Had a great start to the day here as I connected with a major studios management
Lots of negotiation in the future and that door for possible profits for you potentil investors gets slammed shut
I do work at it daily trying to get the $$ thing settled in the slowly growing US economy
And I hit upon a MAJOR today
So all U little guys who come on board NOW will be getting a juicy piece of this pie
Or wait and lose out
Rise Logo.jpg
film invest profits earn
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John Corrie
Apr 27 at 1:23pm
It's so easy my kitty could do it
Becoming a patron is a so easy
All is takes to help and be a part of anypropjecy is a few minutes of your time and a simple pledge as low as a dollar is a great way to join in and possible be a known part of any project
A film, a nonn-profit , anything you like
All creators and potential partners will thank you
For me it is my film Rise of the Black Sun
All I ask is a small start from you and I go over my film
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film invest profits earn
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John Corrie
Apr 25 at 1:05pm
To enter the game
As I have more than once, you see what it can possibly profit for you. Not only money but prestige and reputation.
To get wealthy you have to be ready for the bad and the extremely good
Lay your cash on the big poker table and be alert and ready to play
Never listen to "pros" but stick with your gut instinct
I am playing to win
Are you?
Rise of the Black Sun is here
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film invest profits earn
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John Corrie
Apr 24 at 12:05pm
Rewards time for contributors
My film, Rise of the Black Sun will be one of the most deep, conspiracy driven historical films of at least our lifetime.
With a solid budget, script and crew we have what people will sit back and gasp at a minimum. Or more, as facts drive how easily you were brain washed into believing that your history book is propoganda at best.
But I do need your participation too. Too many sit and let the elite drive your beliefs in way too many subjects.
With a small donation monthly you too cab be a part of this film. A piece of you or your business monthly with allow you to live forever as your piece of film history. From a simple than you credit to gaining a reputation as a real investor as our economy grows stronger.
So where will you stand? A voyeur whoets the parade pass by? Or a player who gets things done and grows their personal wealth?
I have a BIG cake here. What size do you care to pony up to? All with up to a 20 percent return for the frosting to bite into?
You tell me.
Rise of the Black Sun
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John Corrie
Apr 23 at 11:32am
Stepping to the plate
OK things are stepping up here. Even doctors and their groups invest on a long term like a film. Why arent you?
Every piece is ready for both smaller donors and hard core investors
Legal, financial crew and state and including all local paperwork done
My hitch is still raising money
But my cash is already on the line. So do not be saying what have you done.
If you want hard things show me your part. Then my cards are played.
Legal, financial crew and state and local paperwork done
My NDA signed you commit a part then we go
Lets get this rolling
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John Corrie
Apr 22 at 1:13pm
Find out about my film below
Because I am protecting my product, my film, from theft I am not getting into my script for public consumption, I can only offer a teaser to those truly interested.
What shows your interest? For here a donation to keep things
But the larger it is the more you get
nothing get nothing
It goes up from there by the amount of interest you offer
And by reading the terms of service you have an out too
So register and show you are not a fake but mighht want an in to a great deep picture
Thank you and I am looking forward to us doing business
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John Corrie
Apr 21 at 1:24pm
Rise of the Black Sun
Raising funds for a film is not a cake walk and every dime counts
I will pay a nice return on an investment and if you do not have a lot I have goodies for you too
From a thank you from the bottom of my heart to credits to a trip to the premier for smaller investors
So please help out whatever you can
Even a few dollars keeps this film rolling
Thank you
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John Corrie
Apr 19 at 11:21am
Imagine if
Imagine if everything you were taught was a lie
Think if you were told the truth what the world would be
Are you a fool or a slave?
Rise of the Black Sun will answer that
Nothing may be real ever again
Be a part of my film today.
A small piece you can offer helps get things rolling beyond what I am already doing
But if you want to be the shark in the guppy pool we can talk too
A 20 percent return on your investment can make it happen
But are you a whale or a minnow? Or just bait waiting on them to gobble you up ?
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John Corrie
Apr 18 at 12:02pm
Props to a few
Hello and another day at the RISK game and profiting from it. My film, RISE OF THE BLACK SUN, has everythig ready but YOU, real investors looking for a 20 (TWENTY) percent return on what you are willing to put up for a piece of my pie.
Nothing is free folks, and with the economy getting better evry day it is a choice of sitting at the bus stop forever or a shot at roaring to financial freedom. Or a better step towards it. Your choice. Props to a good player at the game to Greg Mannarino
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John Corrie
Apr 17 at 12:30pm
The momentum grows
Rise of the Black Sun is rolling. This film is gonna make serious profits after exposing 75 year old lies . Join me
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John Corrie
Apr 16 at 12:29pm
My Rise film daily becomes more relevant
How so?
Bankers, owned politicians for life, bought or secretly traitorous law enforcement, all come to play and explain a bit how and why it has been a 75 year set up to make this a corporate fascistic dictatorship just now America is waking up to.
Its heavy politics my Rise film beings for who may very well who bought power and has their masters pulling the strings since the end of W W 2.
By joining me through donations or a partnership you can fight back against the American Oligarchs who really pull the strings
Come join in this film which is a part of the 2nd Revolution. Not Socialism, not even Naziism which all is in force today.
Join me lets make Rise of the Back Sun and open eyes world wide and take these criminals down
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John Corrie
Apr 15 at 11:43am
Todays news is finally good
More foreign feedback came to me last night. The only thing was it was not Americans. Do they know more about playing the long game than a select American few? Interest = investors. . Sitting with your hands under your butt = staying broke.
They are looking at Rise of the Black Sun. Why arent you???
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