Who knew? Hello steemit, ask me anything.

in #film8 years ago


Out of the blue, it occurred to me that my work in film/television production has made me a professional problem solver. Let’s just say, I’m like a mother hen. As shocking as that is to folks in my private life, those who work with me know that it’s all in a days labor to answer questions. Finding hard to source equipment, the fastest way to get from point A to point B, how to clean stains, what hemorrhoid suppository works the best, how to get number 2 pencils at 3am, how to get over a broken heart, to the director needs gummy bears without eyes (sad but true) all fall under my job description.

In my career I have been lucky enough to travel extensively, been exposed to a wide range of people (including some of the nuttiest directors and producers on the planet) and have been welcomed on set by what I consider the best and wisest crew members (yep including my girl, @ekpickle). What you steemian’s don’t know about me is that this past year I’ve been on a journey to rediscover myself, I co-host a podcast, “take it to 2”, that I’m a nerd that loves Doctor Who and Game of Thrones, been married 22 years, have two kids and a special needs dog and that I parent like a Navy Seal.


Everyone calm down, that’s a joke.


Anyway, I’m thinking of doing a little shakeup up here on steemit. I want to do a quirky advice type question and answer post every Friday. I’d love if the steemit community could help a sister out and throw me some topics that you need a little help finessing. Sex, love, kids, marriage, family conflict ect. Just keep in mind, I’m not a doctor, just a professional nitwit that would like to help brighten your day. It’s my hope that in time there will be so many questions that I’ll have to pick and choose what to answer. I mean a girl can dream right?

Let me know your thoughts and let the questions begin.

Follow me @agbaba


OOO--topics!! SEX! Let's do sex!!! gigglesLURVE IT!!! Can I be a nitwit too? Oh, I love you and @ekpickle! I've only just learned of the two of you gals from my friend @globocop. I am looking forward to finding the podcast (no iTunes for me)

Super excited to have you on board. Just know you never have to ask about being a nitwit... it comes from deep inside 😉. Last but not least... isn't sex always the best topic?

Ah yes.... The Zen of Nitwit. I know it well. giggles

OOO---I have a topic:
"What's the difference between fetish and kink?" (oh yes....viva la difference)
I'd love to hear you two ladies pontificate on this subject.
I'm pretty sure it'd be super funny. Yeah, sex is purdy good...but can we dive deeper? I mean, you and @ekpickle could maybe perhaps talk about....fetishes?

Are you kidding? I'm sure @ekpickle would be thrilled to talk the good, bad and the naughty on the show. I'll let you know when we do and when we have posted ;). Thanks so much for the topic!

Super duper! This will be a rollicking time, no doubt. I'm looking forward to it! Wishing tit2 much success!

This sounds great! Any wisdom on work/life balance and when work gets in the way of sex? Asking for a friend. . . ;)

Always a friend here. I feel that humans are far more simple then they are complicated. The work/life balance can be tricky but it's one of priority. We humans do what first and foremost has a payoff. You'd think the ultimate payoff would be having great sex, right? Well most would suggest that it's a scheduling issue but I feel it's a self priority issue. Balance all the aspects of your existence: not just work (which you do for purpose and money), but sleep, exercise, self expression and introspection. I find that all have to be in communion for desire and happy endings to "come" ;) Ask yourself which area are you not paying attention to? You'll find that when that balance happens sex and the time needed for it appears just like a gift.

What a fun idea! Kind of like a Dear Abby... I can't wait to hear what people have to ask you.

Omg I know.... I literally can't wait! Maybe I should call the posts Dear Crabby ;)