Yeah, and the ending was gold too :D I realized something after watching the movie (SPOILER ALERT)...
Don't you think that all people who are going to be disgraced very soon are awarded with some shiny statuette first? Like the "secret club", or the illuminati is giving a wink? I can give you more examples from real life and movies: The photographer from "The bang-bang club" for that photo with the vulture and the kid; The journalist from "Kill The Messenger" - they both got Pulitzer. And I can give you one more example from my country - a banker by the name Cvetan Vasilev - receveid "Banker of the year" award. Next year his bank - the Bulgarian KTB gone bust. And now he's hiding somewhere in Serbia :D. Idk, maybe it is my conspiracy theorist's mind ;)
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Haha I am not sure about all that... but I do know that people will do just about anything for fame and fortune... especially for a lot of fame or fortune!