In any company, regardless of the sector to which it belongs, exercising management control, evaluating compliance, results of decisions, management policies related to its income, expenses and assets are issues that must be evaluated and corrective measures must be applied to achieve profitability objectives.

Thus, it is necessary for companies to apply internal control measures as an instrument to monitor and verify the speed of financial resources and the proper handling of assets for the purpose of the study of current events.
As we have already mentioned before, internal control is a system that comprises the organizational plan, policies, standards, as well as methods and procedures adopted within an entity or organization subject to legal structures.
The purpose of this is to safeguard its resources, verify the accuracy and veracity of its financial and administrative information, promote efficiency, economy and quality in its operations, stimulate the observance of prescribed policies, and achieve compliance with its mission, objectives and goals.

In this sense, it is pertinent to address internal controls to define and ensure due process in some movements and reconciliations where current assets are involved.