Hey @bloodycritique
Watched it twice.
First time I really enjoyed the humor, I guess so much that I didn't see many flaws.
After rewatching it with a friend. I saw that the movie lacked in character... Goddess of death was not so deathly and some characters was just in the movie to give it trailer burst like Doctor Strange...
I like how they worked with Hulk and Banner, funny.
Nice review mate
You're thinking of Thor: Ragnarok, this is Thor: The Dark World, I'll have a review for Ragnarok up in a few hours though if you wanna check back for that.
Hey mate
Hah my fault, might have misunderstood...
It was late and I was tired... Just watched the movie(Ragnarok) for the second time, really wanting to write my thoughts on it, so my mind just told me it was a Ragnarok Review, even tho I actually read some of the review thinking you were comparing the movies.
haha clearly didn't read the post!