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RE: What hard assets would you choose to buy?

in #finance7 years ago (edited)

None, anything can be owned!

But the question is.... Why bother...?

Think of the greatest story of the ones who had everything, but they were eager for love, or health, and couldn't enjoy a thing they "öwned"!

Think about a natural calamity, what do you "own" the day after nature did it's course?

It's that a real "own", or just an illusion....

That's just my opinion, everything is right at the same time...

But there were times when I had nothing and I was happy, and times I got everithing I taught I need and I was screaming for something else I couldn't touch...


You need to own some things to keep yourself alive... make sure you are prepared for emergencies. By all means, treasure your relationships, health, skills& education, just be mindful so you don't accidentally become a burden on your family and friends by not having enough wealth to provide for yourself.

Got your point:)