

Rupert: Karlsson! Quit being such fucking snowflake and pull your shit together! When I was your age, if I accused someone of something and they punched me in the nose, I took it like a man! What is with the men from your generation? Fucking cry baby's all of you! Why don't you take one of those tampons out of your nose and stick it up your vagina! I think you might be on your period, you pansy!

Parker: But, but, Rupert! He broke my fucking nose! He assaulted me on live national television!

Rupert: You accused him of a federal crime, domestic terrorism, and treason! What did you think was going to happen? He's fucking warrior, not a political pundit, you nitwit!

Allen: You see, Mr. Sato, here is what we call in the wrestling business as a "big draw." He brings asses to empty seats, ratings go up when he's booked on a card, and that means more money for the boss man.

Parker: You can't tell me this jock brings in more money to M.O.X than I do! I got the number one rated show on cable news!

Allen: Unfortunately, Mr. Karlsson, Friday Night Clash is a global television show. Our audience dwarfs your little opinion news show, and thus if you want to keep your job here at M.O.X., we're going to need you to be a good sport and let bygones be bygones.

Parker: You can't be serious!

Rupert: We're damn serious! Now get the hell out of my office and get to work on next week's show on preserving western European culture here in America!

Parker got up out of his chair, absolutely furious, and stormed out of Mudcock's office, almost in tears. Sato stood there watching it all, shocked and somewhat confused as to why Rupert and Allen had helped him.

Rupert: Mr. Sato, have a seat, please.

The security guards dragged Sato over to the chair Parker had been sitting in and forced him to have a seat. Sato looked up and the big eighty-inch screen before speaking.

Sato: What's this all about? Why are you two helping me?

Allen: If you want Mr. Mudcock to continue to keep Parker Karlsson from pressing charges and suing you for everything you're worth, we need you to take out Valora Salinas.

Sato: Why would I do that? Valora is my friend. Plus, like you said before about me. She's a money maker.

Rupert: Salinas has served her usefulness. The Mexican people are low-income earners and, for the most part, dirt poor. We're able to sell a lot of tickets but at meager prices. We could be charging much higher fees in other parts of the world and probably draw crowds of similar size.

Sato: Ok... so why do you need her crippled? Just leave her behind in Mexico and move the promotion.

Allen: We can't afford Salinas taking her talents elsewhere... even if it is some subpar Lucha Libre outfit like C.L.A.W.

Sato: Oh, you people are terrible... You want me to cripple her so she can't draw attention to another rival wrestling federation?

Allen: Exactly.

Sato: Forget it's not happening.

Rupert: We thought you might say that. Allen, explain to Mr. Sato what we can offer...

Allen: We know that your mother went missing when you returned home from North Korea. I've been able to locate her. If you join None More Black and Boris Drago against Valora this week and do this for us, then I will tell you where you can find her.

Sato sat up and tried to lunge at Anderson but was reigned in by the security guards.

Sato: You tell me where she is right now! Do you hear me? Tell me where she is, you sick son of a bitch!

Allen: Now, now, Mr. Sato... that's no way to talk to a man who is trying to help you. Besides, I think this could be the start of a beautiful friendship...haha hahaha...

Sato: Mudcock, do you even know what this man is capable of? Do you even know what he used to do at War Hammer? You literally have Satan running your business!

Rupert: Enough! Ether take the deal or get ready to spend the night in a prison cell. Make your decision.

Rupert hung up his smartphone, and the larger screen above Anderson went dark. It was clear that Anderson wasn't happy that Sato was ready to tell his new boss about his nuclear missile attack involvement. He made his way over to Sato and grabbed him by his shirt collar.

Allen: If you ever tell anyone about what happened in North Korea, I will have your mother tortured and executed. Do you understand me? Guards take Mr. Sato to the limousine, and I'll meet him there shortly. I have a few things I need to take care of before we fly back to Mexico City.

Sato was agast by Allen's threat, but he knew he needed to stay silent and agree to the terms. Anderson was not a man to take a threat from lightly. If he ever wanted to see his mother again, he knew he would have to do what Anderson wanted.


Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico: 24 hours until FNC-16

LuLu Biggs and Slick Mick pulled their customized diesel-powered Mercedes Benz 300D, also known as the "Benzito," up to a large titanium-reinforced gold-plated front gate. The gate was the entrance to an enormous property owned by the Mexican drug cartel Jalisco in Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico. Biggs and Mick were there to meet with the one and only "El Mencho," who was once a police officer and now Mexico's most wanted man. The back of the Benz was packed with four of LuLu's most attractive hookers who were busy partaking in a bottle of Champaign they had popped before pulling up the driveway. Four heavily armed Hispanic men in body armor carrying AK-47's approached the vehicle with serious looks on their faces and instructed Biggs to shut off his motor and roll down his window. Biggs followed the instructions and then placed his hands on the steering wheel to show he wasn't holding a weapon in his possession. After searching the car for guns and flirting with the girls, the guards motioned the "all-clear" signal to the guard tower's snipers.

Security: Alright, go on ahead, amigo. El Mencho is awaiting your arrival.

LuLu drove his pimpmobile up the long drive and stopped in front of an enormous mansion. El Mencho was outside of the entrance of his home, smoking a large Cuban cigar. He was dressed in a flamboyant leopard-print silk shirt unbuttoned and had a large gold chain with a catholic style cross around his neck. El Mencho's spoils had not turned him into a pig; he was in good shape for a man who had it all. He sported a thick Tom Selic style mustache, and his hair was slicked back with grease. LuLu parked the Benzito, and everyone exited the vehicle all at once. The girl immediately ran to El Mencho, who was mesmerized by their ample bouncing cleavage. As the girls embraced him, he smiled and called out to Biggs in a charismatic way.

El Mencho: LuLu, my friend, you shouldn't have! We are here to talk about business!

LuLu Biggs: Mencho, I couldn't come without gifts; you've done so much for me over the years. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be beefing with the Bloods and Crips in New York City over the cocaine trade.

El Mencho: Haha, we showed them who was boss, eh amigo?

LuLu Biggs: Damn straight.

El Mencho: Girls, why don't you go inside, enjoy yourselves? There is food, drugs, and Champaign inside. LuLu and I have important business to discuss. Once we are done, El Menncho will come inside to play, eh?

The girls giggled and then made their way toward the entrance of the Mansion. El Mencho slapped the last one to walk away on the rear end before turning his attention to LuLu Biggs. He walked over to the rotund pimp and placed his arm around his neck. The two then began walking together through an orange grove on his front property. Slick Mick stayed back by the car and lit up a blunt he pulled out from his front pocket to help pass the time.

El Mencho: So my friend, we have a problem, and when I say "we," I don't just mean you and me. I mean, everyone involved in the illegal drug trade, from the cartels down to the dealers on the streets.

LuLu Biggs: What's up, playa?

El Mencho: This Pendijo running for President, Thomas Mills is a problem. He wants to legalize all drugs in the United States, which would destroy the black market where we make the majority of the money.

LuLu Biggs: You can't be serious, Mencho, that mutha fuckah can't win! You know, and I know, if you don't run Republican or Democratic, you can't win in America.

El Mencho: Yes, amigo, this has always been true, but times are strange. No one thought a conman like McStrump could win the presidency ether, and yet here we are.

LuLu Biggs: True dat. True dat...

El Mencho: We just can't take the chance. Thomas Mills needs to have his mind changed, or he needs to take a dirt nap.

LuLu Biggs: Where do I fit in?

El Mencho: I have good intelligence that Mr. Mills is coming to Mexico City to get on television at Friday Night Clash to get in front of the American public and speak light to his cause. I want to get your hands on him and make him change his mind on his drug policy. If it can't be changed, put a bullet in his head and bury him in the desert. Comprendi?

LuLu Biggs: Comprendi amigo. Don't worry... Thomas Mills has a date with LuLu Biggs...


Jeremiah opened the door to the rusty locker he'd called his own since arriving in Mexico City's Estadio Azteca stadium. He took off his Romano lambskin leather jacket and hung it on the hook. As he began to unbutton his Ted Baker white collard shirt, there was a knock at the men's dressing room door. With no one else in the locker room, Jeremiah sighed and walked over to the door. When he opened it, there stood Thomas Mills, the man he'd shared a drink with earlier in the week. The same man running for President of the United States as independent in 2020.

Vastrix: The fuck are you doing here?

Mills: I came to reach out to the American people! This is the highest-rated show in America, isn't it? It just made sense to come here and get in front of the cameras.

Jeremiah placed the palm of his hand on his forehead and shook his head in a frustrated manner. It was clear that he liked Thomas; he was even donating to help him run against President McStrump and the Democrat primary winner Boe Leiden. However, some of the decisions Thomas made didn't make any logical sense to the cyborg.

Vastrix: I don't think you understand the danger that you've put yourself into here. Aren't the drug cartels angry that you want to legalize all drugs? Suppose you're elected President, and somehow you managed to push through that kind of legislation. It would destroy their entire black market business costing them billions of dollars!

Thomas smiled, lighting up a joint.

Mills: I'm not going to live my life in fear or let it dictate my policy beliefs, Jeremiah. The men who run the drug cartels here in this country are evil, and I refuse to let them continue to profit from the drug trade! This is a chance for me to get in front of the entire world and present my ideas. I'm not passing that up!

Vastrix: You're really going to go in front of a Mexican crowd and talk American politics? You got bigger balls than I thought. Lemme call Anderson and see about extra security.

Mills: That would be great. Thank you, Jeremiah.

Jeremiah sighs as he pulled out his Hammer Industries smartphone and dialed Allen's phone number.

Vastrix: Hello, Anderson? I know we don't see eye to eye... well, on anything. I'm about to get you some T.V. ratings, and I know how the boss loves high ratings. We just need some extra security...


Strangle Hold by Ted Nugent began to play inside the Estadio Azteca stadium located in the massive metropolis of Mexico City. The live feed of an enormous capacity crowd of 87,000 people on their feet waving their Valora Salinas signs around came into full view as the cameraman panned around. After the pyrotechnic show ignited and then dissipated, the live feed cut to the announcer team of Chris Rodgers and Scott Slade sitting behind their announcer table.

Scott Slade: Hello wrestling fans, and welcome to Friday Night Clash 16! I'm your host Scott Slade here tonight with my partner in crime, Chris Rodgers!

Chris Rodgers: We have a jam-packed show tonight for you wrestling fans! Five new roster members make their first appearances tonight! Kronin Reinhardt returns for the first time since his spinal injury that he suffered at the hands of Evolution! Also, Jeremiah Vastrix and Valora Salinas finally get what they deserve, thanks to Vice President Allen Anderson!

Scott Slade: Yeah… it seems like Allen has some sort of grievance with Salinas and Vastrix. I wonder what it could ever be... Two 4 versus 1 handicap matches scheduled for tonight. It will take a great deal of grit and determination for those two to avoid taking an absolute beating tonight.

Chris Rodgers: Hey! At least tag team rules are in effect. If it were me, I'd have it four on one! That way, all four members could be in the ring at the same time! I think Anderson is pretty sporting if you ask me!

Scott Slade: You just want to see Valora Salians take an ass beating, and you know it.

Chris Rodgers: Hey! I cannot hide what my red-blooded American heart wants. That terrorist bitch deserves everything that's coming for her tonight... I can't wait!

Scott Slade: Oy! Anyway, I'm getting the signal from our producer that we're ready to kick off this fantastic card with our first match of the... wait a minute! What's this?


"Bump-N-Grind" by R. Kelly started to play as Thomas Mills walked out from the back onto the stage. The Mexican fans looked on, confused as to who this man was or why he was there. Mills made his way down to the ring, where he gets was given a microphone. He then waited for the fans to quiet down before speaking to them and the viewers worldwide.

Chris Rodgers: Who the hell is this guy?

Scott Slade: I... I think that's... Yes! I have confirmation from our producer. That is Thomas Mills, an independent candidate running U.S. President!

Chris Rodgers: What? What the hell is he doing here? People at home ignore this fool! Voting for him is throwing away your vote!

Scott Slade: What on earth is Thomas Mills doing here in Mexico? That's what I want to know!

Mills: I just want to begin by saying that it's great to be here in Mexico. Now, I know y'all ain't Americans and that you can't vote in the upcoming election. I also know that President McStrump has said terrible things about your country and the kind of people you are. However, I have nothing but good things to say about all of you here in this stadium and through Mexico's great nation!

Thomas Mills smiled and waved as the crowd cheered for his statements.

Mills: Now, I know it might not be the most popular thing to talk about here, but I want to address the millions of Americans watching. As you all know, McStrump is an idiot.

Chris Rodgers: How dare he! President McStrump is a certified genius! He's like the smartest President America has ever had!

Scott Slade: Chris, you watch way too much M.O.X. and Buddies in the morning, brother. Maybe you should try getting your facts from an actual news show...

Thomas stopped talking as the cheers got louder at the mention of the Current US President being a moron. The Mexican's in attendance were at their wits end with the American President's strange obsession with making false, derogatory statements about the Mexican people. To them, it was nice to hear an American politician defend them in front of the whole world.

Mills: Now, since the North Korean nuclear missile attack on Seattle and Los Angeles, the United States has been short of vital supplies. These are supplies that we use to trade with other nations before McStrump started his international trade war and imposed tariffs on everyone, including our allies. What was once created to punish other countries is now punishing the American people! It's keeping friendly countries like Mexico and Canada from helping us in our time of need! For years America helped less fortunate nations around the world and defused international threats.

Chris Rodgers: Yeah, and now America is first! President McStrump is making America great again by focusing on the American people!

Scott Slade: Yeah, he's doing a fine job of that...

Chris Rodgers: That's unfair, and you know it, Scott! The country and the economy were doing great till the North Koreans attacked us!

Mills: America encouraged free trade and commerce and helped bring the quality of life up worldwide! We can be that nation again, but first, we must swallow our pride and know when we need help ourselves and be brave enough to ask for it! I am the man running for office who can make this a reality! I am the man who can save the American economy and the world economy from complete collapse! President McStrump is an imbecile, and he is hurting all of us! So, please! In four months, on Tuesday, November 3rd, when the time comes to vote! Pass on the Elephant and the Donkey and make the smart choice by voting independent! Vote me! Thomas Mills!

The crowd cheered loudly, both at the insults to President McStrump and the concept that Mexican exports to the U.S. could again flow into American and help create jobs in Mexico.

The crowd cheered loudly, both at the insults to President McStrump and at the idea of Mexican exports being able to flow over the border again to America. They knew this could create jobs in Mexico, which they desperately needed.

Mills: Now, lastly, I want to comment on Valora Salinas and the Rebels of Society. In the last four years, this group of individuals had fought back against the President's evil and careless acts when no one else dared to do so. With the help of Valora Salinas, they freed Latino women and children being held in I.C.E. concentration camps!

Scott Slade: Ahmen brother!

Mills: The R.O.S. alone with a whistleblower's help, proved to the world that President McStrump had been using illegal immigrants arrested at the border to build himself a robot army. An army that he plans to use against the American people who are fat up with his leadership! Fat up with his lies and incompetence!

Chris Rodgers: Someone cut this pot head's microphone off and remove him from this ring now! He's making as much sense as a mental patient!

Scott Slade: I'm being told by our producer that Allen Anderson himself has approved this. I don't think he's going anywhere, Chris.

Chris Rodgers: How could Mr. Mudcock let this happen! Andreson going to be hot water for this! Mark my words Slade!

Mills: McStrump is looking to become a dictator! It's why he's fired so many people and high ranking offices! It why he's placed loyalists in the most powerful positions of government! Now I may disapprove of the riots and violence taking place right now in America, but I understand the people's plight! I'm promising here today that if I'm elected President, I will dismantle the robotic army being built! I promise to give Valora Salinas a full pardon for her part in rescuing those poor people!

The Mexican fans roared and began chanting Thomas Mills's name throughout the stadium at the mere mention of a pardon for their hero Valora Salinas. Thomas smiled, stood up straight, and finally shouted one last statement into the microphone.

Mills: I'm going to decriminalizing all drugs, reform our criminal justice system, and bring America into the 21st century as a leader and example for the rest of the world to follow! Thank you, and God Bless America!

Bump-N-Grind began to play on the stadium's speaker system as Thomas Mills made his way out of the ring and back up the ramp. The Mexican people gave him a loud ovation as he waved to them.

Chris Rodgers: Thank God that's over! Legalize all drugs? Bah! Can you believe this nutjob! He's worse than you lib-tards!

Scott Slade: Ladies and gentlemen, we have to take a quick commercial break, but our action pack show starts next! Don't touch that remote!

Click here for part 2: https://hive.blog/theinkwell/@ultimatewrestlin/ultimate-wrestling-season-2-ch-10-friday-night-clash-16-part-2


Overall, a very nice set of RPs.
A few of my thoughts:
I particularly liked Vendredi's section, and the very rich, succinct characterization of Adwowa. I did find it kind of dumb that he violently kidnapped Sato and then expect him to quietly listen and accept talk about apocalypse. Maybe make it clear that the Baron is frazzled and not quite thinking right? Just a thought.

I think some physical descriptions of each of the established characters, even if brief, would be useful. Particularly for new readers, like me, who don't yet have a clear picture of each character looks and moves like.

The section with Sato, Parker and Anderson was solid and I was thoroughly entertained through all of it. I just have one criticism though. Namely, that the narration in italics generally seems to be set in objective third person most of the time, but then it constantly throws in things like
"Never in the history of opinion news shows had any special guest ever done anything remotely like this. Karlsson believing himself untouchable due to his standing with their mutual boss Rupert Mudcock pressed Sato further, figuring he would not retaliate for fear of being fired from Ultimate Wrestling" and "Anderson was not a man to take a threat from lightly. If he ever wanted to see his mother again, he knew he would have to do what Anderson wanted." which are subjective judgements and private thoughts, things that belong to the close third person perspective (seen from a particular individual's view. So it's jarring when the narration switches between objective and close third person. I would advise either 1) moving these private thoughts and judgments into dialogue/body language somehow. "Sato went pale. Sato: I... I.. yes, Mr Anderson. I understand you mean business. I'll do whatever it takes to save my mother." Allen smiled, his teeth like a scythe ready to cut down. Allen: Damn right you will." or 2) framing most or all of the narration explicitly from a character's subjective point of view. "Sato knew Anderson was not a man to take a threat from lightly. He understood that if he ever wanted to see his mother again, he knew he would have to do what Anderson said."

This happens in other segments and parts of the show, but I found it particularly jarring in Sato's section.

I found Lulu Bigg's section quite dull. The nameless, giggling prostitutes were eyeroll-worthy in particular and I don't think they contributed anything, just showed up and left the scene as more of a formality of "Oh hey, he's a pimp by the way", than as anything that helped set the scene. I'm not offended, because it's appropriate to the gangster mindset/genre, but the girls don't add anything. It would be better if they were either cut out, or were slightly more involved in the background and had names, even if it's a nickname like "bunny" or "candy" or something. As for after they leave the scene, the meat of the RP is mostly talking, and a surprisingly dry, simple business conversation at that, so I didn't feel entertained. Also, the italics narration got really, really wordy here, so split up those big paragraphs!

I felt the Thomas Mills section was pretty good, although it was a bit jarring to have the commentators constantly interrupt him. I felt like he was on a roll, and that roll came to a halt to have the bickering. Maybe limit the commentators to quick one-sentence soundbites during the speech, with a more substantial debate between the commentators after the speech.

Great show!