Agreed. That's why credit card companies make the monthly minimum payment so low. They want to hook you into a life of debt and keep you there. If you just paid the minimum amount, you would never pay off the card, and that's precisely what they want. It creates a constant income stream for those companies. And when you add up all of your interest payments, you realize that you paid far more for things in the long run.
There are few things in life you should go into debt for: house and car. Basically, you're investing in something that will give you more value (a house that appreciates in value, or a car that allows you to travel to work to make money).
Instead, use a credit card that give rewards points or cash back. Just use it for things you must buy and which fall in your monthly budget: groceries, utility bills, gasoline for the car. At the end of the month, pay the balance in full so you don't have to pay interest.
Debit cards should be avoided, because they don't carry the same protections against identity theft that credit cards do. The last thing you want is for some criminal to clean out your bank accounts.