Canadians Living "Paycheck to Paycheck"

in #finance8 years ago

Hi everyone, today I'll be writing a response the article linked just below

The article talks about how a record high amount of Canadians are living Paycheck to Paycheck and goes on to give a few details as to why that is.

I don't want to dive into the specifics but I do want to comment and share a small anecdote on the topic on a large, vague scale.

I have heard many stories of people complaining that Living essentials have gone up but what I found shocking is what people consider necessity nowadays.

I have heard of one individual whom was well in the red while still claiming Netflix was a necessity, leasing a BMW and enjoying Starbucks every morning in the BMW on the way to the Office. Key part being on the way to work which isn't generating income.

Needless to say they were gone from the office building rather quickly

My point is that the definition of necessity has changed to include what was once luxury.

Before having a cell phone was big but now 1 Gb of data is considered rock bottom

Just my two cents