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RE: Are Finance Jobs Boring?

in #finance2 years ago

These inquiries also tell me that there is a huge demand for relevant information. They probably need courses to find out what they want to do in the future.

Yes, they really need it. I hope their schools or teachers help them build their future with what their best at if their parents don't care about it (there are some cases like this here).

Real case example:
Me: "Why don't u try to ask ur mom first?"
Him: "She said, 'whatever you want. The important thing is you get paid' "
Me: ...

I've been reading a lot in r/antiwork lately and it seems to me that for the most part, many professions lack the pure foundation to even just have a boring work life.

That's new to me... I seldom read Reddit tho. tyfi

This should then also become all the more burdensome for the younger generation, especially with the latest developments with work from home, eventually leading to dislocations. Quiet quitting and the great resignation do not come from nowhere.

Work from home always get misinterpret especially by their parents here (including me) because of their old mindset: Work is going out of the house, At home means, you're on vacation or you're not working.