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RE: Bloggers: Would you mind sharing 50/50 with those that upvote you?

in #fifty-fifty6 years ago

Cause this guy is an idiot. Look at his statements above and thats all you need to know.

25% is already being taken away from you already

No it's not, it's being given back to the people who gave you the upvote in the first place. Classic ramblings of someone who has no idea what's going on.


I’m not a fan of flagging other than phishing, plagiarism, or blatant abuse of the rewards. Even still, I personally would not flag unless it was a phishing attempt. Everyone believes differently I guess.

True, 25% goes back to the curator or rewards pool, dependent on the timing of the upvotes.

A downvote is just a disagreement on rewards. But calling people out loud for idiots like @jasonshick likes to do that is just out to attack people personally. That is basically showing that you can't even handle to talk in a forum. That is not even trying to act with some decency.

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You want to have a discussion with people then start by having a discussion, don't come by a post and flag it. Your immaturity is what started this whole thing.
Actions speak louder than words, you want to talk, then talk, but don't flag my comments and then expect a peaceful discussion, youre delusional. Keep me muted, your opinion isnt worth listening to

First thing you do is name call. Very mature. 5 year old level. I am talking about that 25% more would get taken away from you with 50/50 system. 75% is what you get now. 50% would be after. That will say 25% get's taken away from what you would have earned.

Come by and flag some more of my stuff and name calling will just be the beginning. Stop it with your nonsense "disagreement on rewards" bullshit. You earn nothing on this platform without people upvoting your content. This platform is already in the gutter because of the disproportionate allocation of rewards, it's time for a change. You flagging peoples comments for no reason other than being a jackass is going to backfire. Keep it up

Flagging turns the platform hostile, I agree. Instead of trying to have a discussion @phoneinf starts flagging and expects people to be fine with it. He is exactly the problem with the platform