Financial bewilderment through inconsistent deluge "expert" opinion reports

in #finance8 years ago

Crypto currency

With all the activity leading up to the bitcoin upgrade (or split to btc cash), I'm gobsmacked at how the value of BTC has increased steadily or if anything held its ground stubbornly.

Exchanges have all sent out there warnings and positions. BTC appears to still be the better performing CC going around. By contrast, Ethereum, Litecoin and say Dash haven't done much and ETH especially has dropped to 50 % of its value high of over 40,600yen some weeks ago.

By my observations, as BTC rises, all others follow. As BTC falls the same rule applies on a like for like graphically represented bases. The suddenly BTC just goes up and all the other stay put. Weird. Fishy.


Meanwhile, in an attempt to trip the system, and in an exercise of learning, it was intended to bring funds from an Australian bank, via an Australian CC exchange in purchasing BTC's, and in the process send them directly to a Japanese exchange wallet. Of course, the intention here is to buy as low as possible at the entry point.

This is in the face of, in the last 2 years a uselessly boring digression of the Australian dollar grinding slowly down from 89yen to $1 in December 2015 to a low point of about 76yen and steadying to a boring 82yen earlier this year. Naturally no sooner had a jump to beat the boring FIAT FOREX system be made did two inexplicable events occur. Media hype surrounding possible BTC forking and a dramatic rally by the AUD to a 2 year high in the few weeks, making the whole process lose meaning, apart from the afore mentioned goal of being a learning experience.

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ASX flat and predictable as a pancake

The ASX is another beauty. The most boring list of companies in the world - ok a bit of an overeaction. But seriously all the buzz and excitement is in the US, China and Europe markets. The technology / e-commerce goliaths are there and nothing of the sort exists in the ASX. It's just stock standard blue chips mostly. The index itself seems stagnated in the 5700 zone. It's goes up it goes down, but it doesn't break either way. You could almost guarantee the traders takes turns in flooding the market. Monday; down followed by 3 days of gains, and ending on a crash point sell off on Friday. Then the next week, a little different. Slight gains to say Wednesday, then a drop and ending on a positive note up on a Friday.

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Iron ore / Steel

Rhetoric in March/April of 2017 was that China was reducing its intake of iron ore and thus steel production opting to use internal existing suppliers, that sent the price falling and with it BHP and Rio Tinto to name a few. But suddenly, fueled by apparent Chinese demand for steel and iron ore, BHP has spiked from a low of about $22 to $25. I'm bewildered.

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Whilst I might be either impatient or drawing a long bow, there seems to be no rational consistency to the global financial market reporting and the actual results. Basically no one knows what the f&*k is going on and it's educated guess work in prediciting the future. But I am certain, someone somewhere is pulling the strings to gear results their way.

As Elon Musk says there is some probability we are in a simulution and if that were the case, future pre ordained ... but to what end?!