Why should countries issue national crypto-currencies?

in #finance7 years ago


Throughout 2017, there was not one news about countries whose government is interested in creating its national crypto currency. This epic continues in 2018, at the moment we are witnessing a scandal surrounding El Petro, which is actively promoted as a national crypto currency by Nicholas Maduro (current president of Venezuela).


Meanwhile, according to the authoritative edition of The Telegraf, in the UK at the government level, discussions on the use of blocking technology in various state systems are no longer simply going on, but specific legal mechanisms for overcoming disagreements are discussed when introducing the national currency of the pound-linked sterling.

Another weighty argument is the report of the Financial Services Center of Deloitte, where experienced financiers predict the disappearance of many private crypto-currencies in the next five years. They should be replaced by state crypto-currencies.


The journalists of the portal bloomberg.com conducted an excellent analytical work, about how the central banks of the USA, Canada, China, Great Britain and other developed countries refer to bitcoin and release of their own digital currencies.


Hahahahaha crypto money out of systems of tax (plug-in )☠