Reptiles:- live and breed mostly on land , although a few live in water. Snakes, lizards, crocodiles and turtles are all reptiles.
Reptiles are cold-blooded, which is why they need to live in warm climates. They have scaly , waterproof skin and most of them lay eggs with tough protective shells.
- chameleon lizards can look in two directions at once
- if a lizard's tail is broken off it can usually grow a new one.
Amphibians:- are a group of animals that spend part of their lives in water and part of their on land. Frogs, toads , newts and salamander are all examples.
Amphibians have moist slimy skin they always live near fresh water because they must return there in order to breed. There are swimming frogs, burrowing frogs, climbing frogs and even flying frogs that can glide from tree to tree
- ancient Egyptians thought crocodiles were sacred.
- They mummified (preserved) thousands of them.
I think you have to improve a bit on your writing style.
Try to write at least 500 words to make the article more informative. This is just my opinion.
Hey there, @chloroform gave some good advice, i suggest to follow it if you wish to receive votes from the steemstem community.
Make sure your iamges are referenced properly, and the are free use; not copyright. Here is an example:
Image credit:-wikimedia
It's also good to ensure that the images are not protected by copyright and are fair use images or creative commons. I like to take my images from wikimedia, they are usually exactly what i need anyway. I hope that helped.
Check out some of the successful writer of steemstem, such as mine and @chloroform. Take some time to write good posts and you could see good votes in return.
I'd say when covering a subject as vast as an entire Class of animals it would be easier to focus on just a single one.
There is so much available information into the unique traits of both Reptiles and Amphibians, that combining them is not necessary, it's generally a good idea to pick a single topic and cover it thoroughly. :)