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RE: My Little Bitcoin Experiment (DCA-BTC-ASAP)

in #finance4 days ago

Yeah, unfortunately (or hopefully fortunately for my future self) we had to buy a new furnace, air conditioner, and hot water heater immediately after we moved in. This project helped to take the sting out of those unpleasant surprises a little. : )

I totally agree. There's a lot of noise out there from crypto influencers and big BTC stakeholders spreading extreme hopium but I don't see how we don't reach $1M per coin eventually. It's anyone's best guess on how long that will take or if some catastrophe will happen to derail it but any investment is a risk. I trust BTC more than anything else at this point. Thanks! I'll make this a quarterly series.


Cash backs are great especially if you double or triple up on them.
Yeah BTC is the only crypto I trust to be honest. There is far too much Hopium but you are right, one day it will hit a million.