"Mark and Laura forever." Immortal words carved on the bark of the cherry blossom tree back home. These same four words he repeated to himself over and over again as he rocked back and forth on the side of the road with her in his arms.
Don't drink and drive.
This is a fifty-word fictional story. It's submitted as an entry to this contest. Please feel free to upvote, resteem and participate in the contest.
The photo above was taken in Kyoto, Japan (April 2004).
Oh, my heart breaks, reading this story. It's so powerful and tragic. Your picture is lovely too.
Thanks for the positive feedback! I've never done this before and I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed writing it. It was also a good excuse to dig through my photo archive. I'll definitely try this again!
This packs a punch!
Great job.
Thanks! I've never tried writing a fifty-word story before. :)
Moving and powerful. I like the foreshadowing of the 4 word idea. Good job.
Thank you! As for the 4 word idea, I actually hadn't noticed until you mentioned it. So it's really more of an accident than an idea. :) Thanks for pointing it out though. This is the kind of thing that I should probably keep an eye out for the more I read other people's work and also as I try to improve my own writing.