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RE: Ohhh Filecoin... The billion dollar white paper...

in #filecoin8 years ago

Very unfortunate about BAT. I would guess that if they had known it would have sold out with just a few whales that quick, they would have done something different. I love BAT's idea and think if they can create a network, (sorta shot themselves in the foot with their ICO) interesting things could happen. Brendan Eich gave the world Java Script, he seems to feel like it is the backbone behind the monopolized ad industry and wants to redeem himself. Brave is pretty awesome, you can go on Youtube with absolutely no ads! The tough part will be the transition, but part of me feels like people are getting fed up with the current ad situation. I'm definitely going to look more in to BAT because I think it's a real interesting concept that's a solid win or fail.