Hex Land - hex-land.com review

in #finance5 years ago


The HEXLAND project stands out among existing popular investment platforms. The company's mission is to create artificial islands with supporting structures made of recycled plastic. HEX LAND aims to create a whole "archipelago of free transactions" that does not obey the laws of any country.

About hex-land.com

Website hex-land.com available in English only, but there’s no problem to understand that the company is intensively exploring the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans to create a full-fledged offshore there.

Today the company provides its customers with 2 types of services:
• Storage of funds in anonymous offshore accounts;
• High yield investment products for private investors.
We offer to consider in detail exactly the proposals for investors.

Offers for investors

Company provides access to short-term (from 3 days) and long-term (from 365 days) investment cases. Let's find out what exactly offers each direction.

Short term investments
• Deposit period: 3, 9, 18, 24, 30 days;
• Deposit amount: from 10 to 20,000 dollars;
• Total profitability: from 103.9% to 163%;
• Payments: at the end of deposite or daily.

Long term investment
• Deposit period: from 365 days;
• Deposit amount: 500, 1,000 and 2,500 dollars;
• Daily profitability: from 1.6% to 1.8%;
• Bonus for each new deposit: from 0.02% to 0.5%.

Registration in HEX LAND

To become a member of the HEXLAND investment program, go through the registration procedure on the website, pressing "AUTH" - "Register" and filling out the form. After confirming the E-mail by clicking on the link, you get full access to investment.

More details and reviews about hex-land.com