2018 100 Film Challenge

in #film7 years ago

As 2017 draws to a close, it's got me thinking about 2018 and fun challenges to keep up for the whole year. So, I'm going to try and watch 100 films I've never seen before. It's a fun goal, and there are definitely a lot of classics I've missed over the years that are long overdue for a viewing.

Of course, just watching the movies isn't much of a challenge, so that's why I'll be writing weekly updates with mini-reviews/thoughts about the movies I've watched that week -- and of course I'll post them here.

Many of the movies I'll watch will probably be pretty obvious ones, but I'm looking for some movies I've maybe never heard of or wouldn't think to watch. Which is where you come in! If anyone has some suggestions, I'd love to hear them. I'm already building up a list of movies to watch, and would love some input!