Marry Me – Spoiler Free Review

in #filmlast year

marry me poster.jpg

Jennifer Lopez sure does not know how to pick movie roles. It was like an okay movie, but I watched it at the movies and it was not worth it. It's just a cute movie to stream when you're bored and feel like watching a silly romantic comedy.

Jennifer Lopez plays Cat, a famous singer who is in a very public relationship with another famous singer Bastian (Maluma). When she finds out that he is cheating on her she decides to randomly marry a person from the crowd in her show. She randomly picks Charlie (played by Owen Wilson) who is only there to accompany his daughter Lou (Chloe Coleman). Which is also ironic because in real life Owen Wilson is a shitty father who doesn't want anything to do with his daughter. At first her reckless decision to marry a random person is treated like a publicity stunt and then she decides to give the relationship with Charlie a real chance. And you know how it goes. The main problem of this movie is that Lopez and Wilson has zero chemistry together. They are just such an awkward couple. It was a strange cast choice.

It doesn't help that there is nothing surprising about this movie. Well, the cameos were a bit surprising. You know about Maluma (who has a tiny role in this movie), but there was also a stream of comedians that I didn’t expect that were in this movie. But the plot has zero surprises.

Sometimes a predictable romantic comedy is just what you need. Like a good cup of coffee that you have every day or the romantic books with the same plot, but small variations to it. This movie can also be nice, but just nice. There is no big memorable moment that will stay with you. For better or for worse. But hi, there is a good chance you'll remember the theme song of this movie, so it has that going for it.

Marry Me is a nice predictable romantic comedy that will pleasantly pass the time, but will leave no lasting impression on you.

Have you seen this movie? What did you think about it?

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