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RE: The Stress of Poverty Is Horrible // HUSTLE 14 HOURS PER DAY // Quest for Financial Freedom

in #finance7 years ago (edited)

Here's an idea. I think you have an expertise in cryptocurrencies, right? Make a plan to write an ebook or PDF on the subject. It should be something of value, with ideas and strategies that most people would know nothing about, but would want to. And it should be a platform for you to learn even more about the subject (but don't make that publicly known). Your goal is to become THE EXPERT on the subject. Chase down all relevant material, articles, online MOOCs, research papers, industry journal articles ... you name it.

Create a crowdfunding proposal on one of the popular sites: Kickstarter, Indiegogo, RocketHub, and/or peerbackers. Crowdfunding is a great way to secure capital for a fledgling business, which a typical bank might not be so willing to lend to. In the proposal, include some interesting questions that the book will answer for readers. You need a really good hook that will draw people in. Also, add that if the funding campaign is successful, the project will evolve from ebook to published book. The money will help defray expenses since time spent on the book will take you away from your normal job. As an incentive, reward donations over some dollar amount with a promise to receive your finished book. Finally, you might include in your proposal links to 3 of your best online articles, so people can evaluate the quality of your work. But be careful with that. Freeloaders will figure that they can learn from you by just reading the free stuff online. So make this confusing. Maybe link to 2 articles on different web sites. Or add a line to the proposal that the book will efficient tie everything together into one convenient source, and perhaps walk the reader through strategies that haven't been written about yet.

And this proposal provide more organic marketing for your personal brand. Your online articles will point to the crowdfunding campaign, the campaign will point back to your online writing.


I mean this is like a major project that would take months to pull off lol. I've heard people talk about writing ebooks to make money but I'd rather focus on promoting my music and trying to monetize that I think. I might turn my top 50 tokens series into an ebook when it's done tho I wouldnt crowdsource it