Irfan Khan, a famous Indian actor, has died of cancer at the age of 54, according to foreign media Box Office India. One of India's best-known male stars, Irfan Khan, born in 1967, has contributed to several well-known films, including "The Fantasy Of The Teenage School," "The Extraordinary Spider-Man," "Jurassic World," "Strong Heart, Slumdog Millionaire" and many more.
Box Office India officials also offered their condolences to Irfan Khan, who died young, who is understood to have learned of his cancer in 2018 and made the announcement on Twitter in March of the same year that he would go abroad for treatment. During his illness, Irfan fought cancer as actively as a soldier until the last minute. Surrounded by his family and the people he loved, Irfan died, leaving fans with a great performance that belonged only to him.
Rip to the our brother