Oh my... that's hilarious! 😂
It is so amazing how creative minds are able to come up with such very good ideas and forms of art! You killed it! And your brother is cool, huh! He rode on with your play. How is he? I hope he's revived from your shooting. 😂
And the younger kid yelling "Mom!" Good thing you did not chase and shoot him too! The KJ brat, no?
So how do you think your hand had become a gun?
lol yes I "killed it" Nice one. XD ah, just like normal things in life one day you wake up with a long day of school the next day you wake up with a HandGun.
Ahh, yes! Just that unexplainable event of "I woke up like this." I wish that one day I'll also wake up with Wonder Woman's bracelet. 😂