The final negotiation - Episode 4 - The importance of money

in #film7 years ago

When Sanketh looks at Rajeev in his magician clothes he will be surprised. Rajeev will be standing a few meters away from Sanketh, who will be on the other side of the bridge holding the barrier with his hands with his back facing the barrier. After hearing Rajeev's words that he spoke a few secods ago Sanketh will be disturbed.

Sanketh: GET AWAY!

Rajeev: I'm not stopping you, you can jump any time. 

Sanketh: Go away!

Rajeev: This is a public property. I can go when ever I want.

Sanketh will be frustrated, because Rajeev is intruding his space. Rajeev slowly moves closer and he stands next to Sanketh a few meters away on the other side of the bridge. Rajeev peeks down to get a view of the water.

Rajeev: Hmm... I think you won't die. The water is deep. May be you should try the other side there its rocky.

Sanketh will be frustrated and angry. He will not be able to tell anything to Rajeev, because of his frustration. Rajeev will look at Sanketh, with a polite tone he talks. 

Rajeev: Listen, I really don't care if you jump or not. But, If you decide to live, I can change your life. The choice is yours.

Sanketh: There is no hope...

Rajeev: What is it money? Girl? Job? family?

Sanketh: Just fuck off! 

Rajeev: Hmm... Ok.

Rajeev will pause. He hops and sits on the concrete barrier of the bridge. He will look at the water below and will look at Sanketh. It looks like he is waiting for him to jump. Sanketh on the other side will be still crying and the behavior of Rajeev will make him more furious. Sanketh will look at Rajeev with an anger far bigger than his capabilities.


Sanketh: You sadist! Fuck off! Go away! 

Rajeev will be really calm and tries to ignore Sanketh. Rajeev takes out his phone.

Rajeev: I just want to take a video of you falling. I will go viral. 

Sanketh will be completely angry. He will start to breathe heavily trying to conjure up all his courage. Rajeev will look at this he keeps his phone inside and he gets ready. Sanketh will take the last breathe in, closes his eyes and he leaves his hand off the barrier. His body will start to fall like a domino. Rajeev will be a few seconds late to react. Rajeev will turn the other side and will manage to hold Sanketh by his belt loop of his pant.

Sanketh will realise this and will be trying to fight.

Sanketh: LEAVE ME!

Rajeev: Listen to me!

Sanketh: Fuckin Leave me!

Rajeev will be sitting on the barrier while he is holding Sanketh. Rajeev's upper body will be way over the barrier and he will  be losing control and his hands cannot hold the weight anymore. Rajeev tries to pull, but Sanketh will be fighting for it. Suddenly, Guru comes from the other side and helps Rajeev. Guru and Rajeev will pull Sanketh off the barrier, Sanketh will still be fighting.

Rajeev: You need to listen!

Sanketh: Leave me alone! 

Sanketh will be bitter and tears will be rolling from his eyes.

Guru: Who is he?

Sanketh: Leave me!

Rajeev: Guru! hold both of his hands from the back. 

Guru and Rajeev will make him Sanketh stand on his feet. Sanketh will still be fighting. Guru will lock both of his hands from behind. Rajeev will slowly move backwards.

Sanketh: You ruined everything!

Sanketh starts to weep. Rajeev will be standing in front of him.

Rajeev: I just want to talk to you, just give me 5 minutes..

Sanketh will be silent.

Rajeev: Will you talk?

Sanketh doesn't answer he will be looking down depressed. 

Rajeev gestures with his eyes to let Sanketh go. Guru slowly leaves his hands. Guru moves a little bit away after letting him go, but he is alert and will be looking at Sanketh carefully. 

Rajeev: I just want to know why? Is it money?

Sanketh will look at Rajeev in disgust.

Rajeev: Just tell me-

Suddenly, Sanketh starts running he runs. Rajeev and Guru will run behind him. Sanketh will try to  jump over the barrier again. But, he couldn't, both Guru and Rajeev will grab him again and will make him sit on the ground below the barrier. Sanketh will still be fighting. He will use his arms and legs to try to escape them both. Rajeev take him by his collar and will slap him very hardly. Sanketh will fall on the ground.

Rajeev: You need to listen!

Sanketh will still be on the ground. He gets up and will be about to fight again. Before, that Rajeev slaps him again sending his face back to the ground.

Rajeev: Guru, go get the water bottle.

Guru runs near the car to do so.

Rajeev: Get up.. 

Rajeev will pull him up. Sanketh will sit, back supported by the barrier. Guru will give the water bottle to Rajeev. Rajeev will open it and give it to Sanketh. Sanketh wouln't take it. Rajeev will splash it at his face. Sanketh be soaking from his face. Rajeev closes the bottle and will keep it on the ground. He looks at Sanketh.

Rajeev: This is not an answer..

Sanketh will not react.

Rajeev: You are so young...But, why.

Guru: Sir, its definitely a girl.

Rajeev: Shut up! Go back to the car... I said go back.

Guru goes back. Rajeev will sit next to Sanketh. He looks straight.

Rajeev: There is something magical about this bridge. About a decade ago I was standing just like you trying to end my life. Thankfully a person convinced me out of it. 

Sanketh slowly turns towards Rajeev.

Rajeev: Seeing you here reminded of me, when I was at about your age. What is your name?

Sanketh will not answer. Rajeev will be waiting for his reply, but after few seconds he gives up.

Rajeev: Ok, don't tell me your name. Its not that impor..

Sanketh: Sanketh..

Rajeev: What?

Sanketh: My name is Sanketh.

Rajeev: So.. What is it Sanketh? Why did you want to die?

Sanketh: Long story..

Rajeev: Long life.. We have time.

Sanketh: Loan.. My father had made 20 lakhs of loan and he passed away. Loan sharks are behind me.

Rajeev: 20 lakhs? Hmm... not a huge amount actually.

Sanketh: (Sighs) Yeah, for you maybe.

Rajeev: It's really easy to make 20 lakhs.

Sanketh: I wish it was..

Rajeev: Is that why you wanted to die?

Sanketh: I had everything planned.

Rajeev: And that is ?

Sanketh: With my last 10 thousand rupees I made an life insurance. After my death my mom will receive 50 lakhs from the bank. 

Rajeev starts to lakh. Sanjeev will be offended.

Rajeev: Have you read the terms and condition properly? Suicides won't even be counted. The death should be natural. 

Sanketh: But, the agent told..

Rajeev: Agent wants to feed his kids.  

Sanketh: But..

Rajeev: Its ok.. So, you have a mother? And you wanted o leave her alone?

Sanketh: At least she can live peacefully without any burdens related to money.

Rajeev: Even if she gets the money. Do you think she'll live peacefully? Are you that stupid?

Sanketh looks down sad.

Rajeev: You got a job?

Sanketh: No.. I'vee been looking for it from past 3 months.

Rajeev: Qualification?

Sanketh: Engineer.

Rajeev laughs. Sanketh gets offended again.

Rajeev: Sorry.. Engineer? Ok... Here's the bad news, Engineers don't make a lot of money. 

Sanketh will look at Rajeev.

Rajeev: 20 lakhs? I earn 20 lakhs everyday. Its simple..

Sanketh slowly becomes intersted.

Sanketh: What?

Rajeev: Yes, It's very simple...  Simple, but not easy.

Sanketh: How?

Rajeev: If I wasn't pulled out of the other side of the bridge when I was at your age I wouldn't have known this. I'll make you an offer. I will teach you how to make money... 20 lakhs?  You'll make that amount in a year. But, I have a condition. I will teach you, only when you are ready. Is that a deal?

Sanketh: 20 lakhs? in one year? Are you serious?

Rajeev: Yup.. So, what do you say?

Sanketh: Is it by doing something illegal? I don't want to do anything illegal.

Rajeev: No, its not illegal..So, what is your answer?

Sanketh: Is your father rich?

Rajeev: Never seen him, I'm an orphan. You have 10 seconds to answer me.

Sanketh: Its sounds too good to be true.

Rajeev: Yes it does... 7 seconds..

Sanketh: But..

Rajeev: 5....4..3..

Sanketh: YES! Teach me...

Rajeev: Good! Now lets get up. 

Both of them will get on their feet. Rajeev will take out his wallet. Sanketh will see the amount of money in his wallet. Rajeev will take out his business card.

Rajeev: Here, tomorrow 9 o'clock. Be there.

Sanketh: Ok..

Rajeev: Go home.. Your mom must be waiting..

Sanketh: Wait..Who are you?

Rajeev smiles and he turns back and leaves. 

                                                             To be continued...

                                   Follow me @nandan


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