After the fair - A 50 words story

in #fiftywords7 years ago (edited)


Frowns painted the clowns' faces. Worrying lines over the fire breather’s mask. Too much gunpowder, they said. The cat stretched on the bearded woman’s lap—a warm spot perfectly round as the light entered through the hole left in the tent’s roof.

The cannonball man was nowhere to be found.

fairWritten as an entry to @miniature-tiger's 50 Word Short Story Prompt for this week:


I don't know if this was supposed to be amusing, but I laughed quite a bit. I guess I imagined a Looney Tunes moment lol.

I was going more for comical than for amusing, but I'm really glad it you laughed even a little either way :D

I love how darkly comic this is. Everyone’s frowning and that dude probably burst in the middle of a highway somewhere, but the hole in the tent roof undercuts all that :P

Yes! hahaha I was hoping the cannonball man landed on a tree or something like that though.