
Thank you thank you thank you you are super awesome and I really really appreciate all of the support.

I absolutely called it during the town halls that this was human history in the making and what we are going to do will be shown in the future.

Indeed history is in the making, I can't wait and I am glad I am part of the process.

It is pretty amazing how much power the community has.

And this story absolutely needs to be told not only with the documentary but also having a movie go out about this.

I am humbled to be a tiny little microscopic part of this however me and so many other people were a part of this.

Big people could do big moves and we thank them for that.

In fact quite a bit of us are still proxy to a lot of our trusted witnesses like me.

I just left everything as is when I changed it over. We had some amazing witnesses that still deserve my support.

And then really the biggest thanks goes to Justin for he actually got all of us moving and forced us to innovate.

However the second we started innovating then our entire community has just expanded and gotten bigger and better.

All these are amazing, I can't wait for it to be out.

Also, I volunteer in case extra hands are needed for something, I feel like it would be pretty cool.

Thanks to everyone working on this project, y'all are making history.

Well the biggest thing that he needs is more people to vote for the proposal and you are definitely helping with that so thank you so very much for taking action.

Okay then, thank you.