Movie Stakeout Reviews 10/01/20-16/01/20

in #film5 years ago

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All the latest Movieland investigations from detectives Dick japowski and Joey Arizona.

The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Jay and Silent Bob Reboot (2019)
When Jay and his hetero life partner Bob lose the rights to use their names, they yet again head to Hollywood to stop the reboot of the movie, from the comic of their lives from happening!
I'm going to start by saying how much of a Kevin Smith fan I am. I listen to all his podcasts, I enjoyed Yoga Hosers and Jersey Girl and his positivity and love for loving things is something to admire. So it makes it hard for me to say that this movie just wasn't for me. Wise man Jay Cheel from the Film Junk podcast made the comparison between Kevin Smith and Blink 182, where Blink are still writing songs about getting the girl and not really growing with their audience and Smith feels similar. By all means he has his fans of this stuff but it would be nice to see him move on and try a grown up film. A soft reboot.
First watch: 2.5 Doughnuts

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The Arizona Case Files
Mid90s (2019)
In 90's L.A. a nice, polite, yet friendless thirteen-year-old discovers skateboarding, and the rest is history.
Jonah Hill's directorial debut is one of those coming-of-age dramas where little happens, and it's all about how the different characters interact with one another, and how young Stevie's attitude changes the more time he spends with his new friends. While I was watching I couldn't help thinking about Lords of Dogtown and Larry Clarke's Kids, and if you liked either of those movies you'll probably dig this one.
First watch: 3 Doughnuts

What Makes a Good Cop? with Dick Japowski
A Gnome Named Gnorm a.k.a. Upworld (1990)
Anthony Michael Hall plays the cocky Young cop that everyone else at the precinct hates. He talks in funny voices, wears his cap back to front and doesn't play by the captains rules!
When he screws up once to often he is forced to team up with one of the Olsen twins who is the only witness he has to prove his innocence. Cue buddy banter with one of the creepiest puppet person hybrids ever committed to the children's video shop shelves! Directed by the great Stan Winston, this is so distracting but I couldn't stop watching!
Cop Factor: 3 doughnuts
First watch: 2.5 Doughnuts

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The Arizona Case Files
Long Shot (2019)
A long time ago they were babysitter and sittee now one is Secretary of State running for the presidency, and the other is an angry, out of work Journalist. Wouldn't you know Madame Secretary needs a new speech writer.
Lon Shot is largely enjoyable, with some great moments, but ruined by its overly long run time and the sometimes unnecessary trademark Seth Rogen humour.
First watch: 3 Doughnuts

The Arizona Case Files
The Ipcress File (1965)
After a scientist is abducted and his security detail killed a secretive branch of the Ministry of Defence is drafted in to put things to rights.
Get out your dark sunglasses and best trench coat, it's espionage time!! Michael Caine stars in a spy thriller which seems slow to start, but definitely gets better as it goes along, and a fine example of the Third Act being the making of a movie.
First watch: 3 Doughnuts

Have you witnessed any of the movies we've investigated? What's the verdict? Let us know in the comments below.