There was a comedian back in the 80's who made a really good point. "We currently spend $15 billion a year on the war on drugs. The drug dealers are making $3.5 billion. If we pay them $7 billion to stop sending us drugs we cut our expenses in half and the cartels double their profits."
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Interesting. During the 2008 financial fiasco, rather than sending trillions into the banking system, the US government could have sent a few billions directly to the affected citizens, and the citizens would have their homes, banks their profits (albeit not to the degree of TARP profits), and government its taxes. Instead, the TARP was forced through the US congress by the black messiah, in what is effectively a massive transfer of wealth from the poor directly to the banking elite. Whenever these Leftists loons blather about "racially discriminatory" eviction and lending practices, I scoff that their black messiah is the biggest thief and tool of the "unfair" sysyem.