Ultimate Wrestling Season 2 - Ch. 9: Friday Night Clash 15! Part Two!!!

in #fiction4 years ago (edited)


For Part 1 click here: https://hive.blog/inkwell/@ultimatewrestlin/ultimate-wrestling-season-2-ch-8-friday-night-clash-15


Valora, Jeremiah, Sato, and Abbigail sat in the locker room watching the ANN News coverage of the protest riots in multiple American cities back home. The imagery from Minneapolis, Detroit, Atlanta being some of the worst. Downtown Minneapolis was literally on fire, and rioters were in a full-on scuffle with law enforcement. In Detroit, protestors had beaten back the police and taken control of the majority of the city's financial district after burning down multiple Federal buildings in the process. In Atlanta, things had been peaceful until a video surfaced of an unarmed black man being shot in the back by police officers in a fast-food restaurant parking lot after trying to run away from them. Almost immediately after the video went viral, downtown Atlanta started to look much like Minneapolis had before absolute carnage unfolded.

Jeremiah: Wow… people are really pissed.

Dresden: Can you honestly blame them? The black community has been putting up with this bullshit for way too long. You wouldn't believe the shit I've seen in my neighborhood on the Southside of Chicago.

Jeremiah: Well… Black lives matter no question, but… all this destruction… things were bad enough as it was after the nuclear strikes on Los Angeles and Seattle.

Valora Slammed her fist on the table in anger.

Valora: This has nothing to do with Los Angeles or Seattle, but the source of the problem is the same asshole! That racist idiota in the White House is what's causing all this unrest and ugliness. He's liberated all of these people who had hidden racist feelings towards immigrants and minorities. Now they feel free and empowered to go out and treat people like garbage just because they look different or come from another part of the world! It's his fault. All of it! If it wasn't apparent enough for everyone, you outed him, Jeremiah, with that footage from the Atalar Robotics factory in Nebraska!

Jeremiah: Yeah… he's a genuine piece of shit. No sugar coating that fact.

Sato: I see the right reaction, but no leadership on the ground Valora. This is why they need us! We can't sit and hide here in Mexico forever. We've got to get back to the states and help them fight this battle!

Valora: You're asking me to risk everything. You understand that, right? If I go back to the U.S. and I'm caught and arrested, I'm going to end up in Guantanamo Bay with Ares.

Sato: Like it won't be any different for me!

Valora: Last time I checked, you're not considered an Enemy of the State and a Terrorist! Look, I already told you if the Latino community leaders want in on this, then I'll be there. Otherwise, I'm not sticking my neck out again.

Suddenly, a voice with a thick Russian accent butted its way into the conversation the group was having. All four wrestlers turned their heads around to see Boris and Dasha standing behind them, fully suited up for their big main event match against them and the Champions. Both of them had a shit-eating grin on their faces. They seemed to enjoy watching the footage on the television and their future opponents quarreling with one another.

Dasha: Awww, the little Americans are upset because their country is a shattered burning mess. It must be so hard for you… Now you know how we felt when the Soviet Union fell!

Valora: I'm sorry we were having a private conversation here, punta! Why don't you head down to the ring wait for us to come down there and beat your asses? I'm going to make you look so silly that you going home crying back to your Dictator.

Dasha: Look, Boris, the proletariat mud woman has a mouth on her! Perhaps will shut it for you in our little match later tonight!

Sato: I'd like to see you try! You two Russian goons haven't done a whole hell of a lot around here other than talk shit and get lucky against a team that should've never been tag team champions in the first place.

Boris: Come now, little runt. Do you honestly believe this? We are the greatest tag team in all of Russia.

Dresden: Oooh… I'm shaken in my boots; we better go tell Mr. Mudcock we're pulling out of the match because of the big bad Russians.

Dasha: Ah… finally some common sense. You must be the protégé they speak of. Perhaps your mentor's stupidity hasn't rubbed off on you as much as we thought.

Jeremiah: Did you come over here just insult us, or was there something you wanted to say?

Dasha: The Great American Empire is falling, and the hard truth you all know in your hearts is that it's dying from within. You can blame our great nation and our leader Putin for tampering in your elections. Still, the truth is that you don't want to face the reality that your fellow Americans were stupid enough to vote that moronic dimwit into the office! Not us!

Boris: Oh! Hah ha! oh, boy! Good one, Dasha!

Dasha: Your people's greed and your capitalism have led to your undoing! Now you reap what your mothers and fathers before you sowed.

Sato: Rebels of Society and the American people are taking to the streets to fight for our country!

Boris: Too little too late, I'm afraid…runt! See you in the ring, Americans! Hahahaha!

The Russians left the room looking pleased with themselves and their taunting of their opponents. The two teams looked at each other and shook their heads before turning their attention somberly to the television again.



The live feed returned from a commercial break with the cameras focused on Holly Hudson again in the wrestling ring, ready to announce the next match. There was a buzz in the air inside the Estadio Azteca stadium for the highly anticipated tag team title match. Their hero, Valora Salinas, would be teamed up with one of her most formidable rivals, the cyborg wrestler known as Jeremiah Vastrix. The Mexican fans seemed confident that the combination of Valora's ruthlessness and Jeremiah's cybernetic edge would be enough for them to dominate the match and secure the gold belts.

Holly Hudson: ¡El siguiente combate es un combate de eliminación por equipos a cuatro bandas para el Ultimate Wrestling Tam Team Championship y es nuestro evento principal de la noche! Así que sin más demora, señoras y señores ... ¡¡¡PREPAREJAMOS PARA RUMBLE!!!

Chris Rodgers: Hell yeah! I've been looking forward to this one since it was first announced online, Scott!

Scott Slade: No doubt about it, buddy, it's been the talk of Mexico City. The best tag team's in the world in one ring with a chance at glory here tonight on Friday Night Clash!

Chris Rodgers: The best part is it's an elimination match, so each team member will have to be pinned to be officially defeated. That means no lucky breaks for anyone here tonight. These titles will have to be earned the hard way.

Scott Slade: Fitness, endurance, and stamina it's all going to come into play here tonight. This isn't a sprint match! It's a marathon, and only the wrestlers who are in the best shape are going fare well in this one!

Holly Hudson: ¡Nuestros primeros rivales, provenientes del Medio Oeste de los Estados Unidos de América y con un peso combinado de 366 libras! ¡Ex campeones de Ultimate Wrestling Tag Team! “The Young Guns” Takuma Sato y Abbigail Dresden!!!




Sato and Dresden walked out onto the stage as "Are You Ready" by Disturbed rocked the stadium's sound systems. The music sent the fans into a frenzy. Inside the Azteca, the men and women jumped to their feet and let out a roar for Valora's protégé and her partner Sato. Takuma was sporting his Rebel of Society Red protest vest on over his traditional Karategi. Dresden had her usual blue and hot pink skorts on and a black and pink spandex tank top. The two fighters slapped high fives with the fans on their way down the ramp and then slid into the ring full of energy, ready for a fight.

Scott Slade: There they are, Chris! The Young Guns! The one-time former Tag Team Champions looking for a chance to once again be crowned the best team in Ultimate Wrestling!

Chris Rodgers: Bah! I can't stand Sato! Look at him proudly wearing that Red Anarcho-Fascist-Communist vest! He's everything that is wrong with America right now! The Rebels of Society are tearing our country apart. As a public figure, he should be condemning them, not joining their cause!

Scott Slade: You realize those three ideologies are the opposites of one another, right? Anarchists believe in no form of government and...

Chris Rodgers: All I know is that he's God damn un-American Scotty! I hope LuLu gives him the Ass Load!

Scott Slade: Spoken like a real idiot American...

Chris Rodgers: What was that?

Scott Slade: Nothing grandpa.

Holly Hudson: ¡Nuestros próximos rivales proceden del gran país del norte de Rusia! ¡Con un peso combinado de 530 libras! Al estar acompañados esta noche por Hank Sokolov, ¡también son ex campeones de Ultimate Wrestling Tag Team! Boris Drago y Dasha Ivanova “LOS RUSOS” !!!




The Russian National Anthem started to play as Dasha and Boris walked out onto the stage to a modest reaction from the Mexican fans. Their newest recruit Hank Sokolov had also joined them dressed in a dark suit waving a massive Russian flag. The Domineering Dasha was dressed in her intimidating military-style outfit. Her massive partner was in his usual Olympic Style Russian wrestling singlet. The Russians enjoyed not having to face an onslaught of boos for once. They made their way down the ramp and into the ring. The massive Hank Sokolov parked himself outside the ring next to their corner and continued to wave their Russian flag.

Chris Rodgers: Jesus, they grow them big over there in Russia…

Scott Slade: I don't know who this man is or what his relationship is with the Russian team. It looks as if this massive seven-foot monster is out here to support Dasha and Boris. This match just keeps getting more and more interesting by the minute.

Chris Rodgers: I don't know who's larger, Sokolov or Drago, but I wouldn't want to get in the ring with either one of those two communist thugs!

Scott Slade: Oh! So you do know what a real communist looks like…

Chris Rodgers: Shut up, Scott! You know what? I wouldn't be surprised if Sato was in cahoots with those Russians!

Scott Slade: Christ, help me…

Holly Hudson: ¡Nuestro último equipo de retadores de la noche! ¡Proveniente de la ciudad caída de Los Ángeles y de la nación insular de Hong Kong! ¡La ex campeona de franquicia y actual campeona de sumisión Valora Salinas y el contendiente número 1 para el campeonato de franquicia Jeremiah Vastrix! ¡Los ultrapoderes!




The cameras cut back to the stage as "Kick Start My Heart" by Motley Crew blared over the sound system speakers inside the Azteca. The fan's attention turned to the stage, unsure what was happening as Valora Salinas and Jeremiah Vastrix walked out onto the stage dressed in matching 80's style wrestling gear. The "Ultra Powers" gimmick was Jeremiah's idea. He'd spent the last four weeks in the hospital. Valora didn't have the heart to say no to him. Jeremiah had even gone as far as to get a professional hairdresser to perm and curl both their hair so they'd look the part.

Scott Slade: What is the…

Chris Rodgers: Did someone fail to tell us it was 80's night?

Scott Slade: Hahaha! Well, this is a surprise. I did not see this coming! Looks like Jeremiah and Valora have embraced the fan's response to calling their team the "Ultra Powers" Chris.

Chris Rodgers: Oh, man! Look at Valora's hair! That's the most feminine she's ever looked in her life! Ha! I think she's wearing eyeliner!

Scott Slade: You had to make a sexist comment about something fun, didn't you, Chris.

Chris Rodgers: What? What!? It's the truth! It's a compliment! It's hard for a mega beast like her to look womanly.

Chris palmed his face and shook his head as the fans let out a huge roar for the brightly multicolored team. Valora and Vastrix worked their way down the ramp, slapping high fives with the fans before sliding into the ring. Jeremiah instantly began analyzing their opponents with his cybernetic eyes. He gathered as much data as he could to use later in the match. With all the challenger's now in the ring, the focus turned one last time to the stage for the current champions.

Holly Hudson: ¡Por último, presentamos a nuestros Campeones de Parejas actuales! ¡Proveniente de la ciudad de Nueva York y las Montañas Apalaches de los Estados Unidos! ¡Con un peso combinado de 750 libras! LuLu Biggs y el actual campeón de la franquicia Ultimate Wrestling, Huckleberry!!!




"Old Town Road" by Lil Nas X and Billy Ray Cyrus started to play on the stadium's speakers. LuLu Biggs, Slick Mick, and Huckleberry walked out onto the stage dressed like Mexican desperados with pistols strapped and holstered to their hips. The three amigos looked as if they'd never stopped partying since the night Rupert and Allen had joined them at LuLu's gentlemen's club. All three of them had dry white powder crusted around the nostrils from the cocaine they'd been snorting. Their eyes were heavily blood shoot from the weed they were currently smoking on stage. Without warning, the three of them reached for their pistols and fired them into the air as the Mexican fans looked on, somewhat perplexed by the tag team champions.

Chris Rodgers: Now that's an entrance! I love these two together as a team!

Scott Slade: Yes, well, most of our viewership back home seems to agree with you, Chris. The Huckster and Biggs team-up is trending all over Squaker at the moment. People can't get enough of these two delinquents.

Slick Mick lead the tag team champions down the ramp as Biggs and Huckleberry ignored the Mexican fans and began to focus on their opponents waiting for them in the ring. Once at ringside, they climbed up the steel steps and made their way over to their corner of the ring. Referee Bob Sigro had a few choice words with each team before selecting LuLu and Dasha to start the match.

**Scott Slade: The rules only permit one member of only two team teams in the ring at one time. Will have to see if this puts the Russians and Champions behind the proverbial eight balls, Chris.

Chris Rodgers: Looks like Dasha and Biggs are going to kick things off here. Not sure how LuLu is going to feel about wrestling a woman…

Scott Slade: I'm sure he's had plenty of experience smacking women around in his line of work, Chris.

Chris Rodgers: Mr. Slade, that's inappropriate. Mr. Biggs has assured me that he's gotten with the times. He's all about empowering women now. He's a true believer in the "Me Too" movement. He hasn't smacked a ho since at least 2008!

Scott Slade: How progressive of him…

Sigro signaled for the bell. The match was underway as the fans roared while watching two very different looking competitors sized each other up. As the two began to circle, Boris reached out with his extended right hand and smacked LuLu in the back of the head. The simple attack distracted Biggs, who turned around and clobbered the big Russian with a massive right hand that almost sent him off the ring apron. Dasha, ever the opportunist, moved in like lighting and started hammering Biggs with massive right hands to the back of his head and neck. She then shocked everyone as she jacked LuLu in the jaw with a gigantic European uppercut that took the big Sumo trained fighter off of his feet and onto his back.

Chris Rodgers: Holy shit! Now that's a punch!

Scott Slade: I think the feminist of the world watching just got on their feet and let out passionate "Hell Yeah!" after that uppercut. Damn!

Chris Rodgers: Biggs will be picking up his teeth after the match for sure Slade. That's one tough Russian broad right there!

The fans applauded as Ivanova mounted LuLu and began hammering him with solid right-hand punches straight to his face bloodying the big 600-pound pimps nose. Suddenly Biggs shoved off the Russian with one powerful thrust with both his forearms sending her flying back onto the wrestling mat and onto her back. This allowed LuLu to get back on his feet, and the two fighters met in the center of the ring, but this time was LuLu who took control after blocking a punch from Dasha.

Scott Slade: Biggs trying to fight his way back into this match after a poor start.

Chris Rodgers: He's had his ups and downs since joining the roster, but he seems to be coming into his own lately. I think teaming up with the Franchise Champion was probably one of the best business decisions he's ever made in his life.

The enormous pimp went into battle mode. He began hammering Ivanova with stiff right hands before grabbing hold of her arm. He then powerfully whipped her into the Russian corner, where she slammed into the turnbuckle. Biggs then picked up ahead of steam and charged into the corner, landing a substantial 600-pound splash that crushed Dasha and knocked her partner Boris onto the floor. The fans let out an "Oooh!" as Dasha somehow managed to stay on her feet after wrapping her left arm around the ring rope for support.

Chris Rodgers: Good God! How is she still on her feet standing after that!

Scott Slade: I have no idea! Biggs is taking it to the Russians! Even Boris felt the brunt of that attack!

LuLu took advantage of Dasha's dazed stupor and pushed her up against the turnbuckle pads before unleashing a massive backhanded pimp slap across her face. The impact almost sent her over the top rope onto the floor. The fans started to boo Biggs for his bullying. The slap, however, seemed to jar Dasha back into reality. She turned around, revealing a bloody lip with a fire burning in her eyes as Biggs wound up for a haymaker. However, the Russian ducked the attack and then dove into the closest corner she could find, tagging in Abbigail Dresden. She then rolled out of the ring and onto the floor where Sokolov and Drago were waiting to help her up off the ground.

Chris Rodgers: These inferior Russians are a joke! Ivanova was in full panic mode! She's lucky she got out of the ring before Biggs turned her into a pancake!

Scott Slade: She didn't fair too well, but that was a challenging situation. You never want to get trapped in a corner with Biggs. I'm shocked she was able to get by that massive blob and make a tag. We'll have to see how Dresden does against him, but in all honesty, it makes sense to tag someone in that can handle a man of LuLu's size.

Chris Rodgers: I thought Dresden was the giant killer! Don't you remember her picking up the 300-pound Abishag and Jackhammering him at Death Sport? Or are you finally ready to admit she was doping!

Scott Slade: Whatever, Chris! LuLu is twice the weight of Abishag. It's not the same thing, and you know it!

Before Dresden could even get in the ring, LuLu grabbed her by the hair and used all of his strength to whip her like a rag doll into the wrestling ring. Abbigail slammed into the mat with her backside hard and let out a massive scream as she arched her back in pain. When she attempted to get back to her feet, Biggs was on her and immediately. He nailed her with a powerful right-hand shot to her face that sent her stumbling into the Champions corner turnbuckle. LuLu then quickly moved in and tagged in his partner Huckleberry who entered the ring and promptly started working with Biggs to double team Valora's protégé. The Champions tossed her into the ropes, and on her return trip back toward them, they worked together to lift her high into the air and face planted her straight into the wrestling mat.

Chris Rodgers: Oh! That had to hurt!

Scott Slade: Huckleberry and Biggs working like a well-oiled machine here tonight! You'd swear they'd been tagging together for years!

Chris Rodgers: Huckleberry with a pin! One! Two!! Kickout!!! Wow, Sato and Dresden were almost eliminated right there!

Huckleberry got up off the mat and screamed at the referee that the pin should have been a three count before turning back around to face Dresden. Abbigail had already managed to get back to her feet and took advantage of the distracted Huckleberry. She kneed him hard in the kidneys before driving her elbow into the back of his neck. Huckleberry flopped down on the mat holding the back of his neck in pain as Abbigail bolted to the Russian's corner. She smacked Boris just as he'd gotten back on the ring apron in the chest, tagging him into the match. Dresden then rolled out of the ring and got down on the floor for a breather. She was gassed after a somewhat of a poor start to her match.

Scott Slade: Can't blame Abbigail for tagging out there. It's never a good feeling when you get into a tag team match and immediately find yourself on your back foot.

Chris Rodgers: Let's see what the seven-foot Russian can do against a real red-blooded American like the Huckster!

Huckleberry had managed to get back on his feet, but the frustrated Boris moved in so fast he couldn't defend himself against him. Drago instantly went to work on the American, nailing him with a series of uppercuts before sending him into the ring ropes. Huckleberry sprung off the ropes like spring chicken and dove at Boris catching him unprepared and clotheslined him to the mat, shocking the fans in the stadium. He then shot to his feet and dropped a sharp elbow into the Russian's heart before covering him for a pin.

Scott Slade: The Huckster on the offensive! I can't believe he's taking the fight to this colossal Russian!

Chris Rodgers:* Huckleberry with a pin! One! Two!! No!!!

Scott Slade: It's going to take more than that to put down this beast from Siberia.

Huckleberry managed to grab hold of Boris's head and neck before the big Russian could fully stand up and delivered an excellent swinging neck breaker. With Boris somewhat stunned, the Huckster popped back up onto his feet before confidently walking over to Jeremiah's and Valora's corner. The Franchise Champion exchanged a few words with the number 1 contender before slapping the cyborg in the face, technically tagging him to the match.

Scott Slade: Man, what the Hell was that all about?

Chris Rodgers: Those two are scheduled to go at it at Ultra Slam for the Franchise Championship, so you know tension is running high between them. The Huckster might be already trying to play some mind games with Jeremiah!

Scott Slade: Huckleberry? Playing mind games? I think you're giving that dumbass hillbilly too much credit there, Chris.

Jeremiah entered the ring like a bull in a china shop, but the Huckster made haste and quickly got out of the ring, leaving Jeremiah alone with a furious Boris who'd just gotten back up. As Jeremiah got back to his feet, Boris kicked him in the gut and then picked up the cyborg wrestler and slammed him into the mat with a beautiful Samoan Drop.

Scott Slade: Siberian Slam! The Siberian Slam! Fantastic maneuver from Boris!

Chris Rodgers: That looked oddly like a Samoan Drop to me, Slade. These Russian need to respect the copyright! They can't just copy American moves and rename them after Russian regions. That's unacceptable! God damn communists! Stealing all our intellectual properties and our great American ideas!

With the cyborg down, the Russian went for a cover, attempting to eliminate one of the top teams favored to win the match. The fans booed Boris heavily as referee Bob Sigro dropped down to the wrestling mat for the count. Dasha looked on confidently as she screamed at the top of her lungs, cheering her Russian partner on.

Scott Slade: One! Two!! Kick out by Jeremiah!!!

Chris Rodgers: That was a bit closer than I expected. Jeremiah needs to focus and get it in gear here.

Scott Slade: Jeremiah, of course, one half of the "Unholy Alliance," the most successful tag team in Ultimate Wrestling history. However, I'm sure he's enjoying tagging with Valora a lot more than he did with Abishag.

Chris Rodgers: To say the least…

Boris picked up Jeremiah and was getting ready to set up for another big power move when Dresden slapped him in the back, tagging herself back into the match. Sigro forced the unhappy Russian back to his corner of the ring as Abbigail commenced to work over Jeremiah with punches and kicks. Her mentor Valora watched from across the ring. She then grabbed the cyborg who seemed to be struggling to get his body to do what his brain and computer processor was telling it to do. She tossed him into her corner where Takuma Sato was waiting. Sato grabbed both his arms, locking him up, leaving Jeremiah completely exposed. Dresden went to work, trouncing Jeremiah with a series of massive kicks to his midsection. She then tagged Takuma in making him the legal man for their side.

Scott Slade: Well, it looks like the former tag champs are on the same page here tonight and are making a serious attempt to get their belts back!

Chris Rodgers: That's one way to work together. Not sure if that was legal, but Sigro missed it thanks to Boris throwing a major fit on the other side of the ring.

With Jeremiah suffering in the corner and gasping for oxygen, Sato took advantage and unleashed a series of lightning-fast strikes to both sides of Jeremiah's face with pinpoint accuracy to avoid the metallic portions of his skull. He then backed up and nailed the cyborg with a spinning wheel kick that sent him over the top rope and onto the hard concrete floor. The fans bombarded Sato with boos, unhappy to see Valora's partner take a beating.

Sato backed up and began dancing around in the ring with his lightning-quick footwork and his fists up, looking sprite and confident after his offensive display. Jeremiah was almost back on his feet when out of nowhere, Sokolov attacked the cyborg wrestler with a massive clothesline that dropped him hard to the floor. The fans erupted into a chorus of jeers and boos as they watched the big Russian stomp on Jeremiah. He then picked up the cyborg and tossed him back into the ring, satisfied with the beating he'd unleashed up him.

Chris Rodgers: Who the Hell is this big Russian bastard?

Scott Slade: No idea, Chris, but he's making his presence felt today in this critical match.

Chris Rodgers: Sigro needs to ban him from ringside! This is unacceptable!

Sato seeing a chance to eliminate the Ultra Powers team, jumped on Jeremiah and attempted to cover him for a pin. Jeremiah, however, kicked out of it before the referee could even get on the mat to make the count. Sato looked surprised but went back to work, picking up Jeremiah and belly to belly, suplexing him onto his back. Sato then picked up cyborg and pulled him over to his corner by his head. He then tagged Abbigail back in, who went after Jeremiah with some kicks before putting him into a standing arm-bar submission hold.

Dresden yanked on his arm hard, attempting to pull it out of the socket, but Jeremiah was able to reverse it into a headlock. Abbigail used all over her strength to push the bigger Jeremiah off of her and into the ropes. Jeremiah bounced into ropes and sprung off them, nailing Dresden with a high-velocity spear that caught her off-guard. The back of Abagail's head whacked the wrestling mat hard as Jeremiah landed next to her on his back, breathing heavily. Jeremiah wrestling singlet had fallen off his shoulder, revealing the stab wound he'd suffered at the hands of the Reagantor after the last Friday Night Clash.

Scott Slade: What a comeback from Jeremiah! He read that situation perfectly!

Chris Rodgers: Man look at that cut on his chest, Scotty. Those undisclosed injuries he suffered from the Reagnator's attack last month seems to be nagging him in the ring today. I'm surprised he was cleared to fight tonight.

Scott Slade: That explains a lot. He just seems to be struggling out there. Just look at the sweat beading out of his pours and his heavy breathing patterns.

Chris Rodgers: He might be a cyborg, but he's still human. We're seeing his limitations tested tonight!

Jeremiah got up and dove into his corner, tagging in his partner Valora. Abbigail had managed to crawl to the ropes and pull herself up just as her mentor had stepped into the ring. They glared at each other from across the ring as the Mexican fans grew quiet, waiting to see what would transpire between the two. Abbigail walked toward Valora and extended her hand to her mentor, Valora's body language eased up for a second, and she smiled. As she reached out took hold of Dresden's hand, a drop of blood dripped out of her protégé's nose. In that split second, Valora's smile turned into a frown as Abbigail yanked her close, and then Oklahoma slammed the woman who had trained her since she was a young teenager hard into the mat.

Scott Slade: Well, look who finally developed a bit of a mean streak! Maybe some of Valora has rubbed off on Abbigail!

Chris Rodgers: I think Salinas was planning to do the very same thing to her and the protégé beat her mentor to it!

Scott Slade: I guess she won't be teaching her any lessons today.

With Valora down on the wrestling mat stunned, Dresden quickly tagged in her partner Takuma who climbed up onto the top rope. Abbigail slid out of the ring as Valora struggled to her feet, only to get nailed with a flying dragon kick from Sato. Kick nailed Valora in the face and knocked her back on to her butt. The Latina rolled around holding her bloody nose and mouth on the mat as Sato stood above her.

Chris Rodgers: Yes! Fantastic work from Sato! Just listen to this crowd! They're livid!

Scott Slade: These two are slated to fight it out for the Submission Championship at Ultra Slam, and it looks like we're going to get a preview of that match right here!

Valora seen Sato coming toward her and swiped his legs out from under him, dropping him onto his back on the mat. The bloody Latina then pounced on him like a madwoman and began unleashing a flurry of punches on his face as Sato did his best to block them. She then locked Sato into wrapped her leg and arms around Takuma, locking him into the Aztec Clutch. The fans erupted and began chanting, "Valora! Valora! Ohhhlay! Ohhhlay! Over and over again, like at a soccer match as Sato struggled to stay conscious and drag them toward the ropes.

Chris Rodgers: No! No!! Not again!!!

Scott Slade: Aztec Clutch! The move she used to take the Submission Championship away from Sato! This could be all she wrote for the Young Guns team!

Chris Rodgers: No way! Sato is not giving up! He's only a few feet away!

In an incredible feat, Sato dragged Valora with his airway and blood supply to his brain, almost completely cut off over to the ring ropes. With the last little bit of strength, the martial artist grabbed hold of the bottom rope, and Sigro forced Valora to break the hold, much to the fan's disappointment.

Scott Slade: Incredible resilience from Sato, but that's got to put some worrisome thoughts in his head about their upcoming title fight!

Sato struggled back to his feet, but immediately Valora was on him with a powerful ax handle smash. The blow caused Sato to stumble into the Russians corner where he tagged in Dasha and then speedily rolled out of the ring to catch a breather after almost losing the match for his team. Dasha used her upper arm strength to vault over the top rope into the ring and quickly locked horns with Valora. The fans roared as quickly Irish whip slammed her into the mat and then followed it up with a dropkick when the Russian attempted to come back at her. Valora then jumped on Dasha's back and pulled her down to the mat deliver a devastating "Gringa Killa" vertebreaker that left the Russian wailing in pain on the mat holding her spine.

Scott Slade: Jesus! Valora is taking no prisoners tonight! Perhaps her protégé besting her in that little exchange has her fired up?

Chris Rodgers: When is this freak of nature not fired up? She at an 11 every time she steps into the ring.

Scott Slade: Hah! Yup! That's what makes her so dangerous!

Valora made her way back to her corner and tagged in Jeremiah, who questionably went to the top rope of their turnbuckle and leaped off it crushing Dasha with a devastating frog splash. The Mexcian fans erupted as he covered the Russian's leg for a pin. Borris attempted to come in the ring and interrupt the pin, but Valora put a stop to that with a running discus elbow to the face that sent him of the ring apron and face-first onto the floor down below.

Scott Slade: Ooooh! What a move by Jeremiah!

Chris Rodgers: A quick hook of the leg, one! Two!! Three!!!

Scott Slade: The Russians have been eliminated! Dasha Ivanova is in a world of pain right now! A vertabreaker* followed up with a frog splash!

Chris Rodgers: Yeah, that'll ruin your night, no doubt about it, Scotty.

Hank Sokolov slid into the ring and scooped up the injured Dasha, and then hastily exited the ring as Valora made her way back to her corner. Referee Bob Sigro selected Huckleberry to be the next legal man in for the Champions, which perked up everyone's attention as the number 1 contender and the Franchise champion locked up in the center of the ring for the first time in the match. Huckleberry won the grapple and locked in the injured cyborg in a standing arm-bar. Jeremiah seemed to be favoring his not fully healed stab wound after his insane high-flying maneuver, but he dug down deep and reversed the arm-bar, cranking the pressure on his hillbilly opponent.

Scott Slade: I honestly couldn't imagine two opponents so vastly different, Chris. Huckleberry grew up dirt poor in the Appalachian Mountains and probably doesn't even know how to turn on a computer. Then you look at Jeremiah Vastrix, who grew up with more wealth than some third world countries combined, and he's literally a walking computer-human hybrid.

Chris Rodgers: The Hillbilly versus the cyborg. Only in Ultimate Wrestling, people!

Vastrix yanked Huckleberry in close and locked him into a headlock before pulling them both back into the ropes for a little springboard. Huckleberry pushed Jeremiah off of him and sent him into the ropes on the other side of the ring. Vastrix came off the ropes fast, however, and ended nailing Huckleberry with a shoulder block that knocked much lighter hillbilly on his ass. Jeremiah bolted to the ropes once again and hopped over Huckleberry as he was trying to get up off the mat. As he came off the ropes again from the other side of the ring, Huckleberry attempted to jump into the air for a high knee that backfired. Jeremiah used his cybernetic eyes to read the attack the whole way and caught Huckleberry intercepting him for a brutal atomic drop, which he then followed up with a clothesline.

Scott Slade: Well, that's one form of birth control!

Chris Rodgers: Jeremiah with a pin on the Champion! O.N.E.! T.W.O.!! NO!!! Huckleberry somehow got the shoulder up!

Scott Slade: Huckster has real tenacity! He's not an easy man to beat! We've seen this time and time again!

An exhausted Jeremiah rolled off of Huckleberry with his stab wound now visibly reopened and bleeding all of his chest and shoulder, staining the wrestling mat in the process. Valora screamed out for him to make a tag, fully aware that he was losing a lot of blood. Jeremiah crawled toward Dresden and Sato's corner because it was closer to him to tag out, but former champs dropped away from the ring apron to the floor, refusing to relieve Jeremiah.

Chris Rodgers: Look at this strategic play from the Young Guns! I've got to admit I'm impressed! First, Dresden lets Valora have it, and now this genius play!

Scott Slade: Jeremiah has to get back to his corner if he's going to tag out of this match, and it looks like the Huckster has gotten back to his feet!

Huckleberry began stomping on Jeremiah and then tagged on his partner LuLu Biggs as Slick Mick cheered them on from down below on the floor. The enormous Biggs jogged up to Jeremiah and attempted his pancake flop, but Jeremiah's cybernetic eyes saw him coming, and the blood-soaked cyborg rolled out of the ring just at the last second, avoiding being crushed. Biggs let out a visceral groan as the fat in his belly pushed up into his ribs as he hit the ring mat. Many of the Mexican fans started the laugh at the obese wrestler as Huckleberry helped his partner up off the mat. Meanwhile, on the outside, Sato had taken it upon himself to pick up Jeremiah and toss him back into the ring. With only a short rest, the cyborg was barely able to get to his feet by the time LuLu had waddled over to him.

Scott Slade: This match is living up to the hype! Any one of these three teams could walk out of here with the straps tonight!

Chris Rodgers: My money's on Dresden and Sato! I just love the way they're approaching this match!

Biggs unleashed a series of knife-edge chops on Jeremiah's wounded chest and then flung him into the ropes. Jeremiah bounced back toward LuLu, who came at him with a running freight train of a clothesline but instead took a surprise big boot to the face from Jeremiah, who read the attack coming from a mile away. The boot to the face sent Biggs wobbling back up against the ropes and allowed for Jeremiah to make a diving tag to Valora. The Latina immediately ignited the fan's passions as she started unleashing a can of whoop-ass on the rotund Biggs.

Valora then attempted to send Biggs into the turnbuckle with an Irish whip, but the big behemoth put his elephant size foot down and planted it in the mat. Valora felt as if she'd tried to move a bolder and turned around only to receive a powerful Jell-O arm clothesline from Biggs. The Mexican fans instantly turned hostile and began shouting slurs at Biggs as he waddled over to the Young Guns corner and tagged in Sato.

Chris Rodgers: Here comes Sato back in the match with Valora still trying to regain her composure. I think he smells blood in the water and wants revenge!

Valora shook the cobwebs from her head and got back up on her feet only to see Sato standing only a foot away from her with his arm cocked back. She attempted to block it, but Sato's lightning reflexes were too fast, and Takuma nailed her straight in the heart with his heart punch. Valora let out a huge gasp as she clutched her chest and collapsed flat on her back like she'd been shot through the heart with a pistol. The entire Azteca stadium went dead silent as Sato dropped down and covered the Latina for the pin.

Chris Rodgers: That's it! Stick and fork in her!! She's done!!!


Chris Rodgers: WHAT?!!!

Scott Slade: No one has ever kicked out of the heart punch! I mean no one! Not even Brock Abishag!

Chris Rodgers: Sato is beside himself! Look at the expression on his face!

Scott Slade: This maximum capacity crowd is going insane! I feel like I'm going deaf!

Sato attempted to pin Valora again, but the Latina kicked out even faster the second time around. Frustrated, Sato got back on his feet and pointed at Huckleberry before marching over and tagging the hillbilly into the match. Huckleberry immediately climbed up the turnbuckle and jumped off the top rope in an attempt to hit a flying head-butt to finish Valora off. The high-risk maneuver failed miserably for Huckleberry, however, as Valora rolled out of the way just in time.

Chris Rodgers: Holy shit! Did you see the Hucksters head bounce off the wrestling mat?

Scott Slade: Well, he can add another concussion to his list of ailments. Salinas, however, is struggling over to Jeremiah, who seems to have somewhat recovered from earlier.

Chris Rodgers: He still looks pretty rough to me. The Ultra Powers looks to be in a world of hurt right now.

Both members of the Ultra Powers extended their arms out toward each other as far as they could to execute the tag. The entire stadium erupted as Jeremiah came in and began stomping away on Huckleberry in relief of the injured Valora. Jeremiah then picked up Huckleberry by his long scruffy, dirty blonde hair and smacked the hillbilly as hard as he could across the face to pay him back for earlier. The fans applauded the cyborg as he continued to unleash punishment by nailing the Huckster with a powerful thrust kick that took the hillbilly off his feet and back onto the mat.

Chris Rodgers: Jeremiah knows that any punishment that he inflicts on Huckleberry right now could serve an edge at Ultra Slam.

Scott Slade: No doubt, and you know damn well he's gathering as much data on him as he can as well.

Jeremiah grabbed Huckleberry's legs and pulled him, attempting to lock in a lion tamer submission hold. Huckleberry, however, had other ideas and use all of his abdominal strength to sit up and grab Jeremiah by his hair to pull him down and roll him up into a pin while making sure to pull the cyborg's tights for extra grip. The referee dove to the mat for the count as the bans booed heavily.

Chris Rodgers: One! Two!! No!!! Damn it!

Scott Slade: Valora barely getting in the ring in time to break up the pin. That was a close one for the Ultra Powers!

Chris Rodgers: She needs to be disqualified! Throw her out, ref!

As referee Bob Sigro attempted to get Valora back into her corner, Huckleberry reached down into his spandex and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, which he then used to rock Jeremiah's skull with. The brass on Jeremiah's half metal skull echoed throughout the Azteca as the cyborg collapsed to the wrestling mat, completely unconscious. An uproar among the fans exploded in the arena as they began cursing and throwing garbage into the ring, unhappy with American's foul tactics. Huckleberry then tossed the illegal weapon away as Bob Sigro turned around just in time to see the Huckster tag in his partner LuLu Biggs.

Scott Slade: That cheating little bastard! Can you believe this crap?

Chris Rodgers: What? I didn't see anything.

Scott Slade: You can't be serious! Oh crap… Huckleberry just tagged in LuLu, and we know there's no love lost between him and Jeremiah.

Chris Rodgers: It's pancake making time!

The massive LuLu Bigg's stepped through the wrestling ropes and waddled out of his corner while his partner jumped up and down excitedly, pointing at Jeremiah while yelling something in hillbilly. Biggs leaned into the ring's ropes to get a little bit of push and then jogged slowly over to where Jeremiah was laying on the mat and jumped into the air before belly-flopping onto the cyborg. The impact was so great that Jeremiah's cybernetic eyes popped out of his skull and flew up into the air.

Scott Slade: God damn!

Chris Rodgers: Did you see that? His robot eyes flew shot of his skull!

Scott Slade: That and all the air that was in his lungs. Good lord, his ribs have to be crushed into dust! That was 600 pounds that just landed on Jeremiah!

Chris Rodgers: Sigro down to the mat for the count, One! Two!! Three!!!

Scott Slade: I can't believe it; the Ultra Powers have been eliminated.

Chris Rodgers: You better believe it! See you later, Valora! Better luck next time! Hahahaha!

With both members of the Ultra Powers were so injured, E.M.T.'s rushed out to the ring to provide them with medical attention. Jeremiah was loaded up onto a stretcher and wheeled backstage, and then loaded into an ambulance. Valora was able to make her way slowly back up the ramp but was also put in an ambulance and taken to the hospital due to an irregular heartbeat. Meanwhile, back in the ring, the final two teams had started to mix it up as they vied for the championship gold.

Scott Slade: I've got reports that both Valora and Jeremiah are on their way to the hospital.

Chris Rodgers: Woo! What a night, and it's not even over yet!

Dresden had stepped in the wrestling ring after watching her mentor be helped out of the wrestling ring and up the ramp. LuLu Biggs had tagged Huckleberry back into the match as the legal man for their team. The two circled each other for a few seconds before they locked up in the center of the ring. The fans in the arena had now turned their support to Valora's protégé and Sato. It was clear they wouldn't be happy unless the Young Guns walked out of the Azteca as champions. Abbigail out powered the little Appalachian, picked him straight, and slammed him on the mat.

Scott Slade: Dresden is such a strong and young athlete with such a bright future ahead of her. Just look at the way she's outmuscling the Franchise champion!

Chris Rodgers: It's not that impressive… Huckleberry weighs like a buck fifty soaking wet.

Dresden wrapped the Huckster into a headlock, but the little hillbilly fought back to his feet before being shoved into the turnbuckle. Dresden rushed in after him to attempt a quick splash; Huckleberry got his foot up in time and booted Abbigail in the face. Dresden turned around and stumbled forward, and Huckleberry took it as an opportunity to slide between her legs, quickly turn around on the mat flat on his back, and boot her in the face with both feet. The fans erupted in boos as Abbigail stumbled back in her turnbuckle. Frustrated with the Huckster, she regained her footing and charged at him only to be tripped up by a drop toehold. Dresden smacked the wrestling mat hard which Huckleberry to jump on her back and lock her into a headlock.

Dresden fought to her feet and turned the headlock into an armbar, but the quick little hillbilly wrestled out of it, and Irish whip slammed her into the wrestling mat for her efforts. Dresden got back up onto her knees, frustrated with how poorly things were going for her. The Huckster then began to do a celebration jig dance, which infuriated both Dresden and the fans. Dresden got back on her feet and rushed in a powerful nailed the Huckster with a big boot to the gut before clobbering him with a scissor kick to the back of his head. She then used the opportunity to tag Takuma into the match while Huckleberry laid on the wrestling mat holding the back of his head while kicking his feet up and down on the mat in pain.

Scott Slade: A nice move by Dresden to stem the tide and tag her Takuma, who has relatively stayed unscathed throughout this match.

Chris Rodgers: Typical liberal ideology! They want everything handed to them!

Sato took off his red Rebel of Society vest and tossed it into the crowd. The martial artist meant business as he danced around, waiting for Huckleberry to get back up off the mat. Once on his feet, Sato clobbered Huckleberry with a reverse roundhouse kick and then followed it up with a beautiful wushu butterfly kick that knocked the hillbilly into a daze and forced him to stumble to his corner and tag in Biggs.

Scott Slade: Now this is a matchup I never thought we'd see! The Sumo trained LuLu Biggs against the Jeet Kune Do savant!

Chris Rodgers: I bet LuLu flattens this little Rebel like he flattened Jeremiah earlier!

Biggs waddled toward Sato, who easily avoided him around the ring for a good thirty seconds as LuLu reached out unsuccessfully, trying to grab ahold of the lightning-quick martial artist. The two fighters circled each other like this until Sato vaulted in attempted to hit Biggs with a kick, which he easily blocked his powerful arms. The block almost took Sato off his feet and backed him up, forcing him to reassess how to approach his six-hundred-pound opponent with an attack.

Chris Rodgers: Come on, man, this is boring! Are we going to just watch Biggs chase Sato around all night?

Scott Slade: I think we might be looking at a strategy here from Takuma. I think he wants Biggs to tire himself out. He knows that moving the heavy body of his around in the ring uses up a great deal of stamina.

Chris Rodgers: If I was Sato, I'd be going in with some kicks to LuLu's knees. Destabilize the big fellow.

Scott Slade: Not a bad idea.

Takuma attempted to move in again for an attack, but Biggs cut him off with a powerful sumo sprint and pummeled him up against the ropes with open palm strikes. Sato barely maneuvered out of the situation, caught off-guard by LuLu's surprising short but fast spurt. The frustration of not being able to catch and pummel Sato was visible on LuLu's face as he slapped the ring ropes angrily with his hands. As LuLu turned around, Sato darted in and attempted a single leg takedown, but the attempt backfired as LuLu's tree trunk sized leg was too heavy for the 195 pounders to lift. LuLu instantly used the opportunity to flop on top of Sato and wrapped up his legs with both of his massive arms.

Scott Slade: No! What was Sato thinking!

Chris Rodgers: Oh, it's over! There's no way Sato is going to get loose!

Sato did his best to squirm as close to his corner as he could, but LuLu held him tight, preventing him from being able to reach Dresden for a tag. With panic overtaking Sato, he began striking Biggs in the head with hammer punches to the back of his head to try and force LuLu to release him. At first, it didn't seem like the punches were having any effect on Biggs, but eventually, a big cut opened up on the back of his, and blood started to drip down the back of his neck and onto the wrestling. Eventually, the loss of blood caused Biggs to weaken, and Sato was able to squirm loose and unleash of series of power punches to the back of his larger opponent's face and head. The Mexican fans roared as they watched the martial artist beat Biggs like a stuffed piñata.

Chris Rodgers: I can't believe it! Sato got free from LuLu and is letting him have it now!

Scott Slade: If LuLu doesn't get up soon, Sigro's going to have to stop the match!

Huckleberry rushed in to attempt to save his partner for a certain knockout defeat and received a stunning standing side kick straight to his chin from Sato that took the little hillbilly off his feet and onto the mat. Sato mounted Huckleberry and began pummeling the Franchise champion just as he had been LuLu Biggs just a moment ago. This allowed Biggs to crawl bloody and beaten toward the ropes and pull himself back up onto his feet.

Scott Slade: Sato is on an absolute rampage! Fantastic stuff!

Chris Rodgers: The champions need to get their heads out of their asses, or else we're going to have new champions crowned tonight.

The fans cheered Sato on as he got up off of Huckleberry and turned his attention back to LuLu, who still seemed a bit dazed after the beating he'd taken. Sato moved in with another running sidekick, but LuLu got his hands up and grabbed hold of his foot, forcing Sato to have to balance on one leg. Biggs then took the martial artist completely off his feet, using all of his strength to flip him onto his back, and then followed it up with a massive leg drop that rocked the entire ring. Dresden moved in to try to help Takuma out, sensing the momentum he'd built had shifted in that instant, but she was blindsided by Huckleberry, who hit her with a spear in the side of her ribcage.

Chris Rodgers: Ohhh, man! Just like that, the champs are right back in it! I'm surprised Sato's brains are leaking out of his ears after Biggs dropped the massive thigh on his head!

Scott Slade: Did you see Huckleberry take Dresden off her feet with that spear! That looked seriously painful!

Chris Rodgers: Hell yeah! The Huckster coming in with the big save at a critical moment! Now the match is theirs! Finish them off, boys! Wooo!

Biggs got to his feet and picked up Takuma mounting him up onto his bloody shoulders as Huckleberry climbed up to the top rope. With Sato slouched up on top of LuLu's shoulders, Huckleberry dove off the top rope and clobbered the martial artists with a clothesline that slammed the martial arts from six feet above into the wrestling mat knocking him completely unconscious. LuLu turned around and covered Sato with his enormous body.

Scott Slade: Dooms Day Device! Unbelievable!

Chris Rodgers: It's over! O.N.E.!! T.W.O.!!! THREE!!!




LuLu got up off of Sato and embraced the Huckster as Bob Sigro grabbed both their hands and raised them into the air. The Mexican fans booed and hissed at the winners as their gold tag team belts were presented back to them after a successful defense. The Ultimate Wrestling medical staff rushed out to examine Sato and as Dresden rolled out of the ring, holding her injured ribcage. Slick Mick entered the ring as "Old Town" started to play on the stadium speaker system.

Holly Hudson: The Winners of this match and STILL!!! Tag Team Champions! LuLu Biggs and Huckleberry!!!

Chris Rodgers: What a match! This was an instant classic! One of the best main events we've ever had on Friday Night Clash! These Mexican fans are just being sore losers! How dare they boo one of the greatest Tag Teams we've ever seen in Ultimate Wrestling!

Scott Slade: It just didn't go their way tonight, but I have a feeling they haven't seen the last of Young Guns or the Ultra Powers Chris. Ladies' gentlemen were out of time, but as always will be back with another fantastic wrestling show in two weeks!

Chris Rodgers: See you then!

The live feed ended with Sato being lifted onto a gurney and rolled up the ramp while Huckleberry, LuLu, and Slick Mick taunted the Mexican fans and showed off their gold belts proudly.


Rupert Mudcock laid in a hospital bed with a neck brace on, grimacing in pain from the chokeslam he suffered at the hands of Evolution earlier during the show. He'd spent the last four hours since his arrival screaming at nurses and doctors. He'd belittled them for inferior Mexican medical education and their subpar healthcare system. Allen had ridden in the ambulance with his boss making sure that he arrived safely and had been well taken care of. He was currently on the phone making final arrangements for the Ultra Slam Pay Per View event he would, without doubt, be responsible for now that Rupert was bedridden.

Allen: Yes, we're looking for a historical site. Somewhere exotic that would capture the imagination of the American people and attract people from all over this region. Right… okay, get back to me with a couple of options.

Allen hung up his encrypted Hammer Industries smartphone and then turned around to face his pitiful employer. Rupert was high as a kite on multiple I.V. pain medication, but the obese baby boomer had snorted so much cocaine the previous night at LuLu Biggs's gentleman's club that he was still somehow lucid. Allen couldn't help but be impressed by the M.O.X. media mogul and his uncanny substance tolerance.

Rupert: Thank God I hired you, Allen; at least while I heal up, I can rest assured that the wrestling portion of my media empire is well under control. I wish I could say the same for those idiots up New York City in my News division!

Allen: Thank you, sir. We should have a location soon for the big Ultra Slam event. I'm thinking something tribal, as a juxtaposition to last year's Roman theme at Caesar's Palace.

Rupert: I like it! Fantastic work. What's the status of that cretin who placed his dirty scaly hands on me?

Allen: I'm sorry to say, Rupert, that the Mexican authorities already released him…

Rupert: What?! That crazy bastard almost killed me tonight! I was going to press charges! How could he be released!

Allen: I'm guessing that he paid them off. The police here will take almost any bribe over 100$.

Rupert: This is ridiculous! What kind of third-world country is this!

Allen: I have it under control, sir. I've called in favor with the Reaganator. Not sure why I hadn't looked into him before. I feel like he could be a very useful tool for me… I mean us... sorry, It's been a long day.

Rupert: The Reaganator?

Allen: I've hired him to hunt down Evolution and put him down for good for what he did to you. We can't have a psycho like that running around gunning for you. If he's successful, I've promised him a match of his choosing against Valora Salinas.

Rupert: It's crazy, but it might work… send one nut job after another... However, Salinas is off-limits. I've made that clear to him. I have it on good authority that he's been sent down here to do her and Jeremiah in by President McStrump himself. They're two of the biggest money-makers I've got left on this roster, and I'm not about to lose them because the President of the United States has some vendetta against them! I've done enough favors for the fat fucking orange idiot!

Allen: I know you've clung to Valora recently as a financial crutch, and honestly, sir, after the way she's treated you in the past, it's been hard to watch. I mean, if it wasn't for Valora, we wouldn't be stuck here in this "Shit Hole" country as I've stated many times before. I think you should consider another temporary relocation until things calm down back in the States. I've looked at our international numbers and were pulling in insane ratings in Japan because of Takuma Sato.

Rupert: Really? I've don't think I've seen those numbers…

Allen: For the past three months since his little rivalry with Salinas started over the Submission Championship title, they've grown five times over. Ultimate wrestling is now watched almost as much as the top domestic promotion in Japan.

Rupert: I've never been to Japan…

Allen:Oh, trust me, sir. It's light years ahead of this place. Tokyo is the city of the future!

Rupert: Fine… Honestly, if I stay here any longer, who knows what will happen to me. I approve of the deal with Reaganator. If he puts down that snake freak Evolution, then it's open-season of Valora Salians as far as I'm concerned!

Allen: I'll make the call.

Ultimate Wrestling will continue…


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