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RE: Bloggers: Would you mind sharing 50/50 with those that upvote you?

in #fifty-fifty6 years ago

Hard No.

  • Decreasing author rewards drastically reduces the effectiveness of metacuration. See this post for more on that.
  • The problem is not well-defined, and neither is the plan to address it.
  • The idea that the choice is between doing this and doing nothing is false. There are all sorts of things that could be done to improve Steem with lower risk. This plan threatens many of us who have been actually doing them.
  • "Curation is broken so let's make it more important in hopes that things get better" is the opposite of a good plan.
  • Inasmuch as I understand the perceived problem, Smooth's independent downvoting proposal has a significant chance of providing positive movement. Even if 50% curation would work it may not be necessary.
  • Steem is not actually in as bad shape as they're claiming that it is. Incremental improvement is making progress and will continue to do so if it isn't interfered with.
  • Even its proponents can't figure out if this will work, and dropping it on the userbase to find out is something we recently proved was a very bad idea. Let's not repeat that mistake.

Great comment

Downvoted to counter the boomerang vote. The comment is solid, but it shouldn't be artificially boosted. @phoneinf

"Comments shouldn't be artificially boosted." how is it any different to posts be boosted? Everything is artificially already then. You can boost posts. You can not boost comments? How is it any different? You can already do it if you had more accounts. In the end someone boosted something for visibility.

I'm fine with this.

And here's my solution in case @lukestokes wants to come along and criticize me for offering nothing but objection again, even though this plan, in fact, deserves nothing but objection.

It did make me think about things more and come up with something better, I guess.

"Wants to come along and criticize me" sounds pretty negative. My intention is not get personal or criticize you or anyone in particular. My intention is to move things beyond complaints into solutions. Thanks for contributing ideas.

I don't find the UI curation scenario very plausible. UI beneficiaries have very questionable economics since they discourage the most successful posters from using them. DTube gets away with it (and a lot else) because it is subsidized by the large free stake from misterdelegation.

As a longer term approach I'm not seeing it as viable. A small UI tax aligned with UI operating costs and feature value add might work but not pulling out enough to meaningfully redistribute it.

So you don't think users will leave the whole system because they're giving up 50% but you think they will refuse to use a beneficiary-driven system because they're giving up 50%? How does that make any sense?

If there are actual users who actually want 50% and believe it will give them benefit, this gives them the opportunity. If there aren't, then forcing it on them is clearly a bad idea.

Because it is easy to use a different UI that does basically the same thing minus the 50%. You don't need to leave.

If 50% itself actually benefits users, then they will use it. Right? That's your entire argument on this whole topic.

No that's not really the entire argument. I would refer you back to the @kevinwong and @trafalgar posts. They lay out an argument in greater length and detail then we can sensibly do in comments. I've rehashed some of that in my replies but not all of it.

Let me try to summarize a different way. The goal has nothing to do with how much is paid to individual users and more a matter of system health. It is is to shift the incentives system-wide so that self-voting and vote selling are no longer economically incentivized. There are of course broader long-term goals that that, but that's a minimum starting point because as long as they are so strongly incentivized they result in a race to the bottom where none of your initiatives such as meta-curation, UI-based redistribution, etc. will work because as more and more of the reward pool is drawn away by those broken incentives it then becomes inaccessible to you (and everyone else). That's where we have been heading and the race to the bottom continues.

"Self-voting and vote selling are no longer economically incentivized" so you basically want to remove freedom and implement some communist control system for what people do with their stake. That is what it sounds like. Just skip that idea. Let people have their freedom. People invested let them use their stake freely. If people want to self vote let them do it. As long as not something goes crazy. There are always extremes.

Okay so you look at people self vote. But you are completely missing the other side of how many that gives in a selfless way without any ROI focus every single second. You are basically looking at human nature and want to try to fix it. Selfish people will be selfish in any system you do. People reflect themselves. I see love and beauty on Steem Blockchain since I follow selfless people.

It's not the system we are dealing with. It's human nature. Most value for let's say dtube video creators is not coming from high Stake holders. They want to leech 50% off the big value that dtube gives to real content creators. Since the Steem share out was a mess in 2016 it will take 5 years to make things more balanced to real content creators. The real truth is majority of people are just not good content creators and never will be. So they are confused about their role here. So they want to leech 50% from people that are amazing.

I have a better solution before any radical changes are being done. First people need to wait for a niche + community system. Where people do solid content for specific niches. So everyone get's what they want. A moderator system for specific niches would be good. Narrative is trying this. At the moment most people are just derping around creating whatever. People that wants to thrive needs to find their niche and use a solid content strategy.

Radical changes ---> Usually someone is unhappy in life. Radically change something will never work. Most high Stake holders needs to find a project or something they can invest their life into. Instead of trying to leech off of content creators. Content creators have more leverage than Stake holders in the long run. Since they have limitless supply of original content.

I will strongly disagree with that. There are literally hundreds of users here building projects because we believe that we have a path to success. I am 100% confident that mine will be fine if you stop attacking it.

The reward pool that matters cannot be "drawn away" but it can be driven away. It is the stake that is in the hands of the users who participate here because they want to participate here, and as long as that subset of the reward pool continues to grow, what happens to the rest of it really doesn't matter.

Those users should be supported, not attacked. You're a much larger threat to that right now than anything else.

Mildly downvoted since I agree with wolf about boomerang. The comment itself is good argumentation even if I disagree with the conclusion.

Is this a rule or what? A stake holder boosted something, someone put capital behind something for more visibility. You can already do this in other ways with posts already. I can take the same comment and boost it in a post. How would that be any different? I didn't boost any crazy comment but a rational clear comment. If it's not allowed to boost comments. Why is it then allowed from the promotion service?

Not a rule just an opinion. That's the nature of voting systems, people can disagree peacefully. Let the votes fall and carry on.

Yeah thx for a response. I'm just testing the network :-)

I would say capital is a very good indicator to see real opinions and real proof of care. That a message can get empowered with capital is true freedom. Since someone is investing more weight behind something. Empower a message shows it's more important than ROI or Money return. I have seen more of your comments and think you have a very nice balanced look on things which is nice! I feel too many come to conclusions too fast ...

Keep it up :D

Thank you for the kind words. Nice chatting.

Did you observe that @therealwolf could have downvoted to match the Boomerang vote but instead left a remnant approximately equal to his own upvote? I had assumed this was intentional.

No big deal either way really, but it seems like if that was his intent it's worth respecting.

I didn't pay that close attention. I applied a small downvote to express my opinion that messing with comments using paid votes is stupid.

Well, we've found some common ground at least.

Upvoted to counter the downvotes.

This post has received a 14.61 % upvote from @boomerang.