Location Scouting on a Submarine - Fort Galt Studios Update!

in #filmmaking8 years ago (edited)

Since announcing the founding of Fort Galt Studios, my writing partner Jake and I have been working like rented donkeys to get our first spec scripts completed. The writing process itself doesn't make for very visually interesting Steemit posts (couple of dudes in an office, wow) but we did take a research trip a few days ago and brought the camera along to let everyone in for a look at something a bit more fun. We're working on a TV series that involves a small crew of protagonists that live aboard an advanced submarine. You can look at a hundred pictures but in order to really understand what its like to live and move about with other people in such a confined space, we decided that we had to go and experience it for ourselves.

We took our cameras along with our quadcopter and went straight to the closest submarine, right here in Valdivia. Needless to say, it was tight. There were signs warning claustrophobic people to stay outside and it was for good reason. We wore hard hats because yeah, tall dudes like us bash our heads on stuff all the time and this particular submarine really seemed to have it in for us. It's a completely utilitarian place with spartan accommodations. It keeps the crew alive but far from comfortable. Every square inch of space has a purpose and nothing is wasted. I normally like tight spaces just fine but the creepy thing that really sunk in while aboard was that everything really is about the torpedoes. Naval submarines have no other purpose. Every nut, every bolt, every hatch, valve, light, and dial only exists for the sole purpose of stealthily launching torpedoes at other vessels.

The project is a TV series that we're calling Leviathan. It's about a renegade entrepreneur that provides theft and kidnapping insurance along with rescue and retrieval services. He has retrieved stolen property from underground bunkers and rescued clients from guerilla camps in the jungle but our story begins with him springing the founder of an illegal website from federal custody. They partner up and expand the business to include refugee smuggling, which is where the submarine comes in. They commandeer an experimental submarine from a naval shipyard and use it as their new base of operations. Think 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea meets Firefly, set against a sort of V for Vendetta backdrop. We'll post another update on this project soon since it's coming along very quickly and there's lots to share.


Awesome! If you need a look at a (slightly) more modern sub, come visit us in Portland, where the Blueback is tied up to OMSI's dock. Also, have you looked at SingularDTV and their block chain based TVOD ecosystem? Can't wait for the first episode of Leviathan!

That sounds great. Yeah, we aren't basing the styling on any sub that exists today but we just wanted to get a feel for the size and closed-in feeling. We're going with the design language of the Code-X Yacht for the show.
Wow, SingularDTV looks fantastic! Thanks for the tip :)

Submarine is a really big test. I'm intrigued by your project and will closely follow

Nice picture :)

lol awesome :)

Wow, what a unique experience - thanks for sharing! Your series sounds very intriguing, and I'm always grateful to hear about inspired individuals loving on their projects.

Looking forward to see that! Glad that the script is coming along!

Is this show you are doing REAL LIFE or is a fiction show?

officially? just fiction ;)

No I mean in ACTUALITY. Is this guy for real actually doing those things or is it a story?
If you cannot confirm nor deny that please message me in chat! ;-)>

It's just a story for now... but who knows? Maybe someday someone will emulate it in reality.

Thanks for the response!
Love all the work that you do. Steem ON!

What an exciting opportunity. I am looking forward to see more.

excellent congratulations

thanks :)