Hello friend, this topic is of great importance for our economy. I think that today many financial experts continue to recommend: Work hard, save money, pay off debts, spend as little as possible and diversify. The problem with these tips is that they are bad advice, simply because they are obsolete. Without financial education you can not process the information to turn it into useful knowledge and without financial knowledge people suffer in the economic aspect, for me it was very important to learn, when I was still a child, that we all have money problems no matter how poor or we are rich. Many people think that if they manage to have a lot of money their economic problems would end. They do not know that having a lot of money causes even greater economic problems.
The cocept of active and passive income is very important to know the meaning of each one in order to know how to act appropriately. regards
Many people invest in stuff they don´t understand. This is suicide.