Out From Darkness ...to Light

in #fiftywords7 years ago


Good old Spring the Slinky felt (indeed was) useless. He sat in darkness, with other unused toys at the back of the closet. Fifty years later, a broom came. Made a lucky sweep. Rolled him out the closet door. Onto the steps. Down, and down... He was made for this!

Image credit: by Michael Gaida

The micro-story, above, is my entry for @Jayna’s #fiftywords challenge. There’s still a day left for you to enter. Read this week’s prompt and guidelines at Fifty Word Short Story Challenge New Prompt

TM credit: The name, Slinky is a patented Trademark for a toy created in the 1940's by Richard Thompson James. Get the scoop on Slinky at The Invention of the Slinky. Includes the story of the serendipitous moment that James got the idea. And images from his patent, some tech stuff, plus a sweet photo of James with his son. Both are playing with the toy on the family staircase. The same way my brothers and I used to play with ours.

If you've never let a Slinky spring go down the stairs, I recommend it!

Story © by KT Fabler - more below:     


good old slinky, hours of entertainment!

Right you are @peacedonkeys! So mesmerizing. We'd wait at the bottom of the staircase and one of our siblings at the top would let it go.

My childhood just came back to me a little :) Thank you for the memories.

Oh, Slinky has a purpose again. I will adopt it if it finds itself again trapped in a closet.

Oh good! I was hoping someone would write a Slinky story! Nothing like a little spring cleaning. Ha ha ha. Thank you so much for joining the challenge. Very nice work.

Thank you @Jayna, love these micro challenges. Now I want a new one. Our guy must have sprung out the door quite some time ago...

Stay tuned. I will put out a new one tomorrow! 😊