The Dragon's Head Tavern and Inn, Vorland, 1438 ATC
Sleeping in-between two gorgeous women, the handsome bearded barkeep had an odd dream. A memory.
In the shadow of the forgotten glade, a lone figure sat up against one of the stone obelisks inside the glade, unmoving with his eyes closed and a cannabis cigar in between his lips. The man's facial features were hidden by a black hood draped over his head, and he wore a crimson and turquoise tunic with baggy red pants and bright red boots caked with mud. He exhaled smoke and shifted slightly, rubbing his head before giving it a shake. He had no idea how long he had been here as a pair of snake like eyes surveyed he area. He was surrounded by cherry blossom trees and their petals fell slowly inside the peaceful area in the forest, the particular obelisk he was up against seemed to be made of a hard, white porcelain material. The hooded man made a lazy attempt to rise to his feet, only to let out an audible grunting noise and slide back down a large white obelisk. In the same sitting position he was in prior.
A wandering female elf walked through a forest she had stumbled upon in her journey. She walked slowly, looking at her surroundings and taking in all of the beauty nature provided her. As her sky blue eyes scanned around the trees, she noticed a small opening and picked up her pace to investigate. as she entered the area, the moonlight that now bled through the trees illuminated her yellow blonde hair, and her white feathers on her boots seemed to glow in the moonlight. The closer she came to the center, she could hear see a lone figure in the distance. She grew weary, not sure if it was friendly or not. Nuikia Pollux figured it best to announce her presence, just in case the lone man didn't take kindly to people sneaking up on him. ''Greetings. I do hope I am not intruding on your meditation.''
''Beautiful place, isn't it?'' Venser's voice called out to her, followed by several coughs and greenish white smoke being turned out into the air.
''Ahek! Ahek! Yeah... I come here to think and just... Just think really. I mean it was the one time a while back and I was putting it off, but yeag. Erp, I meant to say yeah.''
The man in the entertainer outfit shifted again, trying to stand up. ''C'mere for a minute, lemme have a look at ya.'' He said gazing to the blonde elvish woman, more smoke coming out of the shadows of the hood.
Nuikia smiled approaching him. Her body relaxed though she did keep a close eye on the male who seemed to be having a coughing fit from his cigar. ''Thank you. I have been walking for awhile and was curious as to how thick this part of the forest was. Little did I know something like this was hidden within. Yes sir, it is very beautiful here. There's a sort of.... Calm air that just seems to melt all the tension from my aching muscles.''
There was nothing but crickets and the night wind as the man inhaled slowly, then exhaling just as slowly. ''Want a hit?'' The man asked the woman, trying to stand up again, his back pressed up against the obelisk. A small tearing noise was heard as he fell back down on his rear again. ''Think that was the cloak...'' He muttered lifting his free hand up to scratch his face, still holding the lit cigar out to her.
The blonde elf girl lifted an eyebrow at the man's peculiar behavior, shaking her head in a 'no' fashion ''No thank you, sir. sure you don't require any assistance? I could go find you a decently thick branch to lean upon so you can stand.''
''No no, I'm good.'' Venser said inhaling more of the cigar again. He grunted and then hopped up with his back pressed to the stone obelisk again. His good caught on it and fell down, revealing the face of a man nearing his mid thirties, with messy raven black hair, fair skin, a black beard that was starting to grow out, and unnatural emerald eyes that looked like they were plucked from the skull of a snake. ''Ta da!'' He said with a smile throwing his arms to the side, before coughing a bit and falling to his knees right in front of the woman he was speaking to. ''Oh by the Void what a day...'' He gasped and looked up at her.
''Haven't I served you before? Think I... Not sure... I do get a lot of, ya know...'' He babbled smacking the side of his head a bit with his free hand. ''Thought process is kinda slowed right now.''
Nuikia Pollux took a small step back as the man fell to his knees before crouching down carefully. Her pointy nose crinkled a bit at a smell she couldn't really identify. Was it from whatever herb he was smoking? It had to be. Or perhaps the man had drank a form of liquor she wasn't familiar with. Maybe both. ''Sir, you can't stand on your own. You are either seriously injured, have some sort of mind illness, or you are intoxicated.''
''No seriously. Haven't I seen you in my dojo before?'' Ven asked scratching his beard, looking up to her with his reddened, serpent like eyes. ''Forgot to mention this helps me think.'' The man muttered whist enjoying his spliff, which emitted an earthly smell with a hint of citrus to it. Despite the fact that not two minutes ago he admitted to the use slowing his thought process down. ''You will not believe the day I've had today before I came here, miss... Miss... What's your name?'' He asked with another cough.
She rolled her eyes at the man and shook her head ''I have never set foot in a... Dojo? Or met you before in my life. You may call me Nuikia. Nuikia Pollux. And I can't really help you with whatever your issue is if you don't tell me. It obviously has something to do with 'the day you've had.'' ''She stood back up and exhaled sharply.
A couple hours earlier... Several miles from here laid a very desolate place, much like this but... Dead in contrast to the glade. Venser, the lone adventurer made his way through a lonely, crumbling tower seemingly devoid of any life. However... '''Too late for what?'' He asked aloud moving to the enter of the room, besides the broken chandelier. Whatever entity, or entities hovered around him, he assumed they were tied to the tower. If it fell apart, then they would vanish. ''Too late for you too...'' He said raising his left hand, and the mark on the back of it glowed greenish white, emitting steam. He moved back sharply when something touched his face and backhanded the air in front of him, blasting it with a powerful gust of wind. The wind did nothing and once she got the okay for the feed she smirked widely. She also felt it funny that this man assumed they were bond to this tower, thinking it was to late for them. Yes she supposed it was to late for them, they died and turned into something less than a spirit. Something much more terrible. But they were not bound to this tower. This tower acted as their headquarters for many years. Floating behind the man she placed her two index fingers into his temples. She would not make him a host, only a seragate until she found a proper host to feed from. He was her snack. Her index black fingers slipped into his temples, it would not hurt but he would feel a cold caress against his temples, and as she did this suddenly his darkest fears would come up to his mind staring him right in the face. She began to whisper in his ear, the eerie voice of a dead girl speaking, "I warned you..." She spoke softly. ''Oh by the void!'' Some adventure this was. Here Venser had recently kicked his heroine and Grey Amber addiction and was getting out of his usual dojo to travel and this went south fast. Then again, he knew the risks of adventuring. He nearly vomited at the sight that looked him in the face. He tore away from it, only for limbs to reach out of the floor and grab his legs. ''Oof!'' He tripped backwards and quickly disappeared in a puff pf thick red smoke, reappearing against the wall. ''Still think something here is of any value?'' No. He had to- Everything froze and went cold. And his back arched and he heard a snapping noise as his mind fell away to the things he feared most.
And there they stood in the dark halls of The Veil Tower. Venser's short sword crackled with unstable magical green lightning, while The Revenant approached with a glowing orange claymore, steaming and red hot as if it had just been pulled from a forge. The resurrected foe approached and swung, the handsome man did the same to meet his blade. A clash ensured, sending sparks everywhere within the ancient tower.
In the present... ''And once you see that shit,'' He said with a pause making awkward hand gestures, ''It'll fuck you up for life. Like, what... Mhm. The work of evil spirits. It... Saw into my mind, and made... All that real.''
''You really did have an interesting day. No wonder you can't stand up.''
''Don't really wanna think about that damned place.'' The bearded man said after telling his story to her. Venser raised his fingers to his mouth and sputtered a bit.
''What did I do with...'' He placed his scarred hands down in the grass and began to feel around. ''What did you say your name was? I apologize, it's rude to forget a lady's name.''
''I apologize for asking about you day, then. And again, my name is Nuikia Pollux.'' The blonde elf looked at the ground around the man ''Have you misplaced something?''
''No, no. It's fine. I got plenty- No no, not that one.'' The man in the cloak stood up again before Nuiika, revealing that he was about several inches taller than her. He fumbled about with the many pouches of his belt, before pulling out a thin, silver tin and opening it. ''Outta matches...'' He sighed and shook his head, slamming the tin shut and putting it back into his belt.
''Venser Karkaldwin.'' He said holding out a scarred hand to her. ''Or Venny. Or Ven. Or VenVen. Or Handsome VenVen. Or My Little Vensie. Whatever you want. You sure you've never been in my tavern before?''
Nuikia cautiously held her hand out to the man, but mentally said 'Screw it' and grasped his hand firmly. ''Pleased to meet you, Venser. Now before you asked if I had been in your dojo. That was a definite no. However, I did used to frequent a tavern, however it was ran by a a Pryldahnian woman named Sud'lina.''
''Sud's Tavern? I've heard of it but never been in.'' He laughed a bit and began pacing around in circles, enjoying the falling cherry blossom petals around them, head down. Venser held onto a tre with one hand and stares off into the woods. ''You should visit my tavern sooner or later. Never a dull day in the Dragon's Head I always say. Oh! I can mix the best drinks like... No drink you've ever had in your life.''
Nuikia faced the man once more a chuckled a bit ''Now that, I'd like to see. It's been awhile since I've been to one. I might take you up on your offer later.''
She smiled at the man, thinking back on the days where she spent most of her time going tavern to tavern providing game for them. Her smile would fade slightly as she remembered the curse that had been placed on her at birth, but her smile quickly returned again as she realized that if not for her curse she would not have been able to hold a job there. Perhaps as a hunter for the tavern, as hunting and trapping was her current occupation. Though, she never did stay long.
''Never a dull day at the Dragon's Head.'' He repeated blinking his reddened, snake like eyes staring off into the distance. ''What brings you- Whoop!'' Venser lost his grip on the tree and fell over on his side, hitting the soft grass of the glade floor.
''See you soon.'' He waved to her before disappearing in a puff of thick red smoke.
Her short, slender pointy ears that stuck straight curled a bit at the scene before her, falling to the ground and feeling it up, fanning away some of the thick red smoke that quickly disappaited, noticing he had left his cigar behind.
Two later, Venser awoke in between Selina and Ruari, the sheets around his crotch looking like a pitched tent, blinking a few times recalling the dream.
''What the mhmhpbuba... Eh.''
The morning was quite pleasant, waking up in a warm, shared bed with two beautiful naked women sleeping at his side. Both of them pleasantly asleep… And heavily flushed, with Venser's hands working beneath the sheets of the bed now, he smiled, exhaling through his nose and shaking his head. The caramel skinned elf to the left of him cuddled closer.
''Hmmmm… I think a sense a new lover coming around the Dragon's Head... What else could that dream have meant?''
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