THOR New Weapon!

in #film7 years ago

Quite a few fans were shocked when Thor's Mjolnir was destroyed in the movie Thor: Ragnarok. The god of lightning lost his weapon after first meeting Hela. Then, if Thor will continue to fight using empty hands after this? It does not seem so because he will get a new weapon in Avengers: Infinity War. What's Thor's new weapon like?, Afew days ago, Entertainment Weekly posted some behind the scenes information for the Avengers movie: Infinity War. In that information, EW explains about the fight between the Avengers against Thanos forces, Outriders. In the fight, Thor played by Chris Hemsworth mentioned using his new weapon, an axe named Stormbreaker instead of Mjolnir.

Surely, this is not the first time Thor's new weapon is mentioned. Previously, several toys and action-figures were released for Avengers: Infinity War also featured Thor along with his new weapon, Stormbreaker.

You can see how Thor uses Stormbreaker through some Hot Toys action figure figures below: 

In Marvel Comics itself, Stormbreaker is a replica of Mjolnir made by the Dwarve Nidavellir and imbued with mystical power by Odin. Uniquely, this weapon is not intended for Thor, but for Beta Ray Bill. Although a replica, this weapon really resembles Mjolnir: its half is similar to a hammer, can float when called, and can only be used by people who are considered worthy.

There is still no information whether Stormbreaker MCU version will be similar to the comic version, given Thor himself in Ragnarok was able to use his superpower without using Mjolnir. So, there's a chance Stormbreaker here is just an ordinary weapon and is only useful as an extension of Thor's hand. Well, we wait for the next news. 

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Storm Breaker is Beta Ray Bill's hammer!!!

Como dijo Odin en la pelicula, el poder de thor no esta en el arma que blande si no que es el rey del trueno y para eso no necesita ningun implemento adicional