Your personal Hungry Squirrel GIF. I tried adding footprints but that really looked weird. Didn't work out the way I planned, but it's all yours.
Life is much more fun with you in it
Your personal Hungry Squirrel GIF. I tried adding footprints but that really looked weird. Didn't work out the way I planned, but it's all yours.
Life is much more fun with you in it
😍😍 THANK YOU, Agmoore! 🤗🤗🤗 I LOVE this gif and am truly touched that you made it for me. (I was feeling like a grump before reading this but you've blasted that away better than a stick of dynamite. 💜)
I can not properly express to you what these words mean to me without putting in at least a chapter's worth of writing in this reply. I'm sincerely happy that you feel so. 💕
That GIF didn't come out right...but yours is just priceless. Thank you!!
Though it may not have come out the way you wanted, I love it and that you made it for me makes me very happy! I hope that you're having a lovely Sunday, Agmoore!