It’s fine that most people don’t or won’t, but not ever can’t, understand (not believe) as I do. Its fine to treat people as well as you can. Yet if you and others don’t know how to recognize the importance of clearly defining a moral code or philosophy that is absolutely transparent in its path of thought progression then who are you to come and tell me that:
-an emotional response was not unexpected from me
-that I am seemingly with intent trying to arouse the ire of a mob
-that a majority will never do something
-that what you think is or isn’t possible should be enough for me
Whatever you think people are limited to is a fault in your own thinking, not mine. Do not ever confuse your own faults or failures with mine if you honestly want to engage in serious and meaningful conversation again. If you think I shouldn’t take offense at the short comings of someone tearing apart my work, starting off with a condescending remark and failing to completely recognize the entire context from which I write, especially when the individual has failed to comprehend the constructive criticism offered in the piece, then think again. Your failure to recognize the biology and chemistry of others is the problem as is evident here when you attempt to educate me on something you don’t understand in full yet.
To be clear: I’m not being hostile to you. I’m defending myself against your failures in comprehension.
When you don’t realize that you don’t know everything and come across someone like me, whom you have completely misinterpreted, I will still make time for you pending your desire to focus on your own personal growth. The key is to ensure you are ready to learn, even if you don’t think you have anything to learn from me. So tell me all about your experiences of how philosophy gets you into trouble all you like when you fail to keep in mind the biology and chemistry of others. Do you truly think I make that mistake? Do you think I don’t make time to understand the context from which I write and the context of the subject I write about?
I think you do think I make those mistakes because you don’t recognize the context from which I write. You probably haven’t read the books from which I based this OP from. And then you presume to conclude that I was berating people, nay haranguing them for doing something you think was the same as what I was writing about and accusing others of doing?
Make more time to read to comprehend instead of reply. And before you pass judgment on something you think you fully understand, why not ask questions to understand with greater certainty?
I berated no one. To do that would mean that I would speak down to them and offer no other solution but to keep their mouths shut and whimper and cower beneath me. And I certainly didn’t do that. I offered a solution. So re-read my piece as you have suggested I do for my own benefit; or move along. But don’t go on the offensive and then accuse me of being hostile to people in my OP without understanding the difference between criticism for the sake of inciting hostilities and constructive criticism to help others learn.
Once again, the only thing you have gotten right is the frustration I find in so many people. And yes, I do use many of the tools that worked for me in my own comprehension. The difference is that I use these tools to help highlight so many faults in others by also offering solutions side by side instead of simply trying to tell people how wrong they are and to gain comradely among those like minded to me by issuing cheap insults to negatively affect the mindsets of others. Nothing I say is meant to cause shock value as is that which is invoked to mock and berate others has. That is a stark difference.
Failure to offer an alternative is often the blunder, not demanding or subtly suggesting I offer some cheer or good word because you happened to stumble across the one piece I produced that is slightly different than the vast majority of all else I have created. What I have done doesn’t set people back.
Going on the offensive and not minding the context of something is the blunder. Not exploring with intent to understand all the other works I have shared at the bottom of my OP is your fault to not understand. And you have done that here I find. So too have those in my piece I discuss who mock and ridicule without any constructive criticism those who mourn the death of a man they knew little about to gain political points among their own like minded friends which only causes more division.
That was the crux of the piece I created, that you didn’t recognize at all. Let me know when you wish to ask questions to further understand more. Until then,
Have a marvelous day! Thank you so much for making time to comment.
i think you and i define hostile differently. i like what webster has to say on the matter.
that sure is a lot of angry typing for someone who is trying to be an author-ity on peaceful morality. you may want to reexamine whether this is a path of effective communication. you do seem to be quite certain that you KNOW something. it is a shame that you are so busy yelling at me with your keyboard to get it across.
after reading the post for the fourth time, and the comments, again, to make sure i didn't miss anything, this all strikes me as something that i might have written 15 years ago, when i was a much angrier, younger man.
you are correct, i don't actually know you, to guess what is in your mind. did it occur to you that others may not be as ignorant as you imagine, either? on what basis would you assume that i don't know how to recognize the importance of clearly defining a moral code or philosophy that is absolutely transparent in its path of thought progression? this is what i have spent half my life doing. i've studied every religion, spiritual practice, philosophy. science, and any other methodological approach to understanding how and why humans do what we do, that i can lay my hands on. i am not the one who is getting overly excited about something which was to be expected. the fact that people are celebrating the death of someone who caused so much pain and suffering, is not in the least surprising to me. your title question is one about which i have not the least doubt as to the answer. i am not shocked, confused, or even frustrated. i understand and accept it, as i understand and accept your frustration at watching others do what you think you would not.
i ask, sincerely, what sort of example do you think you have presented, here, that would elicit the response of a desire to read more of this kind of writing?
"if you really don't know, then there is little probability that anything i say could be of use to you."
That is entirely the reason I granted the responses I did.
To study something for half your life and then open up with that statement and follow it up with "after reading the post for the fourth time, and the comments, again, to make sure i didn't miss anything, this all strikes me as something that i might have written 15 years ago, when i was a much angrier, younger man" is a derogatory statement atop a derogatory statement.
Perhaps it would have been better for you to ask questions to ensure you understand where I was coming from. You didn't do that. Based on your previous response you wanted to ensure I know you spent time understanding philosophy, etc. Great!
But you don't understand the importance of asking questions to further understand, instead making the assumption that you did understand.
I'm not angry like you were 15 years ago, if that is the case. I simply dislike people coming up to me making the same statements you did to state this exchange. It's belittling. It's off putting. And it tells me right away that you 'obviously' know something that I don't and are willing to rub it in my face.
Maybe you didn't see it that way. That's fine. But now if you don't understand how it was taken that way, why you didn't catch on since you've studied as much as you have, and then attempt to enlighten me hypocrisy that you think I am not seeing...
Well, no.
What sort of example do I think I have presented here?
I don't care if you want to read more of my work or not. Just leave me be. It's not that difficult.
From your point of view I am the hostile angry child. From my point of view you are the condescending aggressor. And to everyone else reading this exchange, we're probably just a couple of bickering children.
That is the last response I will be making for this. Thanks again for your time. Just please don't be so condescending like that and you'll get much better results in the future.
i thought i'd try, but i was right in my first assessment. some are too self righteous to be reached. good luck in your future of judging people. i'm fairly certain that outsiders reading this will see that i've been fair and rational throughout.