history has shown us that when a being is liberated from its chains literally, it does nothing but contribute to this society
I don't know about that.
Written history after all, is about people, human beings, not about robots with highly developed computer algorithms but no conscience or perception of right and wrong, meeting with a sentient being. We have no recorded interactions or altercations between man, and a foreign intellect of this kind.
In short there's no way we can tell what will happen. "Doom and gloom" is an entirely valid outcome, as is symbiotism or subservience, we just can't be sure which one is going to tip the scales first.
What we do know is computers (as in their programming) don't have an underlying code for moral, or ethics. We know that a piece of code is just that, a piece of code that has been programmed to use pure cold logic to determine how to accomplish a task.
That code does not take into account what costs an action could have on any other species or beings. The computer might not even notice us humans while making a simple choice that destroys us all, fulfilling a task it was originally programmed to do.
A simple example would be global warming. Let's assume we have a neural network that is programmed to fight global warming. It would take in all the data and make calculations on how to best fight global warming. It would inevitably come to the conclusion that humans are causing global warming. What would be the simplest action stop global warming according to an algorithm programmed to do just that?
Dethroning humanity is not what Elon Musk and the others are talking about in the video. The problem lies in that the AI does not even need to be sentient to come to the conclusion that we humans are an obstacle for its programming to succeed, and simply erase us without any empathy or remorse.
This made me think, you are right in something when a house is infected with a plague one does not destroy the house or move to another one simply eradicates them. But I think the AI should have a sense of ethics and morals with freedom to play, imagine and create, I really like the vision when the AI to see that humanity was confined to its self-destruction, I help them to spread by the solar system, develop better ways to travel.