All the latest Movieland investigations from detectives Dick Japowski and Joey Arizona.
Japowski's Operation Ho-ho-ho
Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny (1972)
When Santa gets his sleigh stuck in the sand on a Florida beach, he telepathically summons good little boys and girls with various animals to try and get him going. He then tells them stories as some sort of motivator! Just wait till you get to that bunny! Ineptly made but extremely entertaining!
First watch: 2 Baubles
The Arizona Christmas Files
Die Hard (1988)
While trying to reconnect with his wife at her work's Christmas party John McClane is forced to eject some unwanted party guests.
Many people would argue that Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie...and those people would be wrong, it contains more Christmas elements than It's a Wonderful Life, and probably less violent than Home Alone.
Rewatch: 5 Baubles
Japowski's Operation Ho-ho-ho
Scooged (1988)
Bill Murray plays Frank Cross, a TV executive who in classic Murray tradition is visited by 3 ghosts! An original take on a well torn tale, this film has so many extremely funny lines and moments that you can quote all the year long, and murray's passionate performance at the end still chokes me up.
Rewatch: 5 Baubles
The Arizona Christmas Files
Arthur Christmas (2011)
The current Santa is set to retire and his eldest son, the super efficient Steve, is set to take over. But when Steve's method mean a child was missed it's up to Santa's other son Arthur to get the job done.
Full of festive cheer, and the top quality animation you've come to expect from Aardman. Plenty of jokes too.
Rewatch: 3.5 Baubles
Japowski's Operation Ho-ho-ho
3615 Code Père Noël (1989) a.k.a. Deadly Games a.k.a. Dial Code Santa Claus a.k.a. Game Over a.k.a Hide and Freak
A young inventive French boy, obsessed with action movies must defend his grandad and mansion where he lives from a deranged man dressed as Santa Claus. If you need another Home alone this year then this might be for you! Comic in tone and inventive action set pieces make this worth discovering.
First watch: 3.5 Baubles
Have you witnessed any of the movies we've investigated? What's the verdict? Let us know in the comments below.