So, I Finally Watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi the Other Day...

in #film7 years ago

I’ve managed to avoid spoilers for all this time but I’ve caught wind of the general reaction from fans of this Disney cash cow and they weren’t too happy about it, after seeing the film I can understand why, it was a complete mess! When Mark Hamill was asked what was different about The Last Jedi from the other Star Wars films he simply said, ‘’it’s the longest’’ and I think that sums it up.   

Stoke is literally looking for a ‘new Darth Vader’, he seems to look to him as some sort of yardstick by which to measure his own, evilness, which is stupid because if you remember Darth Vader became a good guy at the end of Return of the Jedi so if Stoke looks up to anyone it should be the Emperor because he was evil the entire time and Darth Vader should be considered a traitor in Sith circles.  


The tone is all over the place and the dramatic moments mostly fell flat with me, as did the poor attempts at comedy, the film opens with an awkward scene where Poe is on some sort of intercom to the empire and it’s so out of place and forced, this awkward delivery is continued throughout the film and it takes away from the emotional impact, it just didn’t work at all and nothing paid off in the end.   

All the mystery surrounding Snoke after The Force Awakens was thrown completely out of the window in The Last Jedi, he’s just some guy with a deformed face and now he’s dead so who gives a fuck? I like Kylo Ren, he’s definitely the most interesting and intriguing character but he definitely doesn’t work as the main villain, it’s like Rian Johnson, the writer and director, just set out to shit all over everything established in The Force Awakens.


I didn’t like any of the stuff with Luke and Rey, Luke’s just some bitter arsehole now and Rey’s an idiot! What am I supposed to be invested in? When Rey connects to ‘’the force’’ it’s awkwardly delivered and it comes right after a failed attempt at comedy when Luke’s tickling her fingers with a blade of grass asking her if she feels the force and she says yes, we’re supposed to laugh but we don’t and it takes away any emotional impact the scene could have had.   

Rose is one of the worst characters in the Star Wars saga, she’s right up there with Jar Jar Binks for me, I fucking hated her and she had absolutely nothing to contribute to the story other than awkwardly standing in shot and moaning about her fucking dead sister who no one gives a shit about! I hated everything about her and I hope the actress dies before they start filming the third film.


Speaking of actresses dying Disney certainly hitched their wagon to the wrong star with Carey Fisher which is a shame but at this point I think it’s clear that Star Wars is a dead franchise, creatively, obviously they’ll milk it for everything it’s worth but as a saga beyond those first three original films, it’s creatively spent, what is there to be invested in going into the third film? I’d rather have seen a rip-off of The Empire Strikes Back than this mess.   

The pacing definitely picks up in the second half of the film but again, nothing quite lands with the impact it should have, the only moment with any emotional resonance was the scene with Luke and Leia, there’s a real chemistry between them and it was great to see them together but it’s so fucking brief and it turns out it’s not actually Luke, it’s a hologram of himself. 


Luke’s death much like Han’s, more so even, did not have the fucking impact it should have had given that Luke Skywalker just died, he just dies, he uses the force so fucking hard that it kills him and that’s the end of that. The scene with Yoda, Jesus, what the fuck was that, the final interaction between these iconic characters should have been epic but it was just awkward, empty and completely forced.   

The biggest what the fuck moment was definitely when Leia, for some reason, flies through space to reach the safety of the Rebel’s ship, like, what the fuck was that, it’s never explained, it has no impact on the story or characters and it’s never talked about ever again, she just flies through space after her ship’s blown up because fuck you, that’s why! It was embarrassing.


With Han Solo dead, Luke Skywalker dead and Princess Leia still alive Disney certainly hitched their wagon to the wrong star there! It’s a shame we didn’t get one last scene with Luke and Han but I imagine that if we did, it would have been terrible anyway so maybe a bullet was dodged there but Yoda, Chewbacca, R2D2 and C3P0 will be kept alive forever with CGI.   

Finn has nothing to do, his stupid CGI adventure on that Casino planet resulted in nothing, it was pointless. Poe had nothing to do either, his storyline with the random purple haired woman who no one gave a fuck about, and whose character should have just been replaced by Leia anyway, amounted to nothing, meant nothing and felt like it was just there to fill time, blindly obey authority figures at all times seemed to be the only ‘lesson’ learned from that shitty storyline.


I don’t even know why Chewbacca was in this film, every once in a while they’ll just cut back to him and his fucking Porg for yet another failed attempt at comedy and so they can sell more toys to children but it’s pointless to the story, for a two and a half hour film you’d think it would have more content in it. All The Last Jedi does is remove any intrigue built in The Force Awakens and adds nothing to the story going forward.   

The Last Jedi is a complete mess, at best it’s a bit of fun but it doesn’t really leave you with any lasting impression and for me it killed any excitement in a third film, would I recommend it? I wouldn’t, but it’s a Star Wars film so I imagine if you’re reading this you’ve already seen it at this point, spoilers by the way! I’m probably the last person to see it in the world and there’s definitely some mild enjoyment to be had here, I was entertained enough but it wasn’t that good, I’m gonna give The Last Jedi 6.3/10 and leave you to it. Until next time my Steemian brethren! 


What did you think of Star Wars: The Last Jedi?  


Well i can agree with that review 100 %,
I waited 30 odd years to see Luke as some bad ass jedi master who would eventually fight snoke in episode 9, then Rian Johnson comes in and takes a big shit on the whole trilogy.
Even Mark Hamill has voiced many times he said that wasn't his Luke Skywalker more like "Jake Skywalker".
I can't possibly see what JJ can salvage for episode 9 and i'm sure he's now wishing he'd just done the whole trilogy.
Props to Disney and Kathleen Kennedy for fucking up another franchise!
May the Forbes be with you.

It's impressive how much they managed to fuck it up really, I'm still in awe of how fucking bad it actually was, it felt like Rian Johnson was purposefully trolling the fans lol

I enjoyed parts of the film but there was much that didn't need to be there. The Casino planet was a waste of time, Pod racing without any excitement. Snoke was the new Dart Maul in underused characters, although the red room fight was really good.
As for the Porgs they were as as bad as I feared but at least didn't get the full Jar Jar airtime.
I did like the Skywalkers storylines and how Luke was a broken grumpy old man and Leia finally found her force powers when her life was ending, as a Skywalker she should have been able to tap into the force far more.
I enjoyed the space chase in how it showed how shielding work and why capital ships need to get up close to get around them, while fighter ships can fly through and how they can be a danger that could be used to destroy the likes of the Death Star when larger ships and their weapons don't work.
I need to watch it a few more times to decide how I actually feel about it, liked the spectical of the first watch but the second watching left me feeling there was too much baggage thrown into the film.

I honestly can't think of a single moment I enjoyed, maybe when Luke finally sees Leia... that's about it though and I don't see myself watching it again tbh