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RE: All Six Canadian Banks Downgraded Simultaneously - Get Ready for System Failure

in #financial8 years ago

There are those who see it. There are those who see it when their told. And there are those who simply cant. Too bad so many are in the last category.


Words of Wisdom. We live in a culture where we think third world problems simply cannot happen in America and the "Western Nations". Get six months of food and water, get silver, get as much cash out of the bank as possible now and get something to protect it. No one ever died preparing for the future in a practical manner. Financial collapse will happen, if not soon than in s year, maybe three, but it will happen, and those who did not listen to reasonable preparations will be left out to the wolves. Trust in God but prepare. Your shield is your best weapon.

We are currently in the second longest bull run in US history putting us potentially just months away from the worst financial disaster in human history. prepare, and pack it in indeed.