Why Libertarians Should Focus on Localization

in #finallyfreeamerica7 years ago (edited)


Brexit, Texit, Calexit, Catalonian Independence, Quebexit... all of these movements are real and vibrant. But they're not quite libertarian, are they? Sure, as libertarians it is fair to say that we believe in as little government as possible (which is likely no government.) But doesn't that mean that we're also in favor of AS MANY governments as possible?

Let me put it in another way. If someone must rule over your life - and someone must - then shouldn't that person be you? Don't we, really, believe in every human on earth being a government of one? And those little one-person governments have the right to voluntarily interact with other little one-person governments in whatever way they mutually agree to?

So, that's the goal. And these Brexit-style movements are bringing government closer to the individual - which we like - but there's one problem:

They've all been super nationalistic in nature. In other words, the rhetoric surrounding them have been all about protecting "England First" or "Texas Independence," etc. This is the dangerous part. By wrapping the ideals of decentralizing government around nationalistic rhetoric these movements are still drawing a line as to which people are "worthy" of freedom and which ones are not.

We, as libertarians, believe that everyone is worthy of self-ownership and freedom.

I believe it is critical that we jump into the "exit" game with a libertarian version called "Localization." Localization is not just about breaking apart big, centralized government (although that is clearly one goal), it is more about returning sovereignty to the individual by stair-stepping government control back downwards and away from the hands of the elite. Whereas the goal of Brexit may have been something along the lines of, "Let's stop letting Polish people tell us what to do," the ultimate goal of Localization is, "Let's stop putting ourselves into coercive relationships altogether."

Adam Kokesh's campaign, for instance, has made Localization a large part of the strategy and it's been quite popular. Pragmatists see that it reduces government control without necessarily yanking the rug out from anyone; and anarchists see it as a good first-step.

Of course, the statists will say, "No, let's just fix the government that we already have," and I'm choosing to believe that they mean well. But that line of thinking has been around for 150 years and it has failed. Government only ever grows. And, on the other end are the radical anarchists who want to do away with all government tomorrow, which I believe to be irresponsible.

So Localization is an actual strategy that is possible - it's happening all over the world - it's responsible - doesn't yank the rug out from anyone - and it reduces government immediately. The libertarian movement can own this issue in the 21st century and be seen as an innovator.

The LP Platform Committee is currently considering recommending adding this sentence to the party platform:

Section 3.7 - Self-Determination
"Out of respect for the self-determination of communities and individuals, the Libertarian Party supports the reduction, localization, or elimination of government wherever and whenever possible."

I hope you will join me in encouraging the members of the platform committee to recommend this language to the body of the convention in New Orleans this summer!


Wonderful article! People need to consider localization as not only a more effective way of achieving greater liberty but as a hedge against the rapidly increasing incompetence of the central governments.

"Let's stop letting Polish people tell us what to do," the ultimate goal of Localization is, "Let's stop putting ourselves into coercive relationships altogether."
Yes, that is the major problems our society is battling today, because of lack of confidence in ourselves. I believe that our society is going to be better only when we stand on our feet, know our worth and stop letting people push us around. Thanks for that wonderful post.

Adam Kokesh's campaign, for instance, has made Localization a large part of the strategy and it's been quite popular.

But can you achieve localization from the top down or is it something that must be achieved from the ground up?

It's both at the same time. The movement and preparation comes from the bottom up. The political dissolution is top down. If you think in terms of direction of power, we want power to go from the top down.

indeed you want power to go from the top down but localists want it to go from the bottom up

I think it has to be achieved from the top down. If a state were to secede, for instance, the federal government might just disallow it using violence - like what we're seeing in Spain.

If it's done from the top down that eliminates that option.

so your plan is for rulers to do away with rulers?

Our plan is for the people to do away with rulers.

the people being the bottom right? the plan you just described is a bottom up plan.

the people being the bottom right? the plan you just described is a bottom up plan.

The problem with localization is two fold. Local bigotry will have no outside accountability and our nation’s foreign debt will need to be paid or they will invade.


The only non-violent solution to all our problems is to unincorporate our cities. If you can figure out how to unincorporate your cities you just killed every cop without having to shed one drop of blood. Everything becomes communal again. The only law man would be the Sheriff.

I've always been a big fan of a Sheriff candidate running on the platform of: If you elect me I'll keep all federal agents including the IRS, the DEA, ICE, literally all of them. There's even some supreme court precedent to back him up. But, he'd need to be prepared for loads of lawsuits. I'm still a fan of the idea and I encourage someone (anyone!) to give it a go.

I'd do it but I haven't figured out how to. The only solution I can think of is a national strike or guns and guillotines. Supposedly we have the largest unofficial militia of 70 million armed patriots in this country... THEN WHERE ARE THEY AT!? And why are they still complying with lawless tyranny? I thought this was America?

Very nice post. Pleased to read this.

Governments are not a bad thing. And although most people are able to govern themselves, there are masses of people: disabled physically and mentally, or just normal able-bodied that would be lost without a fair and just system guiding them through their life/s.

The problem is corruption in politics\government. In this country, UK, it appears to many of us that an elite group of privileged men pass the political baton to each other as if on a elite relay team. They have the same upbringing , similar schooling, most times the same connections. Every once in a while they allow people of color/women to join their team/clique knowing they'll never be captain of the team.

Margaret Thatcher, a strong -willed woman was an exception, nicknamed, The Iron Lady. However, posthumously, horrible things have been penned and spoken about her.

If present governments globally weren't so vague, so incompetent, so inept, dealing with immigration, public fund/purse, warring as a lucrative business...the list is endless, we wouldn't be all involved in this exit strategies: Brexit, Texit, Calexit, Catalonian Independence, Quebexit.

The only way to clean up politics is to clear out the cobwebs, clear out the career politically minded believing it's their birthright. Bring in people who have lived among the masses, that have gotten their hands dirty, that care about the common man.

Only then will life become real and vibrant!


Good article @benfarmer. You are correct we each are our own one person government and we need to get back to localization. After the individual probably comes the precinct level and I don't even know who my city council or who my county commissioner is which are both elected at the precinct levels and that is sad. I am sure I am not alone and it is my own fault for not knowing who represents me, but it is also my representatives fault that I don't know who they are, but mostly mine. We should all take the time to find out who is actually representing us at the lowest levels and get involved there first and work our way up. Is that the only recommendation that we are promoting?



Establishing relationships with your neighbor and forging true partnerships - those are dangerous things for the establishment. Not because we're gonna burn down the buildings, but because we've realized that cooperation is all that's needed to bring the success and efficiency promised by rulers!

The sentiment is in the right place, although I am not sure if you are have the right word. The term "localization" is used in big business to describe programmatic modifications to a product for local markets.

For example, broadcast media is dominated by a small number of companies that own hundreds of radio stations. These stations have report have localized news and localized sports, but ownership and control is in a distant place.

What we need are who make an effort to be aware of their local community. There are some people using the term "local first." The local first movement promotes local ownership.

I think you have the right sentiment, but are using the wrong term.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment