You should start doing some internet marketing/affiliate marketing. A lot of money in that. All you really need is a Wordpress blog, some content, and affiliate produts. No need to pay for traffic.
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You should start doing some internet marketing/affiliate marketing. A lot of money in that. All you really need is a Wordpress blog, some content, and affiliate produts. No need to pay for traffic.
Ehh I feel like thats the kind of thing that takes months and months of unpaid work / putting money IN before I would start earning. Not a bad idea, but maybe not the best way to try and earn some cash in the short term. Am I wrong?
What I do wanna do is promote my first record some more, cuz I've already earned $50 from sales and think I could get more if I put in the work. That might be my version of internet marketing lol.
Or I could start affiliate marketing by including those kinds of links in my steem blog... but... IDK
That could work as well! Or you could just get a part-time job lol
yea I applied to a bunch of shit