My top 3 spiritual awakening films (plus top foreign language film)

in #film7 years ago

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I have long been a believer in the power of films to transform the way we think and over the years have been particularly moved by just a small number of them which will remain a part of my consciousness always. It is my absolute pleasure to share these films with you now because if you don't already know them, you have some real treats in store 😉

Into the Wild

An emotive true story about self named Alex Supertramp (Christopher McCandles), a young man who feels out of place in the world he has grown up in, so he sets out on an instinctive journey to discover it for himself. Accompanied by Eddie Vedder's haunting soundtrack, the film connects us with the perfection of nature and helps us raise questions about this modern world.

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Alex meets many people on his journey to Alaska and through these simple relationships we are shown the true power of humanity. With an unconventional storyline, non-hollywood ending & one liners worth remembering, this film is bound to impact you deeply.

Peaceful Warrior

Based on another true story (all the best ones are!) this film follows the life of Olympian Dan Millman who meets an elderly man at a gas station and adopts him as his spiritual guide. His arrogance leads to conflict and after a horrific motorbike accident all hope appears lost for the upcoming competition.

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The irrefutable power of NOW is illustrated though a series of quirky lessons which are fun to observe and easy to remember. Rich with wisdom this film is must see for the newly emerging spiritual mind.

Cloud Atlas

With an ensemble cast of top actors this epic tale spans centuries in an audio visual spectacular which needs to be watched more than once to fully appreciate its brilliance. The eternal nature of the human soul is demonstrated by using the same actors to play different roles (sometimes different sexes) at different times in history, showing us how the soul is always learning from each physical interaction with the world. That's a white Halle Berry you can see beneath.

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It also examines the idea that when two souls fall in love they will always be drawn towards each other no matter what physical form they take.

Foreign Language Film

There are so many great ones it isn't easy to select just one. Due to my current location in France I have gone with a French film, relatively unknown but highly worth the watch.

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La Belle Verte

A humorous yet damning appraisal of the world we live in, seen through the eyes of a woman visiting from another planet where humans live in harmony. As someone who has not been to Earth before she is shocked by what she finds and decides to awaken selected people to assist on her journey.

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Brilliantly insightful and witty this film shows us the absurdity of modern life while contrasting it with a beautiful vision of how it could be.

Best documentaries?

In the next part of this series I will take a look at my top three documentaries. I may have to extend the list to five for this as there are so many brilliant ones.

Blessings to you all from France ⛅️


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He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world, currently based in the south of France.

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All images are taken from associated films

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As soon as I saw the title of the article, I thought “I should recommend him La belle verte” :D Because of your posts that I’ve read so far, I supposed you are going to like it. As I continued to read at least it turned out I as right. Thanks for the other suggestions, sounds great, I will check them.

haha! yes, it's such a great film, I really do love it :)

Hope you enjoy the others!

Into the wild is one of my favorites! Every time I see that movie I want to leave everything and go travel

Such a cracker of a film hey, despite the ending. How happy he would have been to know that his life made such a difference to so many other lives :)

Am pretty sure this film is one of the main reasons I did say goodbye to it all and start travelling. Haven't been home for three years...

...though yet to make it to Alaska!

Airplane! changed my life. I never knew who Ethel Merman was, but now I know.

haha! Changed my life too.... in a rather different way ;)

Into the Wild, great film!!

Life changing hey ;)

Great Stuff! No question in my mind that films are instructive emotionally and spiritually.

Cinema is a mirror of reality and it is a filter. -Call Me By Your Name

Into the Wild is probably my favorite film. Several friends recommended it to me and when I first saw it in 2009, it had a tremendous impact on me.

I wrote s short post about my thoughts back then - Call Things by Their Right Name

I agree, regarding the power film has to transform the way we think.
Into the Wild was really well made. Great acting in that film.
I've never seen Peaceful Warrior. Thanks for the recommendation.
I enjoy "in your face spiritual awakening" films like these and the Matrix and The Fifth Element, and I also love the subtle spiritual awakening films like Birdman.