Gettin' Down Solid {NSFW 18+ Story}

in #fiction5 years ago

Venser's bedroom, The Dragon's Head Tavern and Inn, Vorland, 1438 ATC

Ruari lounged around on silk sheets, reading one of her many books she collected while traveling. The particular book she was reading wasn't one of her favorites, as it was about religion of the world, and it was boring her to tears. Somehow.

"All right, I think I'm done with this..." She muttered to herself before tossing it over her shoulder and letting it smack against the wall and fall to the ground with a thud as she spread her legs out.

As Rauri lounged about in Venser's bed, the door to his room open and the man himself saunted in holding the hand of a very tall woman with very long black hair and demonic orange eyes. ''So we did miss it...'' He said to her before squeezing the woman's hand. ''But... Ceirra?'' He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and standing on the tips of her toes, kissing her on the cheek from behind. ''Are you up for some fun?'' He looked around her and to Ro.

''Are you? My succubus lover has come all this way to retrieve me so... I'm talking about gettin' down solid before we head out baby!'''

The tall temptress smirked when Venser held her from behind and laughed. "What in Laguna are you dragging me into now? I enjoy a surprise but...." Her voice trails off when she sees the tanned woman. "Woah. You didn't tell me she was gorgeous. You're forgetting things again."

The olive skined elf giggled at the compliment, her freckled cheeks lighting up with a fierce blush, taking note just how high pitched the other woman's voice was. "Well, I'm not all that but..." Ro grinned happily, the gap in-between her teeth clearly visible now, her voice now trailing off. "All right, I'll join. Just... Promise me we will not do anything towards religion."

Venser let go of Ceirra and hopped onto the bed beside Rauri, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. ''Of course you'll join...'' He nuzzled her head and looked to the succubus while he undid his entertainer tunic, sliding it of to reveal his barreled chest and toned stomach. ''Ceirra, now she's... Words can't describe.'' He said, his voice trailing off as he looked over her body, admiring her long lustrous legs and the bright red dress she wore that exposed the navel. ''Better than any woman at The Witch's Wiggle...''

The tall temptress smirked walking over to the two. "Gorgeous elf. What more could a basic sex demoness like me ask for? Words don't need to describe, let her actions tell me all I need to know." She winked at the elf. "Didn't get your name, sweetheart."

"Aha... Ruari. Just Ruari... What's yours?" She grinned widely, the blush on her cheeks spreading and becoming more vibrant, brushing back her curly burgundy hair. "And I would be more than happy to prove my worth, ma'am..." The islandic elf kept her tone respectful, if laced with joy.

''Why don't we start by getting these clothes off?'' Venser asked moving behind Rauri, sliding down the straps of her night dress, patting a spot on the bed. ''C'mere Legs... Legs, fun little nickname for her.''

"Ceirra Dusk. Legs as he calls me like now... Ahem. Ma'am? Ven... I swear if you told her my status... I'll kill you and keep her and all your other lovers to myself. Ruari. Ro-ohhhh reeee." She chuckled softly sitting on the bed watching him strip Ruari.

Ruari let him undress her as he wished until she was nude, keeping still on the bed. "I assure you, he's done nothing of the sort." She slid out of her dress easily enough, exposing her new, elaborate and beautifully colored tattoos.

Ceirra leaned over and traced the designs, her burnt orange eyes looking over them. "Beautiful. Your body is simply beautiful." She smiled trying to resist the overwhelming urge to trace the lines with her tongue. For now...

''C'mon. All three of us can share each other. I mean, wouldn't be the first of course...'' The handsome bearded barkeep said scooting over to the six foot succubus. He locked his lips with hers and kissed her gently, raising his hands up to undo the front of her outfit. After planting a few kisses he moved around behind her and latched onto her neck, sucking and kissing on it while getting Ceirra out of her red dress.

The islandic elf moved behind the woman, helping Venser rid her of her clothing and suck marks into her neck. "If I'm beautiful then you, my dear, are a goddess."

Ceirra shrugged her shoulders letting the soft fabric fall down to her waist revealing her plump breasts. "You know how that gets me going." She eyed Ruari seductively and gave into need. She gripped her hair and pulled her into a deep kiss.

''Oh yeah... That's hot...'' Venser said sliding out of bed, slowly licking the side of the succubi's cheek behind her now as she and Rauri kissed deeply. He inhaled sharply and grasped her plump breasts, fondling them while his groin rubbed up against her rear. Ceirra would feel something stiff and familiar poke her from behind as Venser tugged on her nipples and continued to suck on her neck, leaving dark spots in certain places.

Ruari relaxed into the kiss soon enough, giving as good as she got, moaning into the kiss and grabbing ahold of the other woman's hair for something to hold on to. When she broke the kiss to regain her breath she took hold of Ceirra's's hand and moved to rest on her small chest. "You can touch me, ya' know. In fact, I rather encourage it." She told the woman, moving foward to go in for another kiss.

The tall temptress welcomed the second kiss with passion. She gripped her breasts massaging the globes as she grinded her ass into Venser moaning softly.

The handsome bearded man slid down her dress and was careful sliding it down her legs, lifting them up a bit and tossing the dress aside on the floor. He put his hands on Ceirra's's sides and thrusted against her black silk panties, his baggy red pants had an obvious bulge to them. ''Hmmm...'' Venser stood up and moved in front of them, to be inbetween them and began to slide his pants down, allowing his throbbing, rock hard member to spring free. ''Ro, should I be on the bottom or the top?''

"Hmm... I'm good with either, sir." She spoke, her voice filled with giddy laughter. "You can choose for me... Unless Legs has something in mind, of course." The islandic elf brought a heavily tattooed hand down to touch herself, not bothering to be gentle at all. "Do you have anything in mind, dear?"

"Which do you prefer?" Ceirra smiled sweetly dipping her hand down to touch Rauri's womanhood, using her fingers to stroke her crotch. "Guess it's good I have more than one hole then... I don't think Ven has ever stuck it in my ass.''

''I'll have one of you ride me then.'' Venser said licking his lips, before quickly leaning forward to lick at Ceirra's and Ruari's. ''Me on the bottom...'' He looked to his succubus companion. ''You riding me.'' He turned his attention to Rauri. 'You sitting on my face, this is going to be fantastic. Bam. I have spoken.''

"Ah!-- Mnh..." Ro moaned softly at the stimulation, thrusting shallowly and slowly into the hand currently giving her pleasure. "I like that idea, Ven..." She responded, biting into her lower lip. She reluctantly pulled away from her hand, instead moving behind the woman, prompting the handsome bearded man to trade places with her, sitting up in the middle of his bed and watching them both.

The tall temptress rose up and pushed Ven onto his back before crawling over him. She was soaked already and had a feeling she wouldn't last long. She never did when she was as full as she knew she was about to be. She bit Ven's neck as she grinded her wet pussy over his cock.

''Ah...!'' Venser groaned in pain and chuckled, smiling as raised his left hand and trapped her black panties in a green aura, swiftly pulling them down as her bare, wet pussy rubbed up against his cock, gently teasing the lips.

''Get these off... Gonna bone you like a chicken cutlet...'' Venser mumbled.

He pulled Ceirra Dusk down on top of him and kissed the spot right beside her lips, looking back to Rauri before looking back to the orange eyed succubus. ''You two ready?'' He asked with an arrogant smirk slowly pushing himself in.

''Nnngnn…!'' Impaling herself upon him, burying every glorious inch of his fat dick into her cunt, she gyrated upon him. not caring about taking it slow and bringing her ass downwards, causing Venser to take off and start plowing the tall temptress hard, the sounds of her thighs slapping against his pelvis filling the air.

''Oh yes, sir..." Ro watched as the two fucked in front of her, rubbing herself to the sight. The islandic elf swiped two fingers around her lower lips, using the wetness to slick her fingers.

Ceirra moaned arching her back as he pushes inside of her "Mmm." She looks back at the elf. then back to Ven. "Fill me completely..." She leaned forward exposing her ass to Rauri. She bites her bottom lip waiting a bit impatiently.

"Tsk... So impatient. Maybe I should just sit off to the side and watch you two the entire time, instead..." Ro joked, shoving the slicked fingers into her asshole. "But then again, I wouldn't get to have any fun, then, would I?" She began thrusting the fingers in and out, watching with a hungry gaze.

Venser ran his hands up and down Ceirra''s body as he kissed her softly as she bounced up and down on his dick. ''C'mon Ro... Quit teasing the girl and come sit on my face already...'' He said with a soft moan slowly tracing a scar on her side.

Ceirra moaned arching her back, letting out a high pitched squeal. "Fuck.....Mmm. More. Gods it feels so good actually." She dropped her head and placed her hands on Venser's toned stomach for support, clenching around his shaft.

"Ah... Gods above, woman..." Ruari cursed as she thrusted completely into her. She brought a hand around her body to rub at the woman's clit as she fucked her, adding to the pleasure while watching from behind.

Impatient, Ven just moaned out again, ''RO just sit on my face already. Gods, fuck me...''

"Alright," Ruari rolled her azure eyes whilst playing with Ceirra from behind, "since you asked soooooo nicely...''

The islandic elf moved around on the bed and hovered her dripping snatch to his mouth, making herself comfortable and looking to the tall succubus across from her, her breasts bouncing up and down in front of her. Ro gasped as Venser began to eat her out. She wriggled and ground her cunt against her friend's mouth, her breath coming hard and fast as she felt Venser's tongue enter her.

Ceirra smiled at the islandic elf and leaned over to kiss her hard on the mouth. ''Mhm you're lovely...'' She kissed down her neck, her tongue gliding over Ruari's small chest and stomach, enjoying her soft, light brown skin.

Ruari smiled back at the succubus with burnt orange eyes and nuzzled her face against hers, before kissing her deeply, pressing her hips down and smearing her wet cunny over Venser's face, covering it.

Ceirra gasped and moaned into Ro's mouth as she felt her pussy being stretched open. Oh how he had many, many points of stamina in the bedroom and actually kept up with the succubus. Once Venser had worked himself all the way inside of her he began to pump in and out of her again. In tune with this thrusts, he plowed Ceirra with reckless abandon for what seemed like forever. Though, it was moments like these where time didn't seem to matter. Only the here and now.

The tall succubus was getting close to popping already as Venser continued his work beneath her. Ro was leaning on his shoulders making out with Ceirra and moaning into her mouth as the tall temptress bounced up and down on his lap. Ruari was getting so turned on at the moment that she even briefly considered letting him fuck her rather than simple oral pleasure, but she quickly pushed that thought out of her mind. For now, she ground herself harder onto the handsome barkeep's face and continued to wriggle about.

At last, the islandic elf felt herself peak, screaming in pleasure as her whole body tensed up and the flood gates opened into Venser's's waiting mouth. He greedily drank the offered liquid, even as his face got became drenched in Ruari's fluids. The sight of the pretty elf cumming on his face after he ate her out nicely was enough to push him over the edge as he pumped his load into Ceirra's cunny.

''Mhmmm…!'' Painting the succubi's interior with his hot, sticky baby batter before going still underneath the two girls, finally worn out by his lovers efforts. Though, the previous night had been a rather fun one. And the one before that. Nearly every hour maybe. Ro rolled off of Venser's face, and the three spent a moment collecting their collective breaths in silence, the handsome bearded man had a girl on each side of him and admired them with his emerald slitted eyes.

Wordlessly, they all cuddled up together in bed not minding the dampness coating each other's bodies, rather, basking in each other's sweatiness...

They could clean the love juices off later, for now a nice nap sounded wonderful. As he dozed off in the loving embrace of Ruari and Ceirra, Venser sighed in contentment. When they awoke, all he really had to do was lot up all the coin he had and then... He considered a simple carriage ride, but he'd just teleport all of them back home so he could see the rest of his family after about a week or so.

Actually, maybe a carriage would be fine. So they could all be wildly screwing one another, like rabid animals in heat on the road to Villa Karkaldwin.

Or maybe teleportation so they could meet up with all the other women he lived with on his farm?

Tough choice, as much as he loved choices.