I make stuff,... sometimes said stuff is good, sometimes it isn't. But just because I make stuff doesn't mean that I am, inherently, an artist, or that what I make is, inherently, art. That is for others to decide,... others, and the others that believe in the fake it till you make it modus opperandi,... which let's face it, if your bullshit worked to fool millions you're great, do you really want millions of idiots as fans?
I would like every piece of crap to come out of my ass to be considered art,...
But sometimes you just need to get out and shoot for the sheer joy of it,... art and wasting film be damned. Friends and film and pixels and good food and better banter.... life.
Someone once said "inspiration is for amateurs,... the rest of us just show up everyday".
The rest of us just work, and work and work,... and from that someone somewhere might spot something special,... that's not for us to do.
In the spirit of that,... one sunday, one roll on the pentax 67 and all 10 frames....
for it's only through working that you get any work done,...
Yours sincerely,... captain obvious :P
Brilliant @shuji. "inspiration is for amateurs,... the rest of us just show up everyday". - such a great quote.
You have to show up and put the work in, figuring it out as you go along. Good things will come from natural progression.
Keep showing up @shuji ;) haha
Thanks Oen 😁 and yeah sometimes thinking too much gets in the way of just having fun,... Which is why we started this photo malarkey to begin with isn't ?
Very well written, but I think your inspiration was with you! What would we be without the women ;)?
Shhhh, don't tell her that, haha!
Holy dust spots! You scan those in a sawmill?
Love the throwback touch to include the outside of the frame. Cropped in camera, and here's proof.
I would like to say that the dust spots are intentional in keeping with the spirit of the text, to just go and shoot and put it out,.... But the truth is that my workspace could do with a good dusting 😋
great photos! :)
Thank you 😊
Great series!
Thank you Jan. 😁