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RE: Pointilism cicada 7 to 9th day, and brief steps to do pointilism

in #fineartnow6 years ago

I love this kind of drawing because I not good in art. And this would be easy for me to apply :p. So far, I good in color pencil only. I definitely will try this out but first need to get marker pen. You have any suggestion which type of marker pen good for art? I still try to find in aliexpress and I a bit blur with so many of choices and didn't know which one is good.Hi @naomipangolin, this was an interesting drawing. I like it very much. And tempted to try it as well. May I know, whether you applied any base color in some portion of the picture? or it purely dotted.


Yes, this is all dots, no pre-colored by paint or color pencils. If you don't rush it with no deadline, and size not too big(it was A4 size), you could also do this easily!!Hi @oliviackl! Thank you for your appreciation and interest!!

The marker pens I used are these.

I believe any marker would work. Mine is about 2 USD for this set, very cheap one for kids😅. Maybe the color would fade easily?

The only thing is the size of the dots. If it is very small, it will take forever😅 see if you could test them at the shop and compare which one is comfortable for you.

If anything, don't hesitate to ask me here or direct message me by discord under same name😊

oh.. I have the marker pen same as yours but my dot is a bit bigger 😅. And I don't know how to make use of it because marker pen always a disastrous for me when i do coloring :p. Guess I need to get a small dot like yours to get it started.

When you apply the dot, you apply the whole area with the same color first or finish it part by part. Because in coloring, we always color the base first, then only darken the outer layer.

@oliviackl Bigger dots are no problem! No worries, I suggest try with what you have at home now first. 😊

How I did is, go from lightest to dark.
You have the same marker pen with mine?
I normally use yellow.
Its easy to cover up the mistake too, since it is not so strong.
Orange is also light, since the bug is in warm color.

The way I do it is not systematic you know😅
I did the head with yellow, orange and light brown... Then I got fed up, so I went to do the day I went back to do the head again😅

Also I am checking the balance. Is it dark enough or color strong enough then others? So I go back and forth the whole time.

But other artist, like few friends of mine, starts from the left upper corner and finish at right bottom corner withought going back!! Incredible....

There is no correct way for art making.
As long as the way suits you😊

And maybe in future I will post more detailed steps on pointilism.. Yah.. For now, you could also refer my previous post to see the dotting progress. I hope this helps;

[Day 1 to 3]

[Day4 to 6]

@naomipangolin, Yes i have the same marker pen as yours only the size of the tip a bit bigger than yours :p. Thank you for the guide. And definitely will take a look on the other 2 links you provided. Yay, can't wait on your future post.