Fiction Story : Keyla's Story about My Friend My Love

in #fictionstory7 years ago


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He is keyla. who lives with her parents, she has a brother named chiko. call home koko. and keyla also has a friend whose name is kevin, he also lives with his parents and has a brother whose name is rian.

keyla and kevin live next to each other and by chance their parents have known each other. from small keyla be friends with kevin, to the point if keyla want to travel keyla must be with kevin. because mama keyla is familiar kevin personality personality is what kind of * proud bingo yak so kevin already dikasi trust *. keyla also acknowledges that if kevin is a good person, because he wants to listen curhatan keyla very long * along the way of memories so * also willing to come home and bring food if people home on eating out * keyla kan people mager (lazy motion ) let me get the worms in the stomach already demo tetep insist on not going to participate, busett -_- * kevin is the best friend who ever existed throughout the universe for indonesia keyla ...

And at that time they are both schooled in the same place that is in SMAN 1 HOPE NATION. there they sat seats.

"eh .. again we sit again sebu ya vin, until bored dah I liatin face lo continue, hahaha .. jokes deng vin." said keyla while marking kevin.

"liatin tuh .. lo mah so yes, his becandaan sometimes hurt, then you think I do not bosen what liatin this girl's face is mulu wekk." again kevin marked keyla.

"huuhh, okeee ya, so elo for this time bored me vin same, hold me elo think what?" haah? " said the keyla while pulling Kevin's right ear to red.

"a..ohuh, aduuhh keylaa !? pain ya sayang (while stroking the long decayed keyla hair) ahh, elo mah baper banget key, already ah the behavior of the lo was not changed from time to time changed dong key to the la = our keyla is high school as well. "

"ya..ya..yaa .. i know i know .. it's just me candain lo doang.not a problem right (kicking the left ear kevin) hihihii: D" back keyla nosy.


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"Keylaaaaaa !!!" shouted Kevin.

Coming the teacher into the classroom and the lesson began ... all the students were eager to learn, as did the keyla and kevin. because previously in their house keyla already first browsing-browsing about the lesson for tomorrow that is biology. so they already quite understand what is explained by the teacher in front.