Thanks for tagging me, @tryskele!
Yeah, this story is fun in that creepy sort of way. Thankfully, I don't do horror, lol. Not even about nasty cats (though I am a cat person, lol... most animals seem to like me, actually.)
I've been getting along very well with dbooks, though I'm having to do some hand-coding to make LibreOffice get along with Dbooks... I think it was initially designed with Word, so if you're using that it should work just fine if you paste into Dbooks' editor. But it's the first online book publishing platform to mesh with Steemit with the same model. None of the other online book publishing platforms are quite like it - either they don't pay or they want you to submit your work to be looked at by another human - not great when you're trying to get work done your own way!
I love the fact that you're doing the videos to go along with you story! That's something I should do, but then, I'm a little camera/voice shy... not sure if I can manage to do that for an entire novella!
Anyway, I'm so glad that @bengy found you and featured you. The Pay It Forward contest is simply awesome!
I figured you might be able provide some expertise :D I'll keep it mind horror stories for @viking-ventures it :D
You're welcome @fictionspawn. I read just about anything as long as I can stay interested. Your caught me from the start. I think if I get time at work tonight...I'll share your audible version with my coworker :)
The closest I come to horror is * Supernatural* - but because it's paranormal, I put up with the horror for the interesting bits.
Despite that, I'm still interested in continuing this Crazy Old Cat Lady book - at least for awhile.
I'm actually working alongside Dbooks at the moment - giving them suggestions and things like that. I may end up doing some of their Steemit work for them, but we'll see...